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American Rover12

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Everything posted by American Rover12

  1. How so Matt? Kind of disappointed now as I had looked forward to playin this one.
  2. Just watched X Men II again. Forgot how good that movie was. It's only downfall; all the cuts to the miniature scenery. So poorly done. haha
  3. Maybe but Id rather him, taller and stronger, at CB where he is. I rate Ooijer quite highly though and feel he should be on the pitch in a role better suited for him.
  4. now, that got me thinking, and apologies if this has been discussed or is common knowledge, but how bad would Ooijer be in that holding defensive mid spot? Yeah, the Axe has staked his claim but two fluke games doesn't means he's a footballer and I don't see Vogel working his way into the plans or back from injury, so maybe Ooijer would be in a good role here. He'd be centered and not forced on the wings and would probably want to hang back more than the average holding mid player, giving stability and allowing the other CM to make runs with the play without being worried the Axe is the one behind him.
  5. I wasn't sure whether it was okay That I was kind of feeling sad/upset at the end. My mind couldn't process feeling that way after a superhero movie but it was just so good. I saw it with the girlfriend and some people last night at a regular theater. I usually don't pay for a movie twice(if at all) but I enjoyed finding and noticing things I had missed the first time in Imax.
  6. I think his Bruce Wayne stigma carries over and gives him something more than Keaton. Keaton wasn't bad but I just get more of that Conflicted Crusader with Bale. That could be more of a credit to the writing and screen play though. I find myself not only wishing that here, but at work, around the house and basically everywhere. I'll have to hold all my thoughts in for the most part until: A. more people have seen it and we can all go in depth or B. A decent amount of time passes. I sure do hope it is the former though.
  7. Incredible. Borderline overwhelming. It was my first Imax trip for a movie, and I was just blown away by the experience. The movie itself you ask?(maybe, perhaps?) Indescribable. If you do not see this movie you will have missed one of the best performances of our time by Heath Ledger. Bale is great at Batman, and the movi wouldn't be the same without the guy who plays Gordon. Also Harvey the guy from Thank you for smoking, brilliantly cast. I won't go into more cause it is still a new movie, but I can't say a bad thing about it.
  8. Seeing it today in Imax... will deffo post on it after.
  9. Couldn't agree more. Its all very hit or miss by individual songs, not even CDs. Shipping up to Boston happens to be my favorite song by them too, just in case you were wondering. But like you said, some of it is really great, some is just the worst.
  10. Everything looked great until Hellboy had lines. Terrible script/acting. You're right though, it does look visually better. I didn't look like anything wasn't real, which, at least for me, shows how good the effects are.
  11. Stretch? No, you're right its not. I just don't understand why any right-minded person would ever want to combine those two. I don't know if anyone could tell, but I hated Hellboy.
  12. How a cheap imitation to an action film in Hellboy and an artistic masterpiece in Pan's Labyrinth ever crossed paths and then merged is boyond me. A monstrosity to movies.
  13. I agree with you on all accounts, especially the last bit!
  14. Watched Jumper last night. It wasn't bad but it left me feeling disappointed as they could have done so much with the premise and set up 2 or 3 movies.
  15. Yeah I did and they were awesome. The pioneers of ska, they put on a great live act. I was glad to finally check them off my list.
  16. Went to the Bamboozle Festival at Giants Stadium this past week end. For the lineup click the link, I don't know how many of these bands are known all around the globe, but I had an absolutely amazing time. Band Lineup
  17. I saw him a few years back with my mom. Was really impressed with how good he sounds live. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself as well.
  18. That's the first thing I thought too. A ssoon as I read that both of them were out, I knew it was down to Fergie.
  19. Couldn't agree more. That movie is quality.
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