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  1. Far from the best venue in the north west, door staff too heavy handed for that, bordering on the unpleasant. That accolade has to go to Band on the Wall in Manchester for sheer variety of music, great staff, great crowd and cheap drinks, wins hands down every time. culture feat. Kenyatta, 22nd march should be a belter. The venue across from 53 degrees is called Mad Ferrit, it's a great live music venue, would happily recommend it to anyone, please support, well worth a visit.
  2. WAS one of my fav Stones tracks, thats 40 mins of my life I'll never get back
  3. Went to see Kanda Bongo Man at Band on the Wall on Friday, very joyous and uplifting. Saw this lot at 53 degrees in Preston on saturday, really enjoyed them. Lead singer gotta a great voice, great musicians and great tunes too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoiR3HQEz-M Goint to see Femi Kuti at the Ritz in M/C 4th July, excited.com And Vintage Trouble on 17th July at 53 Degrees, tickets only £11, be rude not to go Going to see Soul Rebels Brass Band at Band on the Wall, 25th July, don't know much about them, but looks fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RWRa-7vd-Q&feature=related and also Beat Herder starts on 29th of June, great local festival, about five miles East of Clitheroe. Ultra relaxed and friendly. Sold out this year but worth keeping your eyes open for next year
  4. Went out on the Cube today, can't even begin to tell you how impressed I was with it, it really is a flying machine. I think I might be in love
  5. Paul, picked the Cube up today, it's a thing of great beauty. Bought some pedals for £50 and they chucked a pair of shoes in, worth £65, for free. Happy days. Not been out on it yet, just been practicing getting my feet in and out of the clips. Thanks for the help
  6. Paul, am picking up the Cube on Saturday. A thousand for the bike, plus pedals. Is it acceptable to ask them to throw the shoes in for nowt? And maybe a mile /speedometer?
  7. Put a deposit down today on the cube. Got to go to lancaster next week to pick it up. went for the triple in the end. Was never great up a hill, even when younger. Means I can go anywhere, with anybody (and not get off and push ) Any suggestions on pedals? Also, as I'm spending a Grand on the bike, could I also buy the pedals from the same shop and ask them to throw in a pair of shoes for free?
  8. Yes Paul, missed about the triple, brain turning to mush after too long looking at my screen. Can't seem to find one, anyway. Looking at this now, http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=cube%20peloton%20race&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CIYBEBYwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cube.eu%2Fen%2Froad%2Fperformance%2Fpeloton-race%2F&ei=cJ7PT439Lcbh8AOEteDuDA&usg=AFQjCNFElZUR4hUF2y5NqtPT2lMFprF97w&cad=rja Rang Winstanley's at wigan, they not got one in my size but are contacting Cube and will get back to me tomorrow. Also looked at this from Broadgate Cycles but doesn't come in a triple http://www.broadgatecycles.co.uk/bikes/road/cannondale/cannondale-caad8-tiagra-2/ Looked at this too from Fulwood Cycles in Preston, but they have none in stock and said it may be 'a few weeks' before they have any. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=giant%20defy%202%202011&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CH4QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.giant-bicycles.com%2Fen-gb%2Fbikes%2Fmodel%2Fdefy.2%2F7842%2F45447%2F&ei=0bLPT5zbHPSS0QWussnJCw&usg=AFQjCNGjrn5N5-AOoSExtTdathYI6p-1Nw&cad=rja Am considering waiting till autumn but the bike I really want (cube) maybe difficult to get then. Any input still much appreciated.
  9. Thanks O2G, got my heart set on a road bike, can use my hybrid for touring. Got my hybrid from Broadgate cycles, nice people but been really naffed off with them since, took them 7 days to fix my buckled wheel last week. Really fancy the Cube Attempt, http://www.bikeradar.com/gear/category/bikes/road/product/review-cube-bikes-attempt-triple-11-43155 Can't work out if I can get it in triple or not, yet. Thanks for your help.
  10. I'm thinking about buying a new road bike. The one that's grabbed me most is the Cannondale Caad8 Tiagra (budget is about £1,000) Only thing is, I'm in my 50's and 15 stone. How is the gearing for getting up hills? Any advice greatly appreciated. EDIT Am riding a hybrid and never had a proper road bike, so never been an issue before.
  11. I went a couple of years ago, the security were a bloody nightmare. Searches going on everywhere, anyone caught with even the tiniest amount of anything they shouldn't have had were handed over to the police, taken to the local nick and refused entry back into the festival when released a few hours later. Never seen anything like it.
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