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Everything posted by Herbie6590

  1. Conned by their own executive ? ? https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/16696311.stanley-owner-hits-out-at-efl-over-streaming-service/
  2. Andy Holt (Accy Stanley) said on his Twitter feed something to the effect that it wasn’t explicitly stated as granting permission, rather that the full implications weren’t debated and now that those implications are understood there are a number of owners unhappy with the EFL.
  3. I suspect the challenge will be driven by commercial imperative. Say Sky think they can raise subscription prices by offering it they will. The 3pm blackout isn’t a law as such it’s a best practice guideline so very difficult to enforce. Eleven have clearly taken shrewd legal advice and opened a can of worms. As always, the biggest clubs have most to gain financially and so it will almost certainly happen at some juncture.
  4. Worth registering for the free articles to read this https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/8250759e-d17b-11e8-b8d4-d6fb90acb7b1
  5. The issue is that without the blackout, Sky &/or iFollow can offer TV options on a Saturday afternoon, so the choice isn’t Rovers or Barcelona/Real Madrid....it’s Rovers in the flesh or Rovers on TV. At the last international break, L1 & L2 games on a Saturday were televised on iFollow. Andy Holt at Stanley had Burton fans Tweeting him saying they were now gonna watch on TV. So Stanley would lose out on ticket sales plus - and here’s the interesting bit - Burton got the money from iFollow for selling the TV packages....so we’ll supported clubs who bring large away followings (Leeds) can make money from away games...not the home team. Holt likened it to hosting a party where the guests sell tickets and keep the proceeds without contributing to the costs of hosting. Rovers should be concerned about this IMHO.
  6. Sky Go doesn’t show Red Button but there is a separate Sky Sports app which does offer those games
  7. Has everyone seen the challenge of the 3pm blackout rules by Eleven Sports ? http://www.sportspromedia.com/news/eleven-sports-uk-blackout This could open the door for Saturday 3pm iFollow / Sky red button options...TV season tickets ? ? What would also be interesting is the numbers of people who have a mechanism to watch Saturday 3pm fixtures already....
  8. On Twitter @TheSymmetryBand FB link https://www.facebook.com/thesymmetryband/
  9. I’m trying to post it here but it won’t upload...sign up to Twitter & check the BRFCS timeline...worth it...totally worth it ? DFB17A12-F587-48C2-892C-C0BBABC5C662.MP4
  10. No...but they’re twins...have you not seen the video on Twitter...?
  11. NEW PODCAST ARRIVAL Just to keep you on your toes our September review is coming out before the end of September due to longstanding diary clashes next week...fear not, there's still much to consider and in this episode a few interesting tales emerge from our panelists Jen Bellamy, Kamy & Michael Taylor. Host Ian Herbert shares possibly the single most underwhelming anecdote about Tim Sherwood in history...not even a gilet in sight although there's quite a revelation about a former Man Utd chairman which came out of left field. As always feedback welcomed and if anyone would like to submit an idea for an item in a future episode, please leave a comment in this thread or contact @brfcsdotcom on the Twitter thingy. A few people have said they would like to contribute, so get in touch if you need any help in compiling your pieces. Fruit based devices can listen (& subscribe) here:- https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/brfcs-blackburn-rovers-fan-community-podcast-from-brfcs/id1282664472?mt=2#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Fbrfcs-podcast.brfcs.com%2F%3Fname%3D2018-09-27_brfcs_episode_99.mp3 Non-fruit based devices can listen here :- http://brfcs-podcast.brfcs.com/?name=2018-09-27_brfcs_episode_99.mp3 We would really appreciate it if you could spread the word about the podcasts, we love doing them but they are hard work to produce so knowing that they are getting "out there" is a terrific boost. Thank you ?
  12. Just to keep you on your toes our September review is coming out before the end of September due to longstanding diary clashes next week...fear not, there's still much to consider and in this episode a few interesting tales emerge from our panelists Jen Bellamy, Kamy & Michael Taylor. Host Ian Herbert shares possibly the single most underwhelming anecdote about Tim Sherwood in history...not even a gilet in sight although there's quite a revelation about a former Man Utd chairman which came out of left field. View full record
  13. See also... https://howtodotechystuff.wordpress.com/2017/07/27/hate-seeing-other-peoples-likes-on-twitter-some-options-to-try/
  14. My first house was on Southwood Drive....fond memories....especially when the wind blew the smell of Holland’s Pies over my back garden...?
  15. Wasn’t it ? I’d love to do more of these but I need people to volunteer.... ???
  16. If you click on the first link above it takes you to the podcast archive....then just click on the play button....
  17. Are you a PC, smartphone, tablet user to gain access to the forum ?
  18. In a packed episode hosted by Ian Herbert, the panel of Jen Bellamy, Linz Lewis & Michael Taylor, reviews August, both on & off the field including the transfer windows, speculates wildly about the value of Bradley Dack & we have three (count 'em) guests - Bill Arthur - takes us back to the 50's & 60's & his boyhood memories of supporting Rovers Ian Futter - shares his Essex heritage & shares what it's like supporting Rovers from North Wales Bruce Wilkinson - a regular contributor to When Saturday Comes magazine shares his love of Rovers Ideal listening for the journey down to Bristol...please tell all your Rovers-supporting pals and spread the word ! If anyone would like to contribute a piece to a future episode along the lines of those from Bill & Ian, please let us know on this thread, via PM or on the @brfcsdotcom Twitter feed. Thanks again to all the contributors for giving up their time...hope you enjoy ! http://brfcs-podcast.brfcs.com/?name=2018-09-01_brfcs_episode_98_1.mp3 iTunes here https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/brfcs-blackburn-rovers-fan-community-podcast-from-brfcs/id1282664472?mt=2#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Fbrfcs-podcast.brfcs.com%2F%3Fname%3D2018-09-01_brfcs_episode_98_1.mp3
  19. In a packed episode hosted by Ian Herbert, the panel of Jen Bellamy, Linz Lewis & Michael Taylor, reviews August, both on & off the field including the transfer windows, speculates wildly about the value of Bradley Dack & we have three (count 'em) guests - Bill Arthur - takes us back to the 50's & 60's & his boyhood memories of supporting Rovers Ian Futter - shares his Essex heritage & shares what it's like supporting Rovers from North Wales Bruce Wilkinson - a regular contributor to When Saturday Comes magazine shares his love of Rovers Ideal listening for the journey down to Bristol...please tell all your Rovers-supporting pals and spread the word ! If anyone would like to contribute a piece to a future episode along the lines of those from Bill & Ian, please let us know on this thread, via PM or on the @brfcsdotcom Twitter feed. Thanks again to all the contributors for giving up their time...hope you enjoy ! View full record
  20. Anybody fancy having a play....try this... https://www.ev2sportswear.com/kitbuilder/#/customise/54721111?basketIndex=0
  21. From Daniel Storey (big Forest fan...) on Twitter
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