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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. The American definiiton of 'liberal' is different to the European definition. Probably closer to social democracy than what we know as liberalism. And I assume he means the Democratic party? Anyway, back to the tunes...
  2. I just can't get past the nagging feeling that he's been brought in too late. In normal circumstances, a draw at Norwich? Not the end of the world, we played well by all accounts, the team is improving, however due to the lateness of the change, is it two points that we will rue in May? There will be bumps along the way with a new appointment, but the right man will get his ideas across over the long run, however there is no margin for error when you are brought in at the end of February. Owen fecking Coyle! The 'owners' should follow Brian Clough's advise and sack Cheston and whoever else was involved in that disastrous appointment too.
  3. Not sure Greer is 'deadwood', decent back up. I doubt even he expected to be playing as often.
  4. ' “I have spoken to one gentleman", it was a very genial conversation,” Mowbray said of any contact with the club’s Indian owners. ' Some bloke in the Pune office, was it?
  5. Though saying that, me GF's Mum asked for a glass of white wine... they came back with Rose- though in true British spirit, she drank it anyway!
  6. Went in a few Saturday's back, about 1pm. Was heaving. I enjoyed it, though there is so much competiton now, can't afford to drop your standards.
  7. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/15118051.Quick_learners__Guthrie_gains__feel_good_factor___Burton_Albion_1_Blackburn_Rovers_1_Talking_Points/ Just have a read of the comments...
  8. They didn't, towards the end of his stint it was obvious he was going (the fact he hadn't bothered moving out of his hotel was another giveaway).
  9. Well I wasn't actually, I was more impressed with the overall performance, it all boded well for the following season. The Lambert era was a disappointment, the fella didn't want to be here, but comparing his 5 months with Bowyer's three seasons of failure (who was blessed with better players) is a tad unfair, no?
  10. Always amazes me how poor people's memories are. This time last year we actually looked a side, beat Boro at Ewood, should have beat Burnley, but more importantly I saw a team that looked fit, with shape, with a system for the first time in years. Then as soon as I began to dream again, it seemed to dissipate. Now I'm not privy to what went on behind the scenes, but it seems fairly clear that he had decided to leave- and performances dropped off markedly. Bowyer was a poor manager, someone who couldn't get a tune out of a squad, whose quality we are unlikely to see again and after Gestede et al had departed, had us hurtling towards relegation. The whole Lambert era was a wasted opportunity and more fool him if he expected backing from these owners, but no better than Gary Bloody Bowyer? Do me a favour!
  11. I was in the gym t'other day and a music channel was on one of the TVs. What's hapenned to music videos? All looked like low budget affairs, mainly just graphics, with the lyrics of the songs plastered across the screen. Is this down to the fact that kids today just stream?
  12. Not sure he was a 'success' at Coventry, left them bottom of the league. However, he seems well thought of by Cov fans, as they realise the basket case they are. In fairness to posters, I think it was the initial shock of the leftfield appointment, as the day wore on people seemed to be warming to the idea. He seems to start well at most clubs, and a 10 week burst is exactly what we need. Though what chance he'll have long term with these owners...
  13. Interesting. Was expecting plenty of 'LOLs' 'and God help them' and such like, but seemed to be well thought of (ish) Right, need to get some new straws...
  14. League 1 certainly, administration? Just can't see it...
  15. Plenty of experience at the bottom of League 1... will come in handy next season
  16. Think they'll stick with Moeen as the spin option for at least the first few Tests of the summer. Hameed as opener, Jennings at 3.
  17. So what? It would be great publicity for the LT if they did. 'We are here to serve the local community like we have done for 100 years. We our journalists, not spokespeople and we will pour our resources into investigating the club, on behalf, of you, our loyal readers' Sounds a better back page than 'Coyle: We've (nearly) turned the Corner'
  18. To be fair, it has been about 6 months or so since his last puff piece in the media. Amazing just how many articles get written about this chap. One job in England, was crap at it, left it 5 years ago. You'd think he was well connected, or something...
  19. Half of them will be Dingles liking such posts. I would say the LT comment section is resembling this here parish more and more. Took them long enough...
  20. We hardly ever win a match. 6 wins and we now in February. There are two remaining relegation spots and it looks as if there will be four teams (Rovers, Wigan, Bristol City and Burton). Can you see us winning more games than any of the others?
  21. No real issue with Saffers playing for England if they have family ties. Cricket is nowhere near as bad as Rugby Union with its 3 year residency rule- lads ususally from Fiji/Samoa/Tonga with zero connection to England/NZ/Aus pitch up for the dosh, decimating their countries game whilst at it.
  22. Apologies for quoting you years later Parson! But oh for the days of 13,000 crowds ay? To lose 10,000 fans in a summer was tragic for the club- the legacy of it still haunts us now. Sacking Kean straight after the Wigan game would have given us a fighting chance of maintaining a decent level of support- another horrendous botch job by these owners.
  23. Could Cook have been a bit more positive setting up the declaration? Twenty or so more overs for the bowlers to play with...
  24. First time this ground has been used for a Test so it was always a bit of an unknown. I would expect to see more turners in the other Tests.
  25. But just 10 years ago, Darwen was poor and Blackburn was still a decent(ish) night out. However, the opening of the Bridgewater was the catalyst for what you see today (obviously helped by Blackburn's nightlife folding almost overnight). Blackburn could rise again with such a catalyat, the old cinema would have been perfect for a large bar to help reinvigorate the night time economy, however I always get the feeling that this isn't a priority with the powers that be.
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