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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Bolton bit even mentioned that the match may be in doubt! Bassini promises wages will be paid today, must be doing a bank transfer into each account as can’t imagine any banks are open
  2. Didn’t that stem from someone on here editing his wiki?
  3. That’s almost as fast as that Bulgarian lad and Devarn Green!
  4. Stunning, perfect if you went to white shorts
  5. Horrible season but I love this one: And also but not quite (from another relegation season)
  6. Annoying seeing tweets saying things like ‘where are the Brereton haters now?’ Seems these days you can’t be critical of anything without being labelled The reverse goes for positivity as well
  7. Easy this year for Umbro, flip the halves and go back to a nice royal blue and they are onto a winner
  8. He was - but not when I posted he had gone back in which is why I said I thought he’d be coming on
  9. Credit to the Bolton fans today, hardly stopped singing and in general having a good time with some witty chants. The Bassini chants may be premature mind you
  10. Smallwood to a league one club please and bring Rodwell in for another year
  11. Cracking finish. Some poor ones second half but he had a good game and was involved in the second as well.
  12. Either way that second series of the Sunderland Netflix series is going to have some drama
  13. Great to win; Brereton got his goal and the young lads looked good. What did we learn? Well Rodwell is superior in every way to Bennett in the middle, being a good guy shouldn’t be enough
  14. Feel for Rodwell he’s played well, bringing Bennett on was just silly really, Tony obviously planned to bring Buckley on after an hour and didn’t want to deviate from it
  15. Should be 3-0 awkward bounce just in front of Ben and he’s skies it
  16. I’d be tempted to bring Dack off for one of the young lads. He’s playing well but we know how good he is let’s experiment
  17. Can’t see Bennett with the rest of the subs so he may be coming on yep Bennett it is, Shame seemed a perfect chance to throw Buckley on
  18. Not much of a game but Brereton showing some nice touches and hold up
  19. Really pleased to see Rodwell and Brereton given a chance hopefully in their natural positions, Nyambe rightfully regains his spot Great to see two younglings on the bench as well, would have loved Chappy and Davenport but can’t be greedy
  20. Yes there’s been some horrible stuff aimed his way but he’s trying to pin it on Nick and smear him and it’s bang out of order.
  21. Sorry to bring this chap up again but he’s on twitter accusing Nick Harris on twitter of racism towards him. A very crass attempt at getting in the spotlight on the coattails of a movement he’s even tagged Sterling in it. Underhand as hell
  22. and to be fair the fans reaction on social media was all very positive when the new deal was announced so they obviously like what they seen so far
  23. It’s a big summer job, the Brereton saga may have scared the owners off having much to spend, we can’t be in a place at the start of next season where Smallwood is even considered. I just hope we don’t start the summer giving Conway a new deal! He’ll get summer but he has to be more ruthless now, he’s done his loyalty bit and some have gone as far as that will take them
  24. Every time, every bloody time! I finally decide it’s time and then we immediately go on a winning run making me look daft
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