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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. It's borne out of frustration. It goes without saying that Jason Lowe is nowhere near good enough to be playing centre midfield at this level. Yet, he will be picked time after time to the detriment of the team. It's also not fair on Jason himself, who is a good pro and shouldn't be the target of the ire, Bowyer has only himself to blame for the selection blind spots.
  2. Jbizzle is saying something similar on another thread, I think trying to paint the members of brfcc as perhaps even revelling in others misfortune. 'Real fans' at Ewood wouldn't say such things, right? Well pretty much every fan I heard yesterday was saying things like 'thank f*** he's injured', 'at least that injury's made Bowyer's mind up for him' etc etc.
  3. Some tremendous Diggin' In to get that draw. Lost 1 wicket all day. Shame Test players have forgotten how to do it.
  4. I was there bob, gave them a right good hiding. Spurs fans lobbing their STs on the pitch (last game of the season, go figure!), 'wot a lowd a rabbish!' Duff's final game.
  5. Know what you're saying 1864, but I think a lot of it must be down to budget cuts. For example, the TVs/big screen offering used to be called 'RoverVision' with theme music, screencards, a proper studio etc. Now it's Neil Yardley pitch side reading out the teams, then legging it up to the gantry to do the commentary for Radio Rovers, then legging it back down to do the half time (now pitiful) draw, then legging it back to do the second half commentary, then chatting to the Radio Rovers host post match between interviewing players and Bowyer. Radio Rovers is the same, no features, no guests, hardly any callers. Just a load of crap music pre match (who listens to music on medium wave these days!), then a studio chat and a couple of interviews post match. Think back to the glory days and it was a completely differnt operation.
  6. No, but plenty said that sacking Allardyce WAS wrong. In fact, I went on and on about it to anyone that would listen from day 1. Pull out my posts from the time or have been sitting in my area of Ewood. Ok, with minimal invesment who had more chance of keeping us up there? The bloke who had seen and done it or a punt in to the unknown? We had just tried that after Hughes went. Just admit it Shaun, it was a dreadful, unnecessary desicion that has hastened our demise.
  7. Absolutely unreal that after the last 5 years, Allardyce still has his detractors. It's not just this place, a bloke at Ewood told me it 'was still the right decision' on Friday. Such nonsense used to make me angry, now I'm just bemused. All the club needed was to hold on to the PL for 3/4 more years, just look at also ran PL clubs like West Brom, they can now turn down £30million bids for their players and buy their own at £15million+ solely down to the new TV deal. Look at what well run clubs like Swansea are acheiving on average crowds of 20,000. Those clubs could and should have been us. As John Williams used to say, 'we are the model' for aspiring middle to small ranked football clubs. Keeping Allardyce would have helped us be part of the PL cartel for the forseeable future, securing our future for generations, but 'it was still the right decision' he said as he looked out on an empty Ewood Park as we sat in the bottom 3 of the Championship.
  8. I got in the car just as 'Xavier' came on. They rarely have callers on these days, especially so close to full time. As others say he was obviously lined up beforehand. Didn't sound Lancastrian. Spent 10 minutes babbling on about the fans, then probably realised he should be a bit more balanced, said we needed to buy a striker and went. Very odd.
  9. Tough tour of the UAE coming up, we all remember the last one and Pakistan have a tremendous record there. Seeing England flounder to Lyon at the Oval doesn't bode well.
  10. To be fair it's not just England. So many Test matches are seeing batting collapses. This series didn't see one close match. The ongoing Sri Lanka/India series has seen India skittled for 120 in the first Test, Sri Lanka the same in the second test. The art of saving the game/coping with scoreboard pressure seems to be vanishing.
  11. Good to see Jos play, he needs a good knock with the ODIs and T20 Finals Day (hopefully!) to come..
  12. I'm sure he does have the club's best interest at heart, but it is a question of competence. I often hear about how Bowyer has brought the famed 'stability', 'saved us from relegation' (now into the third season since then, by the way), eye for a player etc. No issue with those statements, but what do you see in August 2015 that means he should stay on. HOW are we improving? what do you think is his style of play and does it impress you? What do you think of his results in 2015? What do you think of his tactics/in game management? Sentiment gets you nowhere in the modern game and airy statements like 'he needs 4 years', 'has the club at heart', 'learning his trade' etc. cuts no ice with me and it shouldn't with anyone who has the best interests of BLACKBURN ROVERS at heart, not the career development of Gary Bowyer.
  13. So we 'get behind the manager' for ever more? Paul Ince was out of his depth and the fans let the board (and Ince) know about it. That WAS suppoprting the club as it was in BRFC's best interest for him to leave. However, as there is no longer an executive board at Ewood Park, any protests will fall on deaf ears- Bowyer knows this and it all feeds in to the complacent atmosphere that is pervading through the club.,
  14. Of course, but he is attempting to be too circumspect, poking around for 30 balls and then getting out. Look at Stokes for an example of an aggressive batsman in limited overs adapting his game for Tests whilst still keeping the score moving.
  15. In the Greame Swann era the Oval was often dry and partial to turn. But as spin is obviously not our best suit these days, I doubt the ECB would want to go down that road. Buttler needs to remember what got him picked in the first place. His keeping has improved markedly but it was for his aggressive lower order batting that got him the nod.
  16. I love the game of cricket and its decline in the public consciousness since leaving free to air TV has been a real shame. However, this series has captured a lot of peoples attention, not 2005 levels granted, but in my office, out and about etc. I've heard plenty of folk discussing the cricket again, great to hear.
  17. Aussies just can't cope with the moving ball, be that seam, swing or spin. They were also tonked in spinning conditions in India.
  18. Would be interesting if Alex Hales could take on the Warner role. Cook and Hales would be a great contrast. Never really done it in four day cricket for Notts though.
  19. Without doubt. It is a fine balance, you don't want too many 'crease occupiers' as before you know it you can be a few wickets down with not much on the board. However, the likes of Cook and Rogers are invaluable.
  20. Almost a two day Test! I am enjoying the crash, bang, wallop approach to this (and the NZ series), I doubt Warwickshire's Cheif Exec is though!
  21. Listening to Chris Rogers last night, he reckons the pitch will crack more and more as the game wears on, so we defintely don't want to be chasing much 4th innings. Put the game to bed today lads!
  22. Interesting to see the pitch. Our bowlers need it to do a bit, another flat one and we won't get 20 wickets.
  23. His 'barbs' are so naff though. 'You've as much charisma as my underpants'
  24. Looks like a rain dance will be required for Sunday
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