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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Nixon is ayeing it as if he was on the ball with this one fake Madon
  2. He looks old, hoping he’s good though just so we can nickname him ‘Rockov’
  3. 151 on my view! Just some of them are hidden from you normos
  4. Genuinely feel a loan move would be best for all and let him come back next season starting fresh The last two games I’ve been watching and he’s barely been sent out to warm up second half like he’s not even being considered now
  5. Still got some pace, this was this pre season check out the assist at 1:30 or so
  6. This is more like it, Britt Ass is this seasons Riquelme Open the war chest me hearties!
  7. Surprised that Nyambe was just left out of the squad altogether, personally think he should be on the bench ahead of Smallwood or Conway at least. Mowbray said it’s tactical and I get the need to have cover for left back but we have plenty of central options and frankly Nyambe is our best right back as well.
  8. I genuinely bumped into him once on a return from Euston, standard class on the first off peak one, watch the pennies and all that!
  9. Benno said see you soon to him on Instagram, hopefully confirmed tomorrow
  10. Danny Graham seems to be getting better with age, his intelligence and awareness of what’s going on around him is second to none in our squad
  11. Superb win, really bloody brilliant. When it clicks we look a real force, Mowbrays thumbs up to the ‘sign him up’ chants aimed at Reed were nice but it may be dreamland. Think today may have been a good time to give Brereton some time but that’s a minuscule niggle after such a result
  12. Brilliant that Evans looking up for it from the off, Bennett everywhere and Arma doing what we know he can. Really pleased to see Rodwell get a goal as well
  13. Sorry guys it’s all been a case of crossed wires, the source thought he heard that ‘Chappy’ was back, turned out what he heard was ‘Chaddy’
  14. Hope he’s got the swagger and flat cap of Mokoena, doubt he’d pull it off as well as the axe though
  15. I think we would have all been happy if Brereton was better, he was surely brought in to be the main man it just turns out he’s not been very good regardless of age. Theres a difference in scouting around for talent for the future and splashing £7m on someone who can’t get ahead of the lad we signed on a free after a stint in Scotland last summer
  16. Well maybe he’s just realised we paid ‘over the odds’ and it’s not going as planned just yet
  17. All fairly sensible but also totally at odds with the Brereton signing
  18. I tend to think there’s some kidology going on with a Rodwell, Mowbray will want to keep him grounded and not get too comfortable. I’d be offering him a new contract but it’s a fine balance and a risky game
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