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American Rover12

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Everything posted by American Rover12

  1. Couldn't find a better place to put this... Play about the Year we won
  2. Going to see Tilly and the Wall tonight in Philly. Don't know if anyone has heard em, but I'm pretty excited.
  3. Second you on that one. I was so excited for it too. Just.. I just can't even begin to explain it.
  4. The Ps2 load time was non existent compared to the hang ups now being seen on the 360. There is supposed to be a patch coming out for it soon if I'm not mistaken so hopefully that will fix it. On a side note, I feel its just lazy craftsmanship to rely on a patch to fix your over sites when you should have taken an extra month to clean it up in the first place.
  5. Wenger complaining yet again There was a user who posted ths below in the comments, and I think it speak volumes. I didn't look up these stats, so I don't take credit for it at all: "6:45 PM (report inappropriate content) Arsene said: "The numbers are available for everybody in the statistics. Look at them", so I did... In the February 23rd Birmingham game in fact, Arsenal conceded 13 fouls whereas Birmingham only committed 9... In their 4-0 loss to Man Utd in the February 16th FA Cup fifth round, they conceded 17 fouls to Man Utd's 12... Feb 11th verus Blackbyurn, Arsenal committed 12 fouls to only 6 by Blackburn.. And against Man City February 2nd, each team conceded 7 fouls... Carling Cup defeat to Spurs, again both teams only committed 10 each... How about verus Burnley in the FA Cup third round? Arsenal committed 16 fouls whereas their opponent only 10... Or perhaps in the last game versus Chelsea (who have the third highest total of yellow cards and the most reds in the EPL), Arsenal still committed more fouls, earning 20 fouls and five yellow cards whereas Chelsea had as many yellow but only committed 12 fouls... sure Arenal got a yellow every four fouls in that game but Chelsea were penalised more severly with a yellow every two or three... So it would appear that Arsenal usually do more "kicking" at the opposition than receiving it...!"
  6. I just installed Vista... ...on my Mac..... ...just cause I couldn't find anyone with an XP CD cause Vista is the worst. haha
  7. Haha fair enough. I just know there's like tons and tons of people who forum on IMDB and justr ave about how amazing it is. In other news, I also did enjoy the show while it was on the air.
  8. Oh goodness, please tell me you're not one of those forum AD fanboys.
  9. 2 Guys on my floor got it yesterday. One for PS3 the other for 360. They both have HDTVs tough the PS3 version does look a little better. That being said my friend with the PS3 has a better TV, so there's room for debate. The PS3 does this mandatory upload before you could even start playing that allows for at worst very brief and at best seamless transitions between cut scenes and game play that on the 360 would make you stop and load for a good 20-45 seconds. Both are very impressed by it, the demo was actually part of the beginning. They say the game play is real good and they're both looking forward to seeing what their upgrades do. They have also played the series before and they don't have any negative things to say about the new character Nero. They even have their own theories about him already. To sum up Starscascade, if that type of game is something you're into, then it definitely looks worth the investment. Or you could just wait for a shooter.
  10. Jenkins v Barneveld tied 4 4, airing at my school. I dont know how old it is but I've never seen it on in the states before.
  11. Anyone who has FSC and watches super sunday plus: I hate Andy Houlihan. The most big club biased person featured this side of the pond. Thank you, that is all.
  12. My friend two doors down has it. I've played it a bunch of times and I really like it. My preference is more of an arcade type when it comes to racing; realistic games like GT aren't my thing.
  13. Watched "no country...." last night and I really liked it. Thought it was really well cast and very well done.
  14. DMC4 Demo plays awesome. I wish it wasn't so restricted though. Having never played a DMC before and being mostly a FPS or Fifa player, this was a nice change of style. Then again, I'm hoping to get Burnout Saturday, so that should be good as well. Depending on the money situation I'm in when DMC is released will determine if I pick it up.
  15. Nice. I've never played this series before but te guys on my floor love it. I'm going to give it a test.
  16. ordered CoD4 last night. should be in by weeks end. I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie.
  17. Just saw the trailer for Vantage Point. Really looks like a good flick.
  18. I dont know if the whole movie is, but I do know that ore parts other than what is seen in the commercial is from that POV.
  19. Thanks for that. If nothin turns up I probably will go to this after saving up a bit of cash.
  20. I have two scarves on my wall but I can't seem to find any poster or flag anywhere. If you know of something like that or have one yourself that you're looking to offload and it's in good condition, please let me know.
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