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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Also we didn’t win them because Armstrong was out, didn’t he play in half of this 1 win in 15 run?
  2. He’s going to dine out on that famous point for a while now
  3. Today’s result guarantees we finish on less points than last season The season is a failure by any metric
  4. A late equaliser is always nice but i won’t be celebrating a point at 8th place Cardiff after 1 win in 15 in a season where the target was promotion Dumbing down to say otherwise
  5. Before we play the luck card, we should have played 70 minutes with 10 men remember
  6. Oh we scored, I should pretend to be excited, can’t even be bothered doing that
  7. This trend of lying behind the wall is stupid, never actually helped stop a goal
  8. What a sorry state of affairs when you can't tie down new deals for the likes of JRC and Rothwell, one a half decent young lad who has just broke through and another with obvious talent but never set the world on fire. The kind of deal that would be easy if they had faith in the manager they were playing for
  9. So he plays Travis straight after a long lay off with no reserve games then stops playing him eventually with no reserve games either. Prime bullshit
  10. Honestly not that bothered if we win today, a slightly improved mid table position hardly feels something worth celebrating. Fancy we will win mind you
  11. I also think if given the option of walking away or trying to turn it around with the prospect of a pay off if not then most of us would take the second option. That may be because we think we have enough about us to turn it around or it could be because it’s more lucrative but either way it’s clearly a more attractive proposition. Sorry to say I wouldn’t be walking away myself
  12. Very open game; they aren’t scared of attacking but will leave lots of space. Few scary moments at the back so far
  13. I once went to Qegs to watch my cousin in a play; I think it qualifies me to post here. St Augustines 2000 vintage here
  14. Whilst I find some bits and bobs interesting I don’t subscribe to the full statto thing that’s all the rage these days. Football isn’t like American football where everything is stats based on yards etc. Nyambe does so much that stats can’t pick up, his drive often can turn ambling midfield possession into attack and his running wins lots of corners (granted we are shocking from them)
  15. Preston 2 points behind us, let’s see where we end up after them taking action
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