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Sandiway Blue

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Everything posted by Sandiway Blue

  1. Phenomenal throwing average by the Power! How can anybody compete with that?
  2. Cheers hope you have a good do! Can`t wait for tomorrows final,should be a cracker if both players are on form. My money`s on `The Power`.
  3. Have you been to one of these events before? I had a look at the darting calendar and it would seem the `partypoker.com grand slam` is on the same week as my birthday in November and it looks like it would be a good do. Is there a way you could get the tables near the front or do you have to be a regular to get so close?
  4. I watched `The Pursuit of Happiness` starring Will Smith last night.What a really good film! Great acting off Will and whilst normally I don`t get emotional with regards to films,in this instance i couldn`t help myself.Partly because there were some parallels to my own personal life,but mainly because you really get a sense of the desperation of Smiths character in his struggle to give his son a decent standard of living. If you haven`t seen this film yet I thoroughly reccommend it.
  5. Best band i have seen live,they put on a great show and the music is flawless.
  6. How did Chris Martin`s voice hold up live? He always sounds dodgy when i`ve heard their concerts on the radio,which is a shame because i love their music.
  7. Must admit i got to Gordon Riggs regularly (local garden centre) great tasting veg and very cheap too.Also lasts far longer than mass produced supermarket mush.
  8. Last season i would have said no,but i think he has realised that he isn`t going to get a move to a big 4 club due to his age.I think now we will see the Benni of old and he will bang in quite a few goals between now and the end of the season.He has also shifted a fair bit of weight which will help his mobility no end,give him a few more games and hopefully we will start to get 90 minutes out of him on a regular basis.
  9. http://www.thealmainn.com/Default.aspx Just come back from the Alma Inn at Laneshawbridge having met for lunch with relatives.Average prices,although a bit steep for kids (£9.90 for two courses ) but very nice food indeed.A lot of homemade and local food with plenty of variety.Homemade steak and kidney pudding was very good indeed! Pity missus couldn`t go as she was working,but that just gives me an excuse to go again.
  10. Best band i`ve seen live was The Prodigy at Oasis`s Knebworth gig `95. At the time i was a big Oasis fan (back in the days when they made good songs! ) and i have to say The Prodigy blew them right off stage,i would love to see them at a smaller venue.
  11. The funeral is on Saturday. Ince told Benni to go see his dad when he was taken ill ,i just hope he got a chance to see his dad before he passed away. Fair play to Ince on telling him to go out there and be with his family. Link to Ince interview on the matter here... http://www.skysports.com/video/clips/0,237...4498695,00.html
  12. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bwfq2QLmBS8 For those that haven`t seen it yet,the latest Orange advert with Angelica Houston is one of the best they have done. Superb!
  13. I used to go to Cleveleys kitchens (same firm) a lot in the summertime.Excellent food,homemade steak puddings were fantastic mmmm! .I always finished off with the strawberry cheesecake,the best i have tasted (and the biggest!).
  14. Well i saw the latest Bond film tonight and it was very good,without giving anything away it is no longer a 2 part story but has now become a trilogy! Worth watching,go see it and enjoy!
  15. I am not usually into subtitled films but the other night i watched `The curse of the golden flower` with Chow Yun-Fat and have to say i thought it was brilliant .At the moment it is on Sky movies and is well worth the watch,even more so if you have HD as it is one of the most colourful films i have seen.
  16. For those that live Rossendale way: BEST INDIAN: Ashoka at Rawtenstall,best curry outside of Manchester`s curry mile,also the Copper Pot at Rochdale is very good with great service too. BEST ITALIAN:Mario`s Bacup,known the guy for years.Very good food indeed,they do Veal which is something you don`t see too often.David Beckham used to go there too when he lived in England! BEST CHINESE RESTAURANT: The Red Chilli at Bacup good food.I think they also have a restaurant in Manchester too? BEST CHINESE TAKEAWAY:The Friendly kitchen at Whitworth takes some beating for value.Dishes around the £4 mark including rice and you get plenty.Also there is a cantonese on Burnley road in Bacup called The Happy Valley that does salt and pepper chicken fillets.Mmm superb!
  17. Well i went to watch The mummy:Tomb of the Dragon Emperor with the missus and kids.I`m just glad it was Orange Wednesday,because i would have been well peeved if i had to pay full whack for it! To be honest very similar to the first 2 films with near enough the same formula. Ok if you are taking the kids,as they will enjoy it.But really you get the feeling the franchise has run it`s course now. It sounds like there will be a Mummy 4 set in Peru,if there is they will have to try a whole lot better than they did with this one. Rating 5/10.
  18. Now that was an extremely bad film indeed.It tried so hard to be clever that it just failed spectacularly.Truly one of the poorest films of all time.Why Ray Liotta put his name anywhere near that turkey is a complete mystery. One film that i really like is Payback with Mel Gibson,great cast and a nice slick script to go with it.Very much an underrated film in my opinion.
  19. *to Coldplays viva la vida* I dream of watching the Rovers winning. I dream of hearing the Rovers singing, I dream of villa-nu-eva playing, And i dream of Villa-nu-eva staying, How does he do it well i can`t explain, you know he`s gonna score in every game-he`s gonna rule the world, King carlos will rule the world Followed by the very catchy ohoh-oh-oh-oh-oh.......
  20. Really? It got panned by the critics so it kind of put me off a bit.I might take the wife and kids to see it on orange wednesday! (i know i`m a bloody cheapskate! ) Is it as good as the first two films?
  21. Well the wife and i and our kids went to the piccies last night.The choice was Batman or mama mia,but we had already seen Batman.The wife and daughter wanted to see mama mia,so as you may guess me and the lad had to watch........Batman again!Both me and the lad thoroughly enjoyed it again and the wife was happy because she got to see her `chick flick`.I think Batman will be one of those films that i just will not tire of watching and is rapidly moving up the rankings of best 100 films that i have seen.
  22. Also: Keith Andrews you`re having a laugh, Keith Andrews you`re having a laugh, Keith Andrews you`re having a laugh. You could then follow with: who are ya ! who are ya ! Etc until Ince gets the point.
  23. Regarding Pete docherty,i have to say this guy is bobbins and I totally agree with Billy Castell on this .He can`t sing to save his life and the fact that young impressionable teenagers are fawning over this jumped up smack-head is extemely worrying indeed. And as for comparing him to Elvis and the Beatles tbh it is an insult.Ask anybody to name a Beatles or an Elvis song and you will get an immediate answer even though it has been well over 30 YEARS since either wrote a song.Ask anybody to name a song wrote or performed by Docherty within the last 5 years and i bet out of a room of 100 people you would be lucky to get more than 10 that would know any of his `music`, and i bet this will still be the case in 10 years from now never mind 30 years. For me the only reason people will remember Docherty in 5 years time will sadly be for his drug-taking rather than his music.
  24. Blue mooon, you spent your money too soon, it`s in a bank in Rangoon, your going down with the toon Special for the city fans! (P.s i know Rangoon is in Burma and not Thailand,but the council tenants won`t know the difference! )
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