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  1. Should have gone active last night, when nowt happened all night I rang BT this morning and got told that there is no copper overlay to this part of the estate yet. So am now the owner of two sets of modems and micro-filter but still no connection. Anyone else actually active apart from Lee ?????
  2. Mine has not changed on the BT site either, still mentions special fibre cable. But have signed up with BT online and have gone straight through the registration process and got a e-mail address activation date etc so here's hoping !!!!!!
  3. Cheers Lee, just spoke to a BT bloke with his head in a cabinet and he said he was transferring them as we spoke. Who are you using as your provider ? Cheers as well thebigguy
  4. I know this is a old topic but didnt want to start a new thread. Just thought I would sharea E-mail I got off BT today concerning broadband on Fernhurst Farm, as I know a few posters have expressed a interest in the lack of it in these parts. Thank you for your e-mail dated 1/11/05 about BT Broadband or BT Broadband Basic. Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you and for any inconvenience this may have caused. There are still some areas of the country that cannot get broadband. To help you understand why, we'd like to explain the background to the service that we currently offer. BT is bound by the terms of its licence to provide a basic voice telephony service throughout the UK. In accordance with European Law, it must supply a connection speed of no less than 2.4Kbps - the minimum for voice telephony. To achieve this, we may use a dedicated metallic path (which is always our preferred method), a pair gain device (such as DACS) or fibre optic cables. The solution chosen depends on the customer's location and the network availability in their area. If a metallic path is not possible, for instance, because of the distance from the exchange, then we have to supply a telephone service to our customers via fibre optic cables. There are also a few new housing estates across the country where BT invested in fibre optic cabling as it dealt with some specific capacity/line length problems. Today's broadband ADSL works over copper, not over fibre. So unfortunately customers in these areas will not be able to get broadband via their telephone connection for the time being. BT is supporting the concept of using alternative technologies such as satellite, fibre to the home/office, fixed wireless and mobile to deliver broadband services where ADSL is not possible. We are also considering the introduction of a simple fix for the fibre optic problem. The solution would use copper cables - some existing, some new - to bypass the fibre optics. So even if you can't get broadband now, we're working to make sure it won't be too long before you can. We're sorry if this is disappointing for you, but please keep checking our website at www.bt.com/btbroadband for further updates. Bt.com If you should have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again via e-mail.
  5. I am looking for ipod, creative zen or similar for my holidays. My questions are, all seem to transfer using USB 2. 1 Will they work using USB 1 albeit slower. 2 Can I upgrade my laptop from USB 1 to USB 2
  6. RIGHT, I dont feel guilty any more been down today and bought my ticket just me on me own youngster does not want to go at that time in the morning. Just to put things into prospective if she had wanted to come then its another £45 for a ticket. Compare to £75 for her season ticket ? Summat dont add up!!!!!!
  7. ah

    Semi Final

    " I am one of the few Board members who went in 1960 and would not miss this for the world. " Probably paid of your mortgage and car loan etc. Kids left home aswell. Easy to say with disposable income.
  8. ah

    Semi Final

    Update from above post 3 definite 4 yet to decide, as the 4 consists of 1 adult and 3 full paying 11 year old it don't look good
  9. ah

    Semi Final

    I have just done a quick count of people in our group and circle of friends who are season ticket holders and the numbers of wives/children who they would take on the trip to Cardiff. Kick off 3 or 4 o clock = 28 adults kids wives etc Kick off 12-15 = 11 adults kids wives etc 16 of these adults kids wives etc are season ticket holders. Not good reading !!!!!!!
  10. Just passed through Ewood, coaches starting to line up on Bolton Rd. Wifes made me a bacon sarnie struggling to get it down me neck. Brother in law just rung is on his way. Have not felt like this for ages. Dont even want a can. GET INTO EM.
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