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blue phil

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Everything posted by blue phil

  1. That's what Jan said to Souness..........just after he turned her offer of a date down
  2. Height had nothing to do with it . If he had positioned himself better and put in a bit more commitment Kanu would not have scored . Not the only time yesterday he was lacking in commitment and positioning . Not that he was the only one . It's a sad indication when our only decent player is Savage and I hope he spoke his mind in the dressing room afterwards . I have to say I feared for us yesterday when I saw both Pederson and Bentley in the midfield . Both are lightweight and tend to drift out the game for the odd hour or so and neither have the quality of Tugay to create space and time for themselves . Maybe if Mokoena had played in front of the back four rather than in it ....
  3. Well I watched the game in the pub yesterday . Not a pleasant experience . Any more displays like that and even the pubs will start to empty ...
  4. That's surprising . The way the number of satellite channels are increasing , though , it can only be a matter of time before most people have access to all the dodgy channels at home or via the net . The prem have to cut off the scource or they're just pi$$ing in the wind in the long run . I have a mate , for eg , who watches some of the Rovers game on some Chinese station over the net ......not in English though .
  5. Yes . A return to lower attendance prices , more relative to income If , as Paul says (with maybe a little inside knowledge ) , we see the Rovers and Sky clamping down on the local pubs it will be like the modern day equivelent of the Luddites. Trying to ban cross border TV transmissions is futile . Maybe they should stop selling their product to the Al Jazeeras of this world . Or would that cost them too much money ?
  6. Alcohol has always been legal in our society - well maybe not yours but you get my drift - but to use this as an argument to legalise drugs that are vastly more addictive and ruinous to people is just plain daft . I suppose at the end of the day it's all about how healthy a population you want and the govt's role in achieving that aim . Personally I don't agree with too much state interference in peoples' lives but living where I do I see on an almost daily basis what hard drugs can do to those without the education and motivation to walk away from the pushers - (or the shop counters if they were made legal). The story about the girl and her junkie 10 year old kid is no surprise to me - that's what hard drugs reduce people to . It turns what could be normal people into little more than animals . If the state is going to interfere it should do so by positive measures , not by copping out and helping to dope up its younger citizens just because it lacks the political will to do right by them .
  7. Off the streets or from controlled retailers , what does it matter ? Would anything other than a strictly enforced clampdown on drugs distribution have saved the girls' kid ? I doubt it ....unless of course , the controlled retailers are going to accompany the buyer 24 hours a day and monitor every fix they take . Anyway I'm glad we seem to have sorted out the "stringing up" business - it would save time , though , if you developed a brain and learned to think before posting
  8. You're dreaming . Grassing up pub landlords who are trying to make a bit of money in hard times will do nothing to enhance the Rovers' reputation . And the way technology is moving this subject will be irrelevant in a couple of years - we'll all be able to access any game over the net or through TV at home . The answer is for Williams and co to try and encourage people through the gates . Not an easy task ....but threatening the big stick isn't going to work . As for the police - well they've surely got better things to do with their time . I'll be watching the game in a pub tomorrow - and won't be happy if I see some snitch edging toward the phone
  9. "Strung up" doesn't really mean anything on its own - talk about selective quoting !! I tell you what , Flops , I'll do it for you (see above) NB - the all important word , "suppliers"
  10. Up to a point , American ; this case doesn't just effect the individual ....unless all drug users were to be sterilised before being dished out drugs , which is a thought..... Flopsy , try reading my post with a little more care and you'll see that I never advocated killing the girl . (Mind you I didn't NOT advocate it..... )
  11. I wonder if the legalisation of all drugs - as some of the half wits on here suggest - would make the above incident more or less likely . Or whether the incident would be more or less likely if the suppliers of the same drugs were to be strung up as an example to their peers . Either way it's a shocking indictment that our education system produces such people . Which reminds me .....congratulations to the government for producing record numbers of exam successes this year - for the umpteenth year running
  12. Well I reckon they've got the first 4 correct - although I reckon UTD will push Chelsea all the way . I'd still put Rovers in Newcastle's place though . 7th doesn't count ..... In fact the top end of the table could be the same as last year
  13. Not like you to totally misunderstand a post , Scotty ...
  14. It certainly seemes from my vantage point that Todd poked the NZ guy in the eye . As long as he's on the pitch he's an accident waiting to happen . A total liability . As for Savage , it was quite amusing to see him have a tussle with the gigantic NZ No 5 ....and then slink away and take his revenge with a typically stupid challenge on an entirely innocent - but much smaller - NZ player on the wing . At least he has more sense than Todd
  15. Only if it's Gretna Green , Frosty Boy ....
  16. It could have been worse , FLB ....just think if it had been Flops correcting you on your mis-use of our sacred language
  17. Maximising revenue will frighten off thousands of home fans - it already has done . If those fans are sacrificed for the greater good they WON'T return . If they don't return their kids won't come and the fan base goes down and down . Personally speaking , I'm lucky in that a season ticket is fine for me - I'm available anytime for the games . But if I didn't have a season ticket these prices would have been the last straw (and no I don't want to sit in the bike shed!) . My party take a total of 4 kids ; those future fans would all be put in jeapardy if we were walk on fans . Like the supermarket ad says ...once they're gone , they're gone !
  18. League cup matches aren't an attractive fixture any more - part of that is down to the fans having to prioritise their budgets . Even a tenner is too much for an early round milk cup fixture when you've paid £100 for a real match for the family a few days previously . Reduced prices for ATTRACTIVE fixtures which won't sell out anyway (ie ...any match these days !) has not yet been tried out . It should be . If , as Paul says , the Rovers have given up on the fanbase and are trying to concentrate simply on game-by-game maximum revenue approach , then they are surely helping to kill us as a force in the long term . It's not all about short term economics/accounting ; it's about increasing the long term fan base - and here we have an advantage over similar sized clubs because of the Sky money and the Walker trust money . The board are not doing enough with regards to increasing the fan base . They have to get kids in the ground even if it costs them in the short term .
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