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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Say what you will about Ashley Ward but that was just about the most blatant penalty not given you could ask to see! A quite unique experience with the game beamed back to Ewood with fans in the JW. I think it’s only one of two times I watched a game on a big screen at Ewood, the other being Derby in the play offs on the pitch, I was only 7 so can’t recall much but imagine the quality of the broadcast must have been pretty poor
  2. Absolutely no problem with the event and who has or hasn’t been invited to similar festivities, I think in theory it’s a great idea to get people to get an affinity with the club. But I worry that we have let ideals come before common sense here but I have to say I am no groundsman it just feels hundreds on a new pitch may not be ideal
  3. This is being held again on the 10th July Whilst I think the sentiment is great and was really well received in the Muslim community last time I worry that we are being a bit daft hosting an on the pitch event on a fresh pitch before the season kicks off
  4. I mean this was at least in part down to my own lack of desire before the first ‘loyalty’ deadline; someone then snapped up my seats and fair play to them they were good seats and have no qualms about it. The annoying bit for me was not having the slightest bit of foresight in extending the deadline knowing a manager was incoming; then taking 5 days to announce an extension, then communicating that you can still claim your seat even if someone had taken it, then changing the article about it to make it less clear; then claiming that anyone affected would be contacted then finally when we went into the store after not being contacted we were told they had no idea why they put that in the article as it was never the case and in fact the only option was to choose other seats It’s just a shambolic way of doing things and all avoided by someone, anyone with a bit of forward thinking deciding to extend the deadline before the cut off and deal with the Venky box tick later! It’s worse than non league standard the way things are done, for balance the chap in the store tried his best with what he is working with but has been dealt a duff hand
  5. That’s what happened with us, they said on twitter we’d get our old seats back and whoever took it would as a gesture get their new seats at the reduced ‘loyalty’ price. They also said anyone in this scenario would be contacted directly - that didn’t happen They then changed the article online to remove reference to it and when we went into store to renew said we couldn’t have our old seats but could have some much worse ones We decided against it; shoddy handling at best and just an example of left hand not knowing what right hand was doing
  6. Problem is we went through two ‘classic’ away kits in one season, they should have had the foresight to use the yellow last season and follow up with the red and black halves this season Should have….
  7. Well at least the club are tweeting lots of pictures of the current squad, which helps
  8. I genuinely think the gap between the excitement of JDT being announced and the ‘loyalty’ deadline being extended will have cost them a few hundred tickets Not being able to strike whilst the iron was hot was ridiculous and seemingly because Waggot had to wait for permission from India If his role has that little autonomy or trust he should walk away
  9. Interesting link for Brereton, it feels an international move is most likely should he leave. I have no clue about these guys after him though, cash rich?
  10. Impressive that it’s your approach they are adopting Chadster, they must be listening to you
  11. You’ve got to be a bit more mindful of throwing young defenders in, the exuberance of youth can be a blessing for forwards as the outcome can be glory with less risk. For defenders they play with the same fearlessness but can get exposed, Phil Jones debut was sensational but I remember a young Jay McEveley getting a lesson for getting carried away and over committing against Liverpool or United at Ewood If Ash is as good as we hear though I imagine we’ll see him this season Sam Barnes seems to go below the radar but has travelled with the team, captained the under 23’s at times as well I believe
  12. +13 today is our BEST EVER Sunday in the last week of June in a year ending in 22. Record after record is being broken with the dynamic pricing strategy I must remember to congratulate Steve in my next 3 hour meeting with him
  13. That sounds like it could be lovely The third sounds like it could have been a perfectly good away kit mind you
  14. Coventry have broken their record and sold over 12.5k It feels there’s new waves of optimism and energy around lots of fanbases that hasn’t happened here or more likely the club haven’t done enough to create it
  15. Horrible sponsor aside (and it is disgusting) there are light ‘splashes’ on the blue in the second pic I wonder if it’s intentional or just a mark on the kit in the photo
  16. He’s a great championship right back, maybe less suited to the wing back role but we look far far better with him there than the likes of JRC Lots of people will now say they aren’t bothered that he’s leaving but it’s now an issue where there was none before, there’s no up side to it
  17. For what it’s worth Burnley tweeted someone tonight to say they’ve sold 13,500 compared to 13,000 last season
  18. I never understood why they suddenly stopped doing free under 8 tickets in the family stand, they had been around as long as I could remember then suddenly £60
  19. I think a lot of Burnley’s success May hinge on what City players he gets offered and the impact that they have. We’ve had a few from the likes of City, Chelsea and Liverpool on Loan with varying degrees of success Harvey Elliott - success Tosin - success Harwood Bellis - ok Kasey Palmer - failed Jack Byrne - failed Karim Rekic? - failed Clarkson - failed
  20. I’d cash in on Brereton, lovely lad and was a joy to watch him succeed last season but I’m not convinced he will replicate that year on year If we can get £20m and IF JDT gets that cash I think it’s time to sell
  21. He already has shone, picked up from the scrap heap, a handful of goals and assists in each of the 2 seasons since and just earned a call up to the England Under 20’s where he bagged a goal in his second appearance Much to learn particularly around end product but we’ve seen him put in stand out man of the match performances in games he hasn’t assisted or scored by giving the defence a torrid time
  22. £3m for Dolan? He’s worth more to us than that, £3m doesn’t buy you much as a replacement
  23. For anyone else it effects, if ‘your’ seat has now gone they will be offering an alternative rather than kicking out the new tenants. They’ve added a caveat to the original article (presumably because they didn’t account for that scenario) “*If your current seat is now unavailable, please contact the Ticket Office who will offer you an alternative seat at the loyalty price.”
  24. I should feel bad….but I won’t. We didn’t feel that renewing was right, held off and then the club delivered with an exciting appointment and extended the deal, now I feel I’d like to renew. Sure someone may ‘lose’ a seat they’ve never sat in but they are going to get £30 back in their pocket
  25. They are pretty cushy seats so I think they got snapped up as soon as they were released on Monday
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