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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Three subs seems crazy at half time, no need to take Rodwell off
  2. Mulgrew screwed Williams there; feel for him really
  3. Dack having to play in line with our defenders to even get involved at times
  4. Shocking start Brereton getting lots of encouragement when he gets the ball from the crowd but that patience is running out he keeps running backwards then losing it
  5. Probably a tougher game than the last 3 defeats but I think we’ll scrape it 2-1
  6. My worry from the interviews is that he actively doesn’t want to spend money so it can’t be used against him and he prefers to keep expectations low. Think most managers would have used the funds on offer in January.
  7. Sunderland making hard work of it at the moment, wonder if the documentary makers are hoping for promotion or last minute heart break?
  8. I’d give him a few games now, we won’t be going up or down and he’s a big investment so let’s invest in him and get him playing. My main concern was the corner second half where he didn’t seem to want to get in the box, wonder how much his penalty miss on England duty got to him
  9. Interestingly he’s counting the half chances that Bell and Conway sliced wide from a tight angle as nailed on goals yet ignores the identical one they missed plus the two sitters they missed second half So why chance we had was as good as a goal but their equal or better chances don’t count against us Bonkers
  10. Of course it’s down to the manager; they were comfortably the worst team we’ve played this season, we played a weakened team and lost. They missed the best two chances of the match, one from a corner once again showing frailties at things we should be working on. I thought we had a lot of the ball but didn’t create much the first half chances were mainly half chances but we should still have done better with them than we did.
  11. Shocking result and it’s on the manager. The season is pretty much done for us now so let’s find out what works for us and what doesn’t. At the minute we are working out what doesn’t for sure! Theres no reason why Conway should ever start a game for us again and surely Rothwell needs a go now
  12. Back behind, they deserve to be leading to be fair
  13. Rothwell is brilliant it’s just bizarre he doesn’t play more
  14. That’s shocking from Trav he proper Smallwooded it
  15. Wow should be 2-0 Finally it’s Rothwell time Brereton looking a bit like one of those lads in Sunday league who are having a poor game so start to fake injury to the point they get taken off
  16. Very bizarre that when we had a corner it looked like Brereton had no desire to get in the box
  17. Conway and one of Travis or Smallwood off at half time for reed and Dack please
  18. Evans about our best player so far without actually doing anything of note
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