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Everything posted by J*B

  1. Who's his agent? p.s. 15,000 people have put more money in Venky's pockets.
  2. Real Madrid sign a 16 year old that has played 17 minutes of senior football for £38m. I give up on modern football.
  3. Tomorrow morning 09:15 once Senior has told the web team exactly what to put.
  4. Uno grande San Miguel por favor. Easy enough if you ask me.
  5. Incredible atmosphere - much better than England games. 95% of the crowd where behind AJ so made real noise in the 5th / 11th. Had quite decent seats because we had the ring and big screens both in eyeline. Essentially unless you are front of the lower tier, everyone is watching the screens - so its like watching sky sports, with atmosphere. Still, biggest fight in UK history, i'd have been happy to go without the screens.
  6. Just got back. What a fight! Get AJ vs Wilder while Fury has a warm up fight and gets back to weight. Then Bellew vs Parker - on the promise that when Bellew wins (Parker is a joke - one of the least qualified world champions ever, he's basically admitted he knows that and wants to cash it in) he retires and leaves a belt vacant. Then AJ vs Fury for all the belts at the start of next year.
  7. Cue '404 not found' sometime in the next 12 hours.
  8. Can we not have the direct upload option back? It's painstaking trying to upload an image from mobile.
  9. Glenn has the option to upload images direct into replies from your phone been taken away perminantly? It was very useful.
  10. I have no idea what CCR it is, but it isnt the name of the band.
  11. Get your season tickets, League 1 all but confirmed now.
  12. All well and good signing loan players if they are playing and in a successful team, but when push comes to shove, it's backs against the wall... they're useless, because they know it makes no odds to them come the end of the season. They aren't committed.
  13. Still convinced Fury beats any heavyweight around, pretty easily. Parker isn't elite level and only has a belt because Fury gave up so many titles - it wouldn't surprise me if Hughie goes over there and wins now his Dad is allowed in the country. Will be a rough crowd, as long as he doesn't let it go to points he will come back a world champ for me. Wilder has all the attributes but is being managed away from the top fights for some reason by his team. As above, his last 9 fights aren't the type of fights that make a champion. At the time I was happy Tyson did manage to take the belts off Klit (he was holding too many hostage over in Germany), but looking back now it has meant that people who aren't at the elite level have ended up with belts.
  14. Crolla has very little option unfortunately, Linares tactically beat him the first time (although it was close) and tactically demolished him the second time. Great fighter, lots of heart, top person but not quite on the elite level Linares is - not that many are. Going up against Burns gives him a big English fight, Danny Garcia next for Linares in a real blockbuster Vegas night. Haye's a waster, a talker. Good fighter way back then but even if he is ready for November, he won't be sensible and take a warm up fight - he'll end up being battered by Fury on his way back.
  15. If Fury can be arsed he's the best heavy weight for a long time. He's big, agile, can take a punch and can give one. Theres a reason Haye, Chisora and Klitchko dodged him for so long. The best version of Tyson clears up the entire division in 12 months. The worst version of Tyson is off his nut on coke, depressed and 30 stone.
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