It really was a special occassion-I arrived at 1:15 and was just able to get one of the extra seats already put out.
More people arrived after, with a large influx after the coffin was brought in; all these people were encouraged to go to the front of the Cathedral. I couldn't see how full it was but I speculate that the Cathedral was full.
Ronnie's grand-daughter did extremely well with her tribute until the very end, when her voice quavered.
I'm sure that each member of the congregation had their own private memory of the great man.
And although very humble, that is what he was.
Of the current squad, the players I saw emerge-I was able to leave by a side door and as a result had a good view-were Nelsen, Samba, Dunn, Jones, I think Emerton and Andrews.
Dave Whelan left the Cathedral in tears.