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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Looking forward to the fisherman’s tale on PSVR, I think slower puzzle games are my favoured genre for vr I loved I Expect you to die
  2. As it is we have lost Palmer and Downing from players who were around the first team squad. You could argue we have gained Travis and Nuttall but they were there all along. I think we should at least look to bring in replacements for those, a Chapman type to bring on to potentially change the game and another actual CB
  3. The entire direction seems to have changed this window, I still wonder if we feel stung by the Brereton deal
  4. Well he’s training with the first team he’s in pictures on the clubs twitter
  5. Wharton has gone to Bury on loan Wasnt that another Madon BRFCS exclusive?
  6. Coleman came out of it really well even in failure, decent and genuine, the bloke who confronted him was a disgrace. Rodwell the villain of the piece if you look at social media but he never got chance to put his side across
  7. I think the tune works well and sounds good, would be nice if it was Rovers related rather than Burnley ideally
  8. The pace he showed for the penalty was insane we really don’t make the most of that
  9. Nuttall and Lenihan are on the books of the agency he’s at
  10. Ridiculous pace from Armstrong he had next to no chance to get to that! Nuttall was just about to come on I imagine for Graham Their keeper just made a stunning save From Rothwell it was in all the way
  11. Was amazed their lad didn’t go down when he went past Raya, I was blind sided slightly but was expecting it
  12. He’s on soccer am just now, seems to be getting himself out there
  13. Dunnys Twitter is worth a look He’s opened up a bit today and hinted at things that may have gone on https://twitter.com/David8Dunn
  14. No no no I won’t allow it Dabo is a Rover, criminally not used
  15. Some odd comments in that interview from Mowbray, wonder if the tap has been switched off after Brereton. In fact the Brereton signing is completely at odds with what he’s saying there
  16. Never known a window as quiet, not even any tentative links for us, hope there are plans for summer as we will need to add
  17. Frustratingly I imagine this may have been a game for Palmer, feel he may throw Conway back in though now
  18. I just want to see something to cling onto, a turn of pace, a bit of skill, a blistering shot. So far nothing; he seems about as fast as Jordan Rhodes, goes down as easily as Rhodes but not as cleverly but doesn’t seem to have a tenth of the awareness or finishing ability as Rhodes! Out wide clearly isn’t working for him but when he got a sight of goal today he totally fluffed it. I remember Grabbi smashing a free kick against the woodwork and it seemed to rattle for minutes, then he overpowered the Liverpool defence and powered a header home, you could latch onto those bits of hope but we don’t have anything yet. As Stuart points out in the last couple of games Nuttall looks leaps and bounds ahead, imagine our reaction if someone wanted him for £2-3m never mind £7!
  19. In fairness they scored just a minute after that, Raya should have stopped it even being a decision though
  20. A new defender is needed, a proper winger is needed and Travis must be retained, also Brereton to league one for the rest of the season
  21. A loan has to happen now, there’s no use keeping him here he needs to get out of the spotlight and go and build his confidence
  22. It’s a long game mate, we are building slow, he’s not a revolutionary but he’s the right man for me right now.
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