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Everything posted by Radagast

  1. Where has this myth come from that Amo is overweight? Did anyone see him on the TV tonight? He looked in great nick. But he's still past it.
  2. The bit where it covers up the masonic meeting and you can just about see words like "KY Jelly" creeping around the edge of the page is brilliant though! That plus all the exposition it deals out towards the end.
  3. Ah, I'd forgotten all about this thread. After the summer I read The Swords Of Night And Day, the most recent of David Gemmell's Drenai saga, which was ok, but far from his best. Then I sort of went off the whole Sword and Sorcery thing for a while and read the third in Orson Scott Card's Seventh Son series, enthralling stuff set in an alternate-history fronteir America. Not you usual fantasy fair and once you get past the silly period dialect its very hard to put the damn thing down. I also took in Filth by Irvine Welch. The first three quarters were just Welch-by-numbers. Any of his readers will know the formula. The main characters go and see someone who tells them a story about how somone got degraded in some completely depraved way. Yawn. The last hundred pages though, were incredible. I'm convinced that Welch started writing the book randomly about the most repulsive figure he could think of (a mason/protestant/Hearts fan/policeman)...but when he actually decides to show us why this guy is the way he is...its gripping and completely tragic. On a lighter note The Fallible Fiend by L. Sprague DeCamp was good ridicluous fun - a patische of the fantasy genre from the point of view of a demon. Short and forgettable but a good airport book, no doubt.
  4. Jan - you're a disgracful bigot, but we all knew that anyway. Really a sad, sad person. Anyone with a working brain wouldn't wish injury on someone. But I've said all this before. Cue 'witty' retort and "I've got lots of Rangers supporting friends blah blah blah..." I saw the interview with Amoruso on the telly, and really how it went was (paraphrased of course): "Would you like to follow Ferguson back to Rangers?" "Well, yes, but it's not going to happen. I want to leave Blackburn because I'm out of the first team picture." Which is fair enough really, he's being paid far too much to be a fifth-choice centre half. I'm sure he'll leave in the summer, but Glasgow won't be his destination.
  5. Ok, today it has been Falconer - Chapters From A Vale Forlorn (oooooh!) Nightwish - Wishmaster Sonata Arctica - Reckoning Night and Riot - ThunderSteel - now this is an unnoticed classic. Any fans of Painkiller-era Judas Priest have to listen to this.
  6. Yeah, but recently didn't Robbie Williams song "Angels" get voted the best song of the last 25 years!?? Yeah, what he said. The day the 'normal' public vote a decent band for something is the day part of me dies.
  7. Nightwish on Wednesday, Carpathian Forest on Friday and then local legends Syth on the 27th. Quite a good February, all things considered.
  8. Finally, a game where we give one of the crappier teams the sort of beating we should be handing out to the teams in their postion. Good to see Dickov back on the goal trail again. Hughes' decison to bring Pedersen in when the time was right seems to be paying dividends.
  9. Good, 442. Lets hope Gally actually gets a run in the team now.
  10. I know you love your tangents (Hell, I'm surprised you haven't somehow squeezed in a post about Rebecca Loos in this thread) but what exactly is the relevance of this?
  11. Is their a Grooby award for use of the same word the most times in the same post? BIG
  12. Pity we can't say the same about you, eh Sam?
  13. Why would he want to go there? Or am I just missing out on a bit of sarcasm?
  14. Just yanking your chain mate, but by all means have a listen. If complicated riff structures are your thing then its pure gold.
  15. It's funny, because when the 'deth were kicking into the opening riff of Holy Wars...The Punishment Due I remember thinking: "I bet that dan_mark lad would love this".
  16. I know I should probably have grown out of them when I was about 14 ( ) but I went to see Megadeth on Thursday night. Fan-chuffing-tastic they were too, even if it is just down to Dave Mustaine and 3 tour musicians these days. Peace Sells/Mechanix medley - 'nuff said.
  17. How often have these w*nkers on Sky mentioned the fact that we have the worst disciplinary record in the league? The idiot reporter guy just said "Aaron Mokoena [that isn't how he pronounced it though...moron] has just become the latest booking for the dirti....er, for officially the dirtiest team in the league." Don't dare cross Chelsea.
  18. How do you expect the latter two to achieve those targets if you don't want them in the team?
  19. It's Mourinho criticising Rovers, not Oliver Holt. It was Holt picking the Mourinho quotes to use and Holt using the emotive language to suggest that Chelsea were like heroes emerging from the haze of battle after facing the onslaught of a thousand savages. See, I can do it too.. any chance of a job at the Mirror? "There was, however, a measure of consolation for [Alex] Ferguson who must have been pleased to see how his protege Mark Hughes sent his team at Chelsea like a pack of mad dogs." Ah, there we go, Rovers are just operating for Manchester United's benefit. Tabloid scum.
  20. Don't forget the Argentinian fellow. I can't even remember his name. My personal favourite though was giving Crystal Palace £4.25m plus Andy Johnson for Morrison. The mind boggles.
  21. Shine taken off slightly by the ridiculous soap opera antics of the players on both sides. The way Sky have been building up the match that decides who finishes second as some sort of monolith hasn't helped matters.
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