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Everything posted by Radagast

  1. Can't say i've heard of them, will hunt them down tonight and have a listen. I'm just trying to round up fans for the new band, Rise To Addiction, that is made of three ex-Blaze members (guitarists and bass player). Blaze themselves (what's left of them) are fronted by ex-Iron Maiden singer Blaze Bayley. All their stuff is produced by Andy Sneap which makes it sonically a bit like Machine Head (except, y'know, not crap. )
  2. Don't call him Cornish it makes him turn green. And for any of you illegally-minded metalheads out there, apparently the new Judas Priest album Angel of Retribution has been leaked.
  3. Well, that really is thew £5m question. And since I think Hughes would have be to be seriously worried about his committment, Im voting yes, we should have sold him. Decent money for a player we probably paid over the odds for in the first place (but not by as much as some are making out). I'm disappointed to lose him, but far more disappointed in the way this whole affair has panned out from day one. Neither ourselves, Rangers nor Ferguson have seriously benefited from the past 18 months. Before anyone starts, ask yourself whether Rangers would have traded in their slight profit on this deal for more success on the field in the intervening period. Ferguson has succeeded only in making himself look foolish.
  4. Out of interest Cornwall, do you listen to Blaze?
  5. Hopefully....hopefully....we've an iron in the fire that was dependant on Ferguson leaving.
  6. So Jan, you want Dwight Yorke at Celtic? What @#/?. EDIT> Really, damn crowded message board.
  7. In response to herbergergergergeehh (damn crowded message board): Exactly. A whole lot of avergae does not = good. Taking on Arveladze's [guesstimate] £20k p/w wages for the sake of having another decent striker will do us little good I fear.
  8. I would have thought Bellamy would fit your favourite expression "little toe-rag" perfectly? By the way, Jan's least favourite Rovers players of recent times have been Amoruso, Ferguson and Tugay. Not that she's got any non-football motivation to dislike them or anything.
  9. Decent striker. Very inconsistent and slow as hell, mind. But he can finish. Not what we're looking for, though and according to those stats he is now almost 32.
  10. Is Savage cup-tied? If so I agree.
  11. He definitely started the 2-0 game...was replaced by Jansen late in the game perhaps....?
  12. Celtic look to have dumped Henri Camara on Southampton. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bellamy now spending at least a few months in the SPL.
  13. Well done Radaghast. Vedder got his hair cut a while ago. Its good to know that amongst the bilge you obviously listen to you still keep an interest in decent bands. At least I know a thing or two about the bands I take the p1ss out of, eh?
  14. No, it was stated when Murray came back in to control at Rangers that he hoped to raise £52m through the rights issue. Unless Murray's vast fortune has also equipped him with a flying De Lorean, it raised what he intitially said that he hoped it would.
  15. Waggy, Rangers were £76m in debt. The share issue "only" raised £52m so they failed to raise the money they hoped for. Actually that's the exact amount they planned to raise through the rights issue. Tut tut.
  16. Morph, just make fun of Eddie Vedder's short hair. That'll learn 'im. Rich - that fact that I work for my money doesn't make me above screwing e-e-vil multination conglomerates for a few quid. And digipacks are the work of the devil - sure they look the part, but try transporting them in anything less than an titanium-armoured case and you're screwed. That plus half of them don't fit in normal CD racks.
  17. Dado is taking a bit of unwarranted stick here. His reaction to philipl's constant smug (and often inaccurate) posts is understandable, if a little extreme, even if this is a Rovers board.
  18. This just isn't true. He spent 18 months out injured after first arriving, yes, but then played virtually every game last season, aquitting himself reasonably well in a crap team. This season he has been out of the side because of a contractual wrangle (now resolved) and the form of Gregory Vignal. Ball hasn't had a significant injury in a very long time. I still think we've got enough left backs, though.
  19. Fantastic bit of blaggery in HMV today. Browsing through the Metal section (as you do) and I see a copy of Dream Evil's debut album, with a price of £5 next to it. Looking more closely it turns out they'd accidently put the label for one of their EPs on the full-length album instead. Radagast 1-0 Fat Cats. That's my petty victory for 2005 out of the way already.
  20. Well, he is very small. Taxi!
  21. 'Furious' doesn't quite cover it. It's very hard to put across in words how seriously ####ed off I am by Diouf - the dive, the celebration instead of embarassed cringe when he realised the sham had worked and finally his goading of the Rovers fans after his ill-gotten goal. Completely shameless. There must be a way dish out fines and penalty points for this kind of behaviour. Rovers hardly deserved anyhting from this game, but that is beside the point - a point was stolen from us tonight. And how in the nine Hells did Nolan stay on the park after his assault on Savage? Gutted.
  22. They weren't so kind a few days ago. What was it..."at least we don't care if people are Catholic or Prodestant(sic)"?
  23. Because we like talking about our players. Yes, that's it, our players. He's signed for us, and I know it must be hard for you to watch your best player leave a massive, vast, ginormous club like Birmingham for lickle ickle Blackburn Rovers, but please, keep spouting nonsense about how you don't need him/thought he was crap along along/etc, it's highly entertaining.
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