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Everything posted by chaddyrovers

  1. On Mowbray leaving Coventry, he was replaced by Russell Slade. Who has been sacked today. Only won 1 league game. Going to replace by Mark Robins according the rumours
  2. How is Butterworth finding the under 23's level? Can I ask what type of player is Mols? I expect 6 or 7 of those you mention in our 1st team squad next season of 25 players
  3. I did tell you the colours. Nothing wrong with my vision. So dont start this BS stuff. Its embaressing to read. But yet again all you want to keep talking about a tie. Very pathetic. You judge players you never seen. Time to put you on ignore I think
  4. I think Ive answered this question in my post that this reply is from. I couldn't give a monkey toss what colour his tie was. If that's all you really care about then its time you gave up supporting Rovers and get back to the day job. You haven't comment on the Mowbray ability to get the team to pick up wins and clean sheets in his first 3 games. I wonder why you haven't. Does it not suited your agenda or agency? Lets be honest you and Stuart have blown this all situation out of proportion over the colour of a tie. Very disappointed and sad to see people focusing on a tie colour instead of winning Football matches. What more important Wins or Colour of a tie? I know which one I would pick and its aint the of colour a tie
  5. Mid table means we stay up. that's is all that matters. maybe you want us to go then you can thinking what colour of tie Mowbray will be wearing next season as long as Mowbray is happy with Lowe as his number 2 that's all that matters.
  6. I really don't care tbh But to me its look like Dark Blue and light blue(The colour of the home and away kits). But I just cant believe a poster is more bothered about a tie than a Head coach winning games. What your agenda then? Mowbray is winning games. That's all matters tbh
  7. I think at his age he will have suspect moments. Think his heading is very decent. Crossing needs to work on but Under Mowbray I can see this improving. I noticed before the last 2 home games that David Lowe works with the back 4 before the game and all the back 4 work on their positioning and staying together as a unit
  8. Nyambe is playing well at the minute. Look at his performances in the last 2 games How are players like Nyambe or Raya going to keep us down? You even admit you haven't seen Nyambe played recently but you choose to judge when you have no idea. The squad is good enough in this league and should be mid table under a good manager which Mowbray is doing and performances are better. Team is more organised and there is a clear game plan and the players are playing towards which we lacked under the previous manager. The players know what the plan is and we are playing to that plan.
  9. But we aren't challenging for promotion tho Jal. We need to stay up 1st before even thinking of promotion to the PL Nyambe is currently playing well but all you do is pointless negative points about him which IMO aren't valid
  10. I was sceptical about his appointment but like others spoke and read other clubs fans opinions of his and had very positive things to say about him On Magath, I remember people on here saying he would get them promoted but I said he wasn't suited the English game or his methods who cares about a tie. the questions should be 1. are his tactics and structure of the team working? 2 Are the players playing for him and respond to his methods? 3. the most important question are we winning games and out of the bottom 3?
  11. I would be getting Nyambe to sign a new contract. Performances have improved game by game. of course he will have bad days and that's to be expected at his age but under Mowbray and his coaching team I think he will keep improving Firstly, You have to be there to judge a player and to see the improvement of a player. I think he has proven you wrong but you seem to have a personal issue with him. secondly, we are in the championship not the premiership. so its doesn't matter at this stage if he is premiership material. I will worry about that when we get there and not before.
  12. I am showing respect. But Jal is more interested in a tie than commenting on Mowbray getting the team winning, more organised and keeping clean sheet. Plus he is pro active with his subs than most managers ive seen
  13. How would you when you arent there? You cant stand it that Nyambe is proving you wrong. Its time you admitted you were wrong and that Nyambe's performances are getting better and better
  14. TBH, I couldn't give a flying toss to be honest. Mowbray is performing and producing good results and clean sheets. That's what we wanted and at the end of the day that's all that's matters not his tie and colours. If you are so pathetic to be more worried about a tie than Results so a lot where you loyalty and commitment is Plus most of the fans in the stadium are right behind and signing Tony Mowbray's Blue and White Army
  15. hasn't he worn the same club tie for the past 3 games?
  16. Clear off? another embarrassing post by you. You clearly have an agenda against certain players. Cant believe you aren't happy with Mowbray start but I guess you cant pleased everyone tho. I'm season ticket holder who haven't missed a home league game for years after years so don't start having a go at me about my loyalty or commitment to my club. did you go today?
  17. what another embarrassing post by you Mowbray has produced wins and clean sheets. clearly you don't want that or is it not part of your agenda?
  18. Thanks Parson for the report. Hopefully Hoban will be back on Saturday. Is Platt injured? Was it just Johnson on the touchline or was Wes Brown there as his number 2?
  19. I did miss a word out. It now reads Senior and Mowbray will hopefully have a good working relationship and hopefully have a plan going forward for the recruitment. For me, This is Senior 1st appointment in the role of head coach and this needs to work. Shame, Coyle was sacked sooner, But after he was Sacked we had a replacement in less than 24 hours so Senior did have a plan of sorts Will Senior do an interview saying why he choose Mowbray as head coach over possible choices.
  20. Joao was a Coyle signing and someone he wanted according Nicko and Bayes both said this. Im not sure. Senior and Mowbray will hopefully have a good working relationship and hopefully have a plan going forward for the recruitment. Last summer recruitment wasnt good enough. Coyle to blame
  21. Exactly what I've been saying for weeks. The key is having a good relationship between them. Also having a style of play/tactics that we sign players for to fit that and have a clear plan. I think Mowbray and Senior will work together on signings. But its leave Mowbray currently working on the coaching side of the club and Senior more on the recruitment side. Then when we know what division we will be playing in then Mowbray and Senior can get together and put a proper recruitment in place with specific targets for the positions we need players for. Most English clubs now have a director of football or transfer committee in place. I can only think of 3 premier league clubs where this doesn't happen. These clubs are Man Utd, Arsenal and Burnley. Exactly RV.
  22. Maybe it will help Mowbray tbh..lets him focus on the pitch and getting the team playing his way and let Senior and scouting staff find the players. Then come the summer Mowbray/Senior decide who we sign to fit the team style of play and tactics.
  23. You are totally agree there. Is the agent Dave Sheron? Like Ive said before I'm personally not interested who Mowbray's agent is. I more interest that we start winning and stay up and be a championship club next season..then we need to restructure the squad and improved the fitness of the squad this summer. But the most important thing right now is staying up Hope you had a good time in the states.
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