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Everything posted by Anti-Dingle-Brigade

  1. Bingo. Played Gears but didn't look like it so thought they must mean God. I know Shopto are cheap, I use them too, but even new releases such as Army Of Two were £36.99, so I just wondered why it wasn't as high as a standard new game.
  2. The only thing that concerns me about Dark Sector is the price. It isn't too high, but is unusually low. Normally decent games are £37 ish on Shopto but it will be £30 straight away. Does anyone know why it has such a low release price? It does look good though, I've heard people comparing it to God Of War but haven't played any God Of War games so no idea what to expect. It's a "maybe" for me. If you guys get it and like it, I might give it a try. Will there be a demo on the PS Store by any chance?
  3. Cheers, I'll download it. If I post up a review chances are it will be completely wrong so don't take much notice of me
  4. Crysis on the PS3 sounds like a real possiblity, been some strong rumours in the past few days. Some technical company games development head guy posted on another forum explaining why the 360 wouldn't be getting it (some hardware incapaticy or something) but it looks as though they are having discussions for PS3. Would be great if they can get it. Also, GTA IV is getting closer. Oh and Cocker, I've herd that the new GT will have the Top Gear Test track, you heard anything about that? Would be great trying to beat the Stigs score
  5. Yes indeed, but you need a Gamecube controller, although they are dirt cheap anyway. Also, the games tend to go for a few quid each so it's not like you are splashing out £49.99 per game.
  6. Petrov completely sold Neill for the cross in which Elano scored, it was entertaining watching him attempt to scrabble back and catch up with Petrov.
  7. I can't believe Ubisoft haven't put subtitles on their biggest game. I'm partially hearing impaired and without subtitles I have no chance of following what people are saying.
  8. Well I picked up Assassins Creed and not CoD4. Before you bite my head off, multiple reasons. 1) Assassins Creed was on special offer (£35). 2) I already have a good shooter (Resistance) and haven't come close to completing it yet, so I figure I'll wait until I get bored of R:FoM before picking up another shooter. Will be having a play on Assassins Creed tonight.
  9. Buying a game this weekend, choices are: Uncharted The Orange Box Assassins Creed CoD4 Other (Specify) All for PS3. Help me out
  10. I agree about the arcade comment, the combos make it less attractive to me. Probably a rental if I want a play of a fun arcade style game, although it is a bit of a shame because the graphics are pretty good, it has potential.
  11. It isn't too bad at all, aiming is similar to Kane and Lynch and the running/rolling interactions remind me of Gears of War. It looks decent graphically as well. The storyline looks a little bit crappy for me, but it looks like a good online game. The combo thing is stupid but I got some great first time headshots and a crackshot. EDIT: I see Cocker playing the demo as we speak. EDIT2: Had another go, I seem to be getting better with 5 crackshots It looks like a GoW/K&L mixture in regards to the first person interaction in my opinion,
  12. The Club is just finishing downloading now, set it off about an hour ago. Will report back with findings in a few.
  13. That looks pretty decent, if/when there is a demo out, I will give it a download. Looks like a Kane and Lynch/GTA mixture to me. Just 4 days to go
  14. If it was the RLOD I doubt the shop could have done anything.
  15. Super Mario Galaxy seems to be the top game at the moment. Zelda is great if you have played Zelda before, if it is your first time, i would go for something else. Call of Duty on the Wii might be an interesting FPS although there are not many missions available from what I have heard. Driving game? Exite truck is pretty fun, although you might want a more street racing type of game like Need For Speed? Not sure if NFS Pro Street or whatever it is called is out for the Wii?
  16. Would we not go through on goal difference? The head to head rule is just stupid imo, should be goal difference. If that is the case, we just have to win by two clear goals to top the group I guess.
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