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Everything posted by chaddyrovers

  1. Amazing cos if you look at Boro local reporter comments and Andy Bayes comments both saying good signing by all accounts. You just been over negative recently and very much anti Mowbray. Mowbray knows the player and the job he can do at this level. Look at Scunthorpe when he was there and after. Have you seen him Jim? Ever going to response to my question in the Cricket or just ignore it as per usual.
  2. Rovers are delighted to announce the signing of midfielder Richie Smallwood. #WelcomeRichie ?⚪️ Read more ➡️ https://t.co/ic8XZMgIom https://t.co/kObZdHPHDj
  3. Any responses to these questions since you insulted me and my family? An apologise would be nice from you!!!
  4. Mowbray on Whittingham http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/rovers/news/15351271._Hopefully_he_will_help_us_play_as_we_want_to____Tony_Mowbray_sees_Peter_Whittingham_as_a_key_cog_in_the_Rovers_engine_room_next_season/?ref=mac
  5. Whittingham comments https://www.rovers.co.uk/news/2017/june/im-excited-to-be-here---whittingham/ Rovers going to play passing football and try to win the league
  6. Very good signing at this level. Bring experience, good at set pieces and passing.. Keep them coming Mowbray
  7. People will watch England games. India and Pakistan games will be popular. But some games wont attracted people to watch. But these games are being played when Children are still at Schools. not ideal for high turnout my step son isn't interested in sport full stop, he more interested in drama, computer games, tv series, Comics and Photography. My step daughter will watch Rovers game with me, but isn't interested in sport. She prefer Dancing, art and Tv shows still no response? WHY NOT? I'm really interested in knowing how you can judge me and my family when you don't have a clue about a life or what we do apart from what I mention on here. so what gets you the right to tell me what to do with my money that I work hard for?
  8. If want to watch cricket they will find a way. Cricket is a day sport when most ppl are working when Rugby is played on weekend. 6 nations was good this year granted but I missed of it by being at Rovers games. This winter Ashes series will be on bt sport and I dont have BT sport so I have decision to make. But with working nights I wouldnt be able to watch alot of it. I dont know who has the highlights package either..
  9. People can easily watch Cricket on tv if they want. All my family have Sky or Virgin and most of my friends do aswell. Like I said yesterday, Sky is a must in our. I will be watching the cricket today. Channel 4 coverage were getting worse slowly with them keep wanting play to start at 10.30 so that They come show Hollyoaks at 6.30.
  10. Why? Cos I think you are damn right cheeky and bang out of order Jim. You have no idea of our life or the things my kids and me and the missus are into apart from what ive mention I dont see what right you got telling anybody what to do in their life.
  11. Agreed Thats your life not mine. My kids enjoying doing what they. We have day outs aswell just for record I enjoying watching sport on tv like football, cricket, rugby, F1. etc. We have a holiday every year thanks Jim.
  12. Waste? Shut up Jim. You are talking out of backside. In our house having Sky is a must. Sport, Tv shows, movies and kids shows. Why? Should my money go to the government instead? Nope. I earn it, my right to spend it.
  13. No it wasnt.. Watched every ball of the Ashes 2005 actually..plus attending 3 full days Cricket. You cant take those memories away. Great days with friends and families
  14. But think about how much coverage of cricket Sky has and the quality. A lot of people have Sky or BT or Virgin these days. But kids these days are more interested in playing computers or on phones than playing sports. a lot of kids aren't interested in Sport. I'm paying nearly 1800 pounds per year to sky and I don't regret a penny of it due to excellent sport coverage whichever you like, loads of movies whether its kids or action or Comedy you like and some great TV shows. all of the family watch it so we have plenty of choice.
  15. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/15318715.Three_Academy_graduates_who_could_make_their_breakthrough_for_Rovers_in_League_One_next_season/
  16. Rovers wanted to keep cat 1 status http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/15317934.Rovers_remain_committed_to_Category_One_Academy_status_despite_relegation_to_League_One/
  17. to Blame Mowbray is a joke. he would have got us top 10 with his win ratio over a season. Coyle to blame for his rubbish tactics, lack of proper training, no tactically work done on the training field. just think of how many 3-2 we had and lost everyone or the poor form in December and January plus a rubbish start of the season. If Mowbray get the backing and signings he wants then I believe we can challenge for the top 2 places. Also I think we still 2 or 3 formations aswell being worked on why Wigan? set to appoint Paul Cook as manager after being turned down by Rosler and McClaren. Not convinced by some of Wigan players as last season at times they look uninterested and 3 managers changes was never going to work
  18. Yet again didnt answer the question I asked Have another go Mowbray is the agent camp? Go on then explained in full details why you say that?
  19. Mowbray is the agent camp? Go on then explained in full details why you.say that? Johnson and Dunn worked together and they are very good friends.
  20. what the problem with Tony Mowbray going to India to get the answer he wants its the closed season. I have a problem if he going during the football season 1st manager since Bowyer to go I expect Mowbray if he stays he will change his staff. Rumours of Mark Venus coming in. Possibly a new GK coach But thought Ben Benson has done alright since working with the Gks first team wise
  21. From my post yesterday From Alan Nixon in today Sun Charlie Mulgrew and Darragh Lenihan are ready to lead the Blackburn Exodus Mulgrew wants to quit after relegation to league 1 and Lenihan has interests championship clubs Steele could be targeted by Sunderland From Nixon on twitter Blackburn to sign top Scottish teen striker Kyle Connell. Was at Motherwell. Left. Shrewd one for down the line.
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