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awhom111 last won the day on March 22 2019

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  1. Six match ban for a tackle that ended Andy Polo's season.
  2. This was not the MLS news that I expected to see. I was going to wait until it was fully resolved before posting in the last thread about him, but Derrick Williams is waiting to hear about how many matches his ban will be after getting sent off for a horrific tackle last week on Andy Polo. Polo will miss the rest of the season (calendar year seasons, so at least until December) and Williams has been hearing from opposing fans and also from Peruvians who would prefer to have all of their players for World Cup Qualifying and Copa America. I figured that Williams would be on slightly more than Henley was during his failed spell in MLS and seen more as backup than a regular starter, but he was playing as soon as he was healthy and it turns out that he is making quite a bit and it would have been unlikely for him to get similar offers anywhere else. There has also been the gentleman's agreement between teams that made it very difficult for players to leave their teams unless the teams wanted them to. Vincent Janssen is the latest player to have moved over in the prime of his career and been reasonable successful.
  3. A bored Football Manager players played a whole season with Jones at striker for PSG for fun to see if they were still dominant in Ligue 1 and he bagged 40+ goals.
  4. In their first season, they managed 4 points in 7 games. Given how amateur clubs at this level work, at some point they might just disappear and we will be the only people to remember that they ever existed.
  5. I went through the accounts and looked up the transfer numbers for past seasons since relegation. The first column is purchases during that year. It should count all guaranteed payments associated with the transfer, regardless of when they have to be paid. The second column is cash spent on transfers, regardless of when the purchase was made. It should include add-on payments made during those periods as well. The third column is cash received from transfers, regardless of when the sale was made. It should also include add-on payments received.
  6. Not a surprise at all just like when Henley moved. He's also American so does not count against foreign player limits. Presumably his salary is not too high to make it unreasonable for him to make a move.
  7. It will be the first time that the Brereton transfer hits any published accounts so we may get more insight there.
  8. Surprised that nobody has mentioned the latest share issue that was posted today: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07406020/filing-history Looks like another injection of cash totaling 9.625 million.
  9. I have done these summaries for a few years so I will do one again, but most of the relevant information has been covered here. Of course, I do accounting related work 250 days a year already and the accounts have to finally be posted on one of the few weekdays where I am not working. As an accountant who prepares financial statements, that is the perspective that I tend to take when looking at accounts and it is always beneficial to also look at the perspectives of people with other backgrounds in finance and accounting. Page number references are to the page in the accounts themselves and not to their page number of the electronic file. Page 14 gives us key information about cash flow for the year. We spent about 700k on transfers and received 1.05m on transfers. We spent about 800k on payoffs, a decrease from the year before and page 6 tells us that new payoffs totaling 400k were agreed on during the year. Page 22 has our purchases for the year at 867,500. Dack was purchased before this period started so this should primarily include the likes of Samuel, Downing, and Bell and it looks like all of our business for this season did not start until July. This season's business, which does not include January since that was after the date of the accounts, resulted in net purchases of 7.6m, which should only cover guaranteed payments. Pages 24 and 25 give us more information about cash we owe or are owed for transfers. We are still owed 1.3m this year and 10k in future years from sales and owe 1.2m this year and 375k in future years. Potential add-ons that we could owe total 2.1m. Obviously, with our purchases in the summer, the scale of transfers will change significantly. Here is a chart of purchases per year: Here is cash related to transfers and payoffs: As expected, turnover decreased due to the difference in media deals in League One as shown on page 20. That should recover this season while Matchday and Commericial income held well and should increase as well this season, but the graph shows just how far we have fallen over time. The wage bill has fallen again, although it figures to increase this season and staffing levels continue to drop as well. After a few seasons with not much in way of transfers, we are back to adding in a lot of expense other than wages. Income should increase to a higher level than our relegation season, but still below the parachute payment days. Our wage bill will probably not be as high as it was during the relegation season either, but presumably will get there soon after new contracts and signings. More importantly, after a few years of clearing out some of the costs from past moves, we are committing ourselves to more costs now and in the near future.
  10. The MLS players' union releases salary information on all players. Depending on the exchange rate at any given time, he was on about 10,000 pounds per week. The Galaxy had an option to extend his contract for a season, but did not pick it up. In theory, I think this means that another MLS club could pick it up if they want although that does not sound likely. They had a poor season so they are probably looking at using the salary cap space freed up by not having him at the same salary next year for something else.
  11. ESPN+ for those of us in the United States.
  12. Yes, you can search for the online service ESPN+. They currently offer one week free trials and you can watch it as a replay if you end up being busy at that time.
  13. ESPN+ is a new subscription online service that moved the Football League distributed games away from their previous free online service. It is possible to get a 7 day free trial.
  14. In the United States at least, Eleven Sports has picked up the Liverpool game. It will be live on their Twitch and then delayed on their lightly-subscribed television channel at 5pm EDT.
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