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Everything posted by Tom

  1. come off it mate this is of no fault of stoke city at all and solely the fault of a group of rovers fans, it probably seemed like fun to them nut has ended trafically sad that he's lost his life but that's nothing compared to the fact q kid has lost his dad in stupid stupid circumstances
  2. Not to speak ill of someone in a grave condition but for all we know he was one of the numpties involved in the bin throwing so it would be wrong to assume anything right now. Either way I really hope he pulls through nobody should lose thier life in such idiotic circumstances and rob a family of their son/brother, maybe even father and husband.
  3. Nice from the Stoke fans, shows the few comments I read earlier were just a bad selection from their lot. Hope its not true about the life support
  4. Even at the very least it's loutish unacceptable behaviour. How come many of us can follow our team around and not resort to throwing beer and bins around.
  5. Never had a problem with stoke before but some of the comments on Stoke Mad website are appalling.
  6. I thought it was a good comment to be fair. Theno stated he wasn't aware if what exactly happened but if a bin was flying around it could very well have hit any of the fans on the concourse and anyone maybe related to us could be fighting for their life in this way. Lets hope he pulls through but the incident and our away following in general will have to be looked into obviously either way
  7. Tragic but why throw a bin around in the first place? Seems an odd form of entertainment.
  8. Was it said if the bin was thrown at him or just up in the air?
  9. It was mentioned in the Stoke thread but I heard the same albeit only from the official board.
  10. I still think the Black Horse at Pimlico has some of the best food around, it aint posh or trendy but the home cooked food is superb especially the chips http://www.blackhorse-pimlico.co.uk/
  11. We all know about Benni's mouth he was bound to say similar
  12. Will keep that in mind, if I'm getting a chinese I often plump for Mr Chipps as its cheap and they deliver for free.
  13. Anyone been to Vermillion / Cinnibar in Manc? Due to go next week
  14. Agreed JAL, Benni was great to watch when on his game, it's a shame it has come to this as I think he has acted in an appalling manner this week. I'm glad we had him for thats for sure.
  15. Ah right I thought the fee agreed was 2.25 million I may be wrong or just plain guessing
  16. Close to £20m, seriously? Even if Chelsea were keen we would have got around 10 max.
  17. I'm inclined to agree Jackson I hope Dunn can pick up his early season form but I fear he will never stay fit enough to justify us paying his wages
  18. At least if a fee is agreed things will get moving for us in this window, the down side is the thing moving this way will probably be Beattie for more than we sell Benni for
  19. Rovers very rarley release statements on anything until its concrete, I presume this is just a way of telling Benni we won't be bullied by him. It's a shame it's come to this, Benni on form is a joy to watch, a brilliant player to have in your team when you're winning especially when he turns on the style. I imagine Rovers are working furiously on the replacement and as soon as that is lined up Benni will be bye bye. Why he couldn't just be professional and do the job he's being paid handsomely for is beyond me though
  20. I've always defended benni but this latest episode is a disgrace and an insult to the fans who chant his name everyweek. No matter how he feels about the manager he has insulted the club by doing this if it's as reported. Fine him the maximum possible then get as much as we can which will now be considerably less
  21. As I just said in the Kalinic thread I think this lad is the future of our club. I'd like to see Hoilett playing off him one time
  22. I think he's on his way but I'd rather he wasn't.
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