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Blueboy Downunder

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Posts posted by Blueboy Downunder

  1. i agree with you t4e....mcmahon...give me a break!!!!

    i would love for sir bobby to step straight into the rovers job. thing is though, whoever comes in has got to be prepared to work with no money. otherwise we are really in the smelly stuff!!

    also t4e...i agree that we need a manager who has top level experiance, someone who has been there, done that and got the t-shirt!!

  2. i too am worried that he might try and sign one or more of our players. very worried that he'll be after barry ferguson in the transfer window....

    i am absolutely gutted that he has gone, but when you have the two comparibles....some world class player/s, with money to spend.....can't blame the guy for going. all them souey detractors will now come baqck to the club and our gates should be sell outs now for rest of season.

  3. i see this thread is making it's way back to the top just because we got beat on saturday. even though i was not at the game on saturday, surely there was nothing wrong with the team performance at all. what was wrong was that the ref gave a penalty against us for the somwething that 1) 99% of other referees would not have given and 2) that kind of header, is won all the time by defenders the length and breadth of the country. we all would have been happy with a point going into the 90th minute of saturdays game.....but before it ended we are all ###### off and some again questioning soueys tactics etc etc. we don't like to blame refs at all but sometimes they gave decisions that put teams in somewhat of a sticky situation and also that beggar believe....that penalty was opne of them decisions.

  4. jan

    if as you say that you hate the team and manger, then plain and simple...."don't go and watch". you say taht you love the club...well how many times do we on here praise the administration side of thing....etc etc

    you pay your money to go and watch the very things that you HATE, but you still whinge about it. you have no arguement and not a leg to stand on if you are still willing to go and pay your money to see the very things that you....HATE!!

    or better still...why don't you apply to become our next manager...i am sure taht will shut you up.

  5. It amazes me that there are people on the other side of the world who care more about this club than some "fans" of the club in Blackburn. Some people don't know what they've got.

    that is true bob...very true mate.

    i went out to australia when i was 16years old and thought that my whole world had caved in because i thought there was gonna be no more blackburn rovers. i arrived in australia towards the end of the promotion season. we made the playoffs and i had to rely on making a phone call in the wee small hours of the morning to my uncle and when he told me that we had won, i was so happy, that i ran around like a silly @#/? at 3am screaming and shouting and waking folks up. anyway for the next 12 years i listened to the bbc world service without fail every ###### saturday night, through rubbish receptions. going to bed at all hrs. then when my mother decided to get the internet it became easier to keep intouch...listening to live commentary every saturday night and when we played midweek games...considering i started work at 5am every morning, i still listened. myself,sydney rovers,south aussie rover,pg,chris roe and the folks in brisbane (i forget his name) we all where there every weekend to listen.

    i will say taht for us lot that are in australia, and for those taht are somewhere in the world no matter where....i beleive that we do show maybe a little more passion for our club than what some people do who can get to the games. my reasons for saying that are because there are so many people in blackburn, darwen, accrington or in general around lacnashire, for whom it is quite possible to take a trip to ewood every other week....a lot of you take the club for granted. you lot won't admit it but nobody will convince me that it aint true. the minority of you are quite happy to support rovers when times are good, but when things are not good this is when the 'couldn't give a (Please don't use that word again) attitude'...shines through. we here have rovers on our doorsteps...so we should care a little more about the club than we do. for me it aint just about the money as to why folks don't renew season tix...it is just as much to do with their own attitude to blackburn rovers.

    £400 for a season ticket (hypothetically), fans go into the first game of the season full of confidence. as it turns out, we have a rubbish season, flirt with relegation but hang on in there. so this season is nearly upon us and some comments i have heard "not renewing, as i can't be bothered with another season like that".....the same prices as last season so to me the only whoops I missed off the "g" difference is the lacklustre attitude that some have for this club. on the other hand most people (i would hope) have genuine reasons, which is fair enough but if your reason for not renewing is because of our brush with relegation last season, then you are a bunch of ###### who could not give a (Please don't use that word again) wether rovers are here or not. i'll tell you, that if rovers went bust and out of business then you lot would really have something to whinge about. so instead of giving us all bullshit reasons, get yourself a season ticket or even match tickets every other week and start supporting the rovers like a TRUE football/rovers fan would.

    frigg, i need a cup of coffee!!!!

  6. True supporters take the rough with the smooth - I would still get mine if we were in the old 4th Division as would most folk on here. It's quite amusing reading some of the excuses on here though - can't remember too much complaining or excuses around 95/96.

    Well said.

    I know several people who haven’t renewed, some are genuine reasons, and others are because they don’t want to watch another season like we have had.

    It is understandable, if people don’t want to sell out x amount of money to see another repeat of last season, then that’s there choice.

    i agree as well. however...i don't agree that it is understandable that people are not renewing just because we ahd a bad season last time out and don't want a repeat this term....cause that is just ###### ###### weak.

    genuine reasons are fair enough but the above is a total cop out. just for the record i aint renewing mine, and i am gutted but i have have to head back downunder, maybe before the end of this coming season....hopefully will only be missing 1 full season before coming back to get another one.

  7. the main thing for me is this....souey got together one of the most feared striker partnerships for it's era, and in no way, shape or foam should be slagged off for trying to ressurect that at ewood park. he tried and it did not work...fair enough.

    it is one of them things that at least the guy is prepared to give it a shot....and not sit in the corner too afraid to try anything.

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