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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. If that happened I would consider joining the Sam out presence of mind
  2. Has anyone heard the advert on talksport? It goes, 'Have you ever: A) drunkenly text your girlfriend B ) Pulled a sicky when hungover C) Injected drugs at a party If C you may have hepatitus and you need to get checked out.' I was in shock do people just accidentally inject drugs these days? Is it in the same vein as pulling a sicky or sending a drunken textt? It was almost like a joke advert.
  3. Thats the norm sadly Theno, we used to take advantage of the Early Bird diners menu often we would be the only ones in. The chefs a top bloke as well, I worked there as a kid washing up and he gradually let me move on to helping prep work in the kitchen, I loved it and would have loved to be a chef but would never make it due to my fussyness.
  4. Finally got around to watching One Flew over the cuckoo's nest last week, wow what a film.
  5. If Rafa goes who do they bring in though? Could Mourinho be tempted back to these shores?
  6. I can see Fiorentina messing up in the next round of games and Liverpool winning then beating them at Anfield
  7. I think they'll scrape through but hope they don't their arrogance grates on me
  8. Saw Up today, simply awesome, some bits almost made me get something in my eye.
  9. I gotta say Die Hard with a Vengeance has always been my fave, I saw it before I saw the other 2 though and I've always had a liking of anything New York Edit: Rampage Jackson is to play BA is he? Wonder if he'll dry hump anything in it?
  10. Cars takes a lot of flack but I thought it did an amazing job of giving inanimate objects personality and character. Liked the underlying story of the demise of rural America as well
  11. As good as Wall-E is it isn't one of my faves, it doesn't touch Ratatouille or Nemo in my opinion, still a great film though
  12. Is anyone else going to see Up this month or am I the only saddo here? Gotta admit I'm a massive Disney and Pixar fan so can't wait
  13. Wow I've only seen 70 of 250, a few of them I have seen but can't remember so not ticked them
  14. I went to see Sorority Row the other week and there was a trailer for The Descent 2 before it, should be good. Although it confused me because; On a totally different note, next month I will be going to see Toy Story and Up in 3d, can't wait Pixar are amazing.
  15. Not the greatest environment but the food at The Auberge in Rishton is usually superb and they do a Sunday Lunch menu.
  16. 'The Descent' scared me sh1tless although there is some jumpy moments in it. For a pretty disturbing horror, try 'mum and dad' it's a british indie film which obviously takes influences from Fred and Rosemary west. For an 80's type of throwback horror 'Drag me to Hell' is awesome although not really scary I love my horrors but hate anything with ghosts, they freak me out. On Martrys, apparently it's just torture p0rn and non stop tension, meant to be really hard watching.
  17. Not a seafood fan but I have heard rave reviews about it in the past so may broaden my horizons so to speak. I'm also going to research into New Yorks brst pizza and cheesecake
  18. Cheers chaps not going till March for the anniversary but I wanna get a plan of action sorted. Staying at the Hilton Garden Inn Times Square so theres plenty of options around there.
  19. Anyone want to recommend any restaurants in New York?
  20. I liked Zurab but he often has mad rushes of blood to the head or falls asleep at vital times. It makes sense for everyone for him to move on really.
  21. It's a fair point you raise AESF and interesting to note about Diouf, in a way I hope he is fasting as his faith is more important than a job and that should be respected in my opinion. I'm a Catholic by the way not that it makes any difference.
  22. Wellsprings was ok, not amazing but decent value on the 2 for 1 deal, far better than Chiquito's anyway. My only qualm with mexican food is I always think I can make it just as goos at hime easily. still nice place and will go again I think.
  23. About to try The Wellsprings on Pendle. Not expecting too much however but will report back.
  24. RIP Bobbby, nice guy and a foorball legend.
  25. Full marks to the Bukhara, great food throughout, 11 of us went and not a bad word was said. The roast lamb looked as tender as could be hoped for. Can't wait to go again there were so many starters i wanted
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