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Everything posted by Tom

  1. This is the flaw in his logic, football comes first and before everything else and would pay any money for a season ticket yet he only goes to the odd away game, his own standards don’t seem to apply to himself
  2. Game should be played in my garden (you could perhaps fit one 18 yard box in there) and nobody else should be able to watch I’d be able to see it and that’s all that counts after all
  3. Who is our number 5 there? He’s a big lad, keeper looked to have a bit of a off day for both goals
  4. Decent point overall but could have been more
  5. Mulgrew with his third corner of the season - unbelievable
  6. How many games in a row is that in which we’ve swapped the left back?
  7. I’ve predicted wins in the last few so I’ll predict a 2-1 loss and hope I’m wrong again
  8. Yeah Bolton will scrape out of it at the last moment again with no actual punishment, it’s a joke really
  9. Just seen that Connor Mahoney is 22 now. For some reason I thought he was still a teenager, time flies. Not sure how he’s doing at Brum but you’d think he’d be wanting to break into the Bournemouth team or will be off next season.
  10. Came off after an hour presumably part of the plan
  11. I’ve gone for review in summer, he’s more than worthy of his job at present and the foreseeable but you have to decide whether he’s the man to take us further if there is some money to spend. If they want to roll the dice and splash the cash there may be better options but it would represent a huge risk. Think Mowbray can help us get to the next level but it’s going to be a big summer and one he will need to get right
  12. We can all list our preferred line up but chances are non of us would include Conway yet I feel that’s the most likely change from the manager.
  13. If Venkys are looking to put some money in as a roll of the dice it may be decision time for them, especially if Tony isn’t willing to spend it
  14. In fairness there are options right now; Jokanovic and Wagner are both free and proven successes in this league for a start. You’re a big fan of Hughes who is also available. Not to mention managers that have had some success but gone off the boil the likes of Carvalhal or even Rowett for the desperate. Not saying it’s the answer but there are options at the moment and that’s just obvious names without looking further afield like other teams have done
  15. My concern today is at one point we had Bennett left wing back with Dack playing as deep as our centre halves at times, not quite the same level but had echoes of the infamous Souness / Matteo game. Doubts will start to surface again and whilst Mowbray is in credit he’s going to have to start answering some questions soon enough. A poor end to the season and not as many people would question us rolling the dice if there was a Jokanovic / Wagner in the offing
  16. We hardly ever shoot from outside the box even though we have players capable of it, not sure why
  17. To be fair Shajan actually make lovely chips!
  18. Definite red, only would have been a booking had it been inside the box if I understand that rule correctly
  19. Chaddy says Pulis is drab and shocking, his team just battered Tony’s having 26 shots to our 5 in the process!
  20. How on earth can you say it’s not a red? Not seen a replay but looked so obvious live, if it’s a foul it’s a red
  21. Glad he got a start today but I think that’s the worst I’ve seen him it doesn’t help that he kept getting moved around but I think every time he got it he ran into a man and then bounced ten feet off them before slowly getting up and skulking away
  22. A better second half but it shouldn’t mask the fact that we were so bad first half and Mowbray had to try and adapt his starting line up yet again. We were slightly unlucky not to score our golden chance but on another day they score 5 or 6 it really wasn’t close at all and they just went through the motions second half
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