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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. I still don’t understand offside, the spurs player played the ball but did it become second phase when it hit the city player?
  2. Always been a fan of VAR but feel robbed of a moment there
  3. Goal city 1-0 goal spurs 1-1 goal spurs 1-2 goal city 2-2 only 11 minutes gone!!! Away goals is a silly rule for me though
  4. By rights they should be under an embargo next season let’s see if that happens
  5. After Anderson’s parting shot this morning an announcement has been made that’s theres an agreement in place for Bassini to take over. From frying pan to fire!
  6. Bolton supporters trust held an open meeting last night, here are the notes from the paper https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/sport/17575589.bolton-wanderers-supporters-trust-fans-forum-live-blog/ a lot lot of those quotes could literally be lifted from notes of meetings we’ve had as fans - too many factions - accusations of Egos and ulterior motives - anger that the trust won’t back a protest - lack of funding of the trust All so familiar
  7. Quite a tumbling from grace for this lad, in August he was in the England youth squad and talked about for a £7m deal The deal happens, he misses a penalty for England and then it’s all downhill from there, really couldn’t have gone any worse if we are honest
  8. Still in Sunderland’s hands though with their game in hand
  9. This alternate commentary is bloody brilliant https://twitter.com/kyledcfc7/status/1115907027346382856?s=21
  10. Cracking start to this half we need to capitalise soon
  11. I’d say decent enough but I suppose in comparison to the last game that almost counts as fantastic Yet another first half without a goal
  12. We’ve had a lot of the ball without doing much with it, meanwhile lucky not to be 1 down after a stinker of a Travis pass
  13. Better and to be fair conways deliveries have been a step up on what we’ve had
  14. He’s let us down very often this season; didn’t he get dragged off after half an hour at their place? Conway got me should never be starting games for us at this level
  15. I hate quotes like this, trying hard isn’t an achievement it’s the bare minimum you expect for people being paid thousands a week to do a job they are naturally gifted to do and in a position that millions would love to be in.
  16. They also have 11 players out of contract this summer
  17. Bolton should now have a 12 month embargo automatically as they have owed players money for a total of 30 days, the league won’t confirm it this will be upheld, imagine they will let it slide so they are more attractive to buy! Under embargo though promotion from league one may not be easy next season, at least they have Lowe though. They also have Ehrun Ozumer who I thought looked decent in league one but has only started 8 games which fans aren’t happy about, similar complaints from their fans to ours have had about Rothwell
  18. I thought Brereton looked quite desperate not to get the ball at times, a couple of times he ambled outside the box rather than busting to get in it
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