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Sandiway Blue

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Everything posted by Sandiway Blue

  1. I have to agree.I have just seen the film this afternoon and whilst the film was good,Ledgers performance was just mesmerising,truly one of the greatest acting performances in a long time. I personally thought he made Jack Nicholsons interpretation of the Joker look ordinary. For those who haven`t seen `The Dark Knight` i would advise against taking kids younger than 10 yrs old.
  2. With regards to the salary cap,i think in rugby league it revolves around the TEAMS salary budget rather than an INDIVIDUAL persons salary,therefore it isn`t a restraint of trade (if anybody knows for definite please correct me!). If this is the case then surely it can be implemented in football?
  3. For me the only way you can judge a manager,is to look at where the club is when he starts,and where the club is when he finishes.Undoubtedly Souey was one of our best managers of the modern era,he left us in a better position than he found us,won the league cup and also treated us to a very nice derby double over our 6 fingered neighbours. Anybody who seriously loves Rovers shouldn`t really slate the guy.He joined us at exactly the right time, and he also left at exactly the right time.
  4. I think it is harsh to blame coaches at Rovers for a lack of success.I remember watching John Curtis years ago play for England schoolboys at centre half and he stood out by a long mile,head and shoulders above anybody else on the pitch,i thought blooming eck united have a heck of a player there,yet it never turned out that way.Considering he had the same coaches as the likes of Beckham Giggs etc, maybe the reason for Curtis not developing into a top class defender was down to the player himself which i suspect happens a lot with players at that level. Rovers academy might get recommended some great kids but for some reason they don`t develope into first team players. Without sounding like i am about 95 yrd old,i suspect a lack of quality players is down to the fact you don`t see anywhere near as many kids playing football on the streets,as i did when i was a kid myself. Unfortunately football is the victim of the xbox generation.
  5. A struggling spuds side at that! But they play for a `big club` so everything will be ok!
  6. Anybody notice how Hughesy does this as well by the way? (like he did against Arsenal and the bully boys tag)
  7. I agree,one thing i can say about the Chelsea side when Jose was in charge,was the fact they had desire,pride and passion in abundance,and there was a real team spirit in the camp.Almost like a siege mentality where it was a `we will show them`kind of spirit in everything they did,all the top managers do it Fergie,Wenger etc. For me this is what separates the best from the rest and more importantly would make him an ideal candidate for England manager.
  8. I must admit i feel sorry for mclown,after all it boils down to the F.A`s incompetence in not knowing their ar*e from their elbow in appointing him in the first place. To put it into perspective,Graeme Souness had a better domestic record at Rovers than Mclown had at Boro over a similar period of time. Could you imagine the outcry if Souey had got the job? What it needs is figures respected throughout the game eg;Shearer,Bobby Robson,venables etc. to advise the F.A on who would be the most ideal candidate to lead us into the european championships,and more importantly to act on that advice. Personally i would love to see Jose Mourinho get the job as he has all the criteria needed. 1. He is a winner who has experience of managing sides to success at the very top. 2. He can handle what ever the media throws at him (for me a large reason why other England managers have failed,Sven for example) 3. Most importantly he isn`t afraid to drop big names if they are not performing and will create a good TEAM of players rather than a team of good INDIVIDUAL players.
  9. I think probably the most frustrating player i have ever seen at Rovers,had the talent,but was too inconsistent. On his day though what a player!
  10. Could easily have played in the top flight.... but didn`t,and that is why he will always be Rovers supporters most favourite player ever. Altogether now......... "one Simon Garner,there`s only one Simon Garner....." Happy days and great memories.
  11. Here we go again..... Our attendance figures are as good as we can expect for Rovers. I think it is all about changing lifestyles.These days we have more options of entertainment than we have ever had,and whereas 20 years ago watching football was top of the list of things we most wanted to do,these days it is down the pecking order in so much as priority. I am sure there are many more supporters,who as much as they love Rovers,work on a matchday,as this country becomes more of a 24 hours a day,7 days a week society. Also how many people are disillusioned with the salaries paid to football players?and have the mentality of "why should i work hard all week to pay £30,000 plus a week to these overpaid prima donnas" (i`m sure we have all heard it off somebody we know!) There are many other factors as to why people `fall out of love` with footy and these are only a few of the examples. But the fact is i think our gates are as good as we are going to get,all we can do is try to persuade people who don`t go,to come and have a look at us,and hopefully regain some of their passion for the game.
  12. I totally agree. In over 30 Years of watching Rovers i have never,ever booed a Rovers player and cannot understand the mentality of "supporters" who do. In any trade or profession,i have never seen anybody respond positively and enthusiastically after being criticised or slated. Imo negativity creates negativity.
  13. Well said,it is always harder the 2nd season for a player new to the league as the other teams now know a bit more about him. As they say form is temporary but class is permanent and Benni will prove to be the class act he is.
  14. At no point on here has anybody mentioned skin colour with regards to a players performance (nor should they) but what you insinuate is too ridiculous for words.I can name players who have played for Rovers that can be described as hard working or lazy regardless of colour. Richard Brown was a hard working player albeit with limited ability as was Marlon Broomes however the same can be said of Paul Dickov and Matty Holmes.At the other end of the scale you have Dwight Yorke and Barry Ferguson who had bags of ability but not the desire to perform at the expected level. Colour was not the issue here,all players were merely judged on their performances (or non-performances) and were rated by supporters accordingly. In my view you are completely out of order and SHOULD do the right thing and apologise,and in future have a think about what you are saying before you put it into text.
  15. I think people who are criticising McCarthy this season are doing so because of 2 things: 1:He hasn`t started scoring goals at the same rate as he did last season. 2:Hinting at wanting to join another club (chelsea) in the summer (something which is common abroad but not in England as the league is more competitive) I repeat that if McCarthy was scoring goals regularly and hadn`t courted Chelsea in the summer he would receive no criticism at all. Which points to McCarthy`s criticism being nothing to do with the colour of his skin. Your accusations are really without foundation and quite offensive.
  16. i would put it down to a bad day at the office and give him a couple of games,if he still plays as bad then we should have concern. However i wonder if we would have been as negative about him if all the summer speculation hadn`t have happened. As for the moron who suggested that people didn`t like Benni because of his colour,that is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard. Frankly it is an insult to the intelligence of Rovers fans to say such things.
  17. Phew! For a minute i thought he was injured, i`ve got the bugger in my dream teams!
  18. I believe it was Uncle Jacks unwillingness to `splash the cash` on improving the squad after we had won the title. Dalglish knew the squad needed strengthening to be able to compete with the top clubs.Whereas Uncle Jacks opinion was that the squad had just won the league and was therefore better than everybody elses. Dalglish realised what would happen the following season so therefore baled out.As a thank you to Dalglish Uncle Jack offered him a job as director of football. As much as Harford was well liked and a good coach,i don`t think he was the right kind of person to be a manager.Had we got a proven manager in at the time who knows what would have happened? The benefit of hindsight eh! R.I.P Ray & Uncle jack
  19. I bet it had nothing to do with the fact that some of the hacks and england `fans` at wembley might have been arsenal fans! Bet they wish he was still there!
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