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Everything posted by islander200

  1. The reason why the budget so low is because of the money wasted in previous seasons.Instead of him using the budget to extend players contracts during the first pandemic (players who didn't play) maybe he should have been asking for that money to be put towards a new deal for Nyambe at the time.
  2. IV no idea what point you are trying to make apart from trying to be a smartarse and failing. Again the article says we might sell to Rangers in January hence my opening post saying Nixon selling Rothwell to Rangers
  3. If you read the article it says Rovers could choose to sell in January
  4. If he gets 15+ league goals this season and keeps us away from trouble he will have turned out to be a good signing.We all worried where the goals were coming from after Armstrong and thus far he has stepped up. The money should have been spread around the squad and we didn't have the luxury to wait for him to come good but he has come on an awful lot and if he gets the goals to keep us away from trouble and he moves on and we get a profit then in my opinion he will have been a good signing.
  5. We won't be losing him on a free we might not get as much as we should but he won't be going on a free.Club have a years option on his contract. He was the wrong signing and too much money spent on him but has improved a lot over the last 2 years
  6. Am not trolling I could say you are trolling by calling fans weird for thinking he played well for Chile when you yourself say you didn't watch all the matches.I did watch them and he did more than "just" score a goal. Brererton has been better and shown more than Gallagher in their times here no disputing that
  7. Nixon selling Rothwell to Rangers in January https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/16312063/rothwell-rangers-transfer-blackburn-january-brentford/
  8. You don't half like blowing your own trumpet don't you? Cardiff week you posted more than once about you being right about Gallagher because he had a good game and it proved the posters who criticized him wrong. Yet no mention of Brererton by you who got a hat trick.Yet you were posting saying that you "haven't been taken in like other fans because he scored a goal for Chile" and taken in by all the Chilean fanfare
  9. Seen some on the FB group trying to flog spare tickets for £100 a piece.
  10. Aberdeen manager confirmed we had a 500k bid turned down for Hedges? No argument the budget was minimal but shows we had a little money and an alternative to restricting all our signings to loan deals with the exception of Edun
  11. Fingers crossed he can get through the next 2 games and then we have a 2 week break
  12. Gallagher in for Poveda who drops to the bench.Davenport misses out
  13. Aberdeen manager confirmed we had a 500k bid turned down for Hedges
  14. They took in a match whilst negotiating Brererton's cut price January move to Benfica
  15. You don't have any idea how close we are to the limit? So how do you know that spending a fraction of the income generated wouldn't have put us at risk of a points deduction or transfer ban?
  16. It comes down to finance aswell though Sparks. He did well in his role at Celtic and Mourinho wanted him at Chelsea will reserve judgement until he has had more time in the job. I don't lay the blame at his door for our poor window
  17. The lack of signings is hardly Parks fault. He was brought In with hardly any of the window left.Its down to whoever took so long to fill the head of recruitment role which had been vacant for months .
  18. You keep on ignoring it when I point out other clubs with similar/worse budgets doing better than us and in some cases getting promoted. He has had plenty of money to spend.Do the math up until Armstrong was sold we had sold Raya in his time at the club.Look at all the players brought in throughout that time.
  19. He is a poor manager and part of the problem end of story. You keep saying this about 2019.He brought 11 players to the club last summer. Do you think Ayala cost us nothing? Kaminski and Pickering transfer fees paid. Point me to the other clubs who spent money last summer and IL point out the parachute payments or player sales used to fund it. And how did Huddersfield, Norwich, Sheffield United get promoted with their budgets.
  20. And what do expect when we are getting crowds of only 10k(yeah owners fault) and have had 18 months with nobody at the ground. The owners are putting in as much as they can with FFP regulations (agreed even if there wasn't ffp they still wouldn't go mad with spending).The club needs to become more sustainable if we are ever to get rid of the owners ( they won't be putting us into administration like other clubs).We couldn't continue running our wages at 180% to turnover. Barnsley last season finished top 6.Sheffield united, Huddersfield, Norwich first time all promoted with a similar budget to what Mowbray has had in his time here.He has had 4 years in the job and the squad is in a poor state and a lot of that was down to him. Or do you believe it was the owners who recommended we give long term deals to the likes of Mulgrew, Smallwood, Bennett, Evans. Was it the owners who recommended bringing in Downing the second time and hardly playing him,?Was it the owners who decided to give loads of extensions out to players who didn't play a minute after the season was postponed during the first lockdown? He has had a budget that would be the envy of most clubs generating cash similar to ourselves. Nobody is arguing the owners are the main issue but Mowbray can have no complaints with the backing he has been given up to this summer
  21. He has had 4 years in the job which is a lifetime in this day and age.3 out of 4 years he has been backed in the market, he has built nothing with the money.Every year it's a different plan by him, a different style, every season at least 6 players he has brought in. Another manager, after 4 years and the money spent would have us in a better position.Its on Mowbray that he hamstrung the club by giving out stupid contracts to ageing and substandard players. Mulgrew case in point one of our highest earners due to Mowbray hardly kicked a ball for us for two years yet we still paying him. Extensions for Smallwood, Bennett, Evans.Too loyal to players that were never taking us to the next level.Pissing money away and you think it is all the owners fault and poor Tony what a bad hand he was dealt. When Norwich got promoted first season they would have had similar budget as ourselves, same with Sheffield United . Those teams had a manager with a plan though.Mowbrays plan is to copy whichever manager wins the premier league.Got relegated to league one and thought he was Conte after winning the premier league with 3 at the back. The owners are the biggest issue but Mowbray has left our squad In a very poor state. Good managers get you promoted from this league.Sheffield united, Huddersfield,Norwich and others did not spend crazy and they got promoted.
  22. This summer you have a point. Last summer included Mowbray been backed more than most managers in this division. Like I said,we have been in the midst of a pandemic, parachute payment teams and teams who sold players were the teams investing in the market. I would love Venkys out but Mowbray should have done a lot better with what he has had to spend.No matter what you say there is no disputing that. 11 players were brought to the club last summer Gav.Do you think we paid nothing for them?
  23. He hasn't been backed this summer. Last summer transfer fees paid out might have been low but Kaminski and Pickering were brought in on permanent deals.A commitment was made to bring Ayayla to the club again that wouldn't have been cheap.6 of the 12 players signed last season were loans but again add them together it still costs. Have you seen many teams spending money on transfer fee since the pandemic started? I haven't and the ones who have have sold players to fund it. I'm not having a go at you either but have noticed you saying Mowbray has no budget a few times and to me that is nonsense, he has had a very healthy wage bill to play with , was allowed to spend 7 million on Brererton and even when Brererton looked a poor signing and wasn't playing the owners still gave him another 5 Million to go out and buy Gallagher. Barnsley last season finished top 6 won't have a budget like ours.Teams like Luton and Preston finishing ahead of us in the table,they won't be paying the wages we do Mowbray want to operate with a big squad so he can change things every week,Like last summer instead of bringing in 6 loan players we couldn't have found a couple of cheap players from league 1 to develop as our own,they probably wouldn't have cost much more than what we paid out for the loanees.This summer the loan market was a necessity but again that comes down to not spending what money we did have correctly. He has had 4 years here and is yet to give the team an identity.Worrying about the opposition every week instead of playing to our strengths.He is a poor manager
  24. Compare our spending to clubs with similar income there won't be any comparison our wage bill and transfer spend will exceed those clubs. He brought 11 players to the club last summer and added Pickering in January. Up until Armstrong was sold we had sold one first team player in his time at the club in Raya. With the money he has had available in his time here the squad should be in much better shape there is no arguing with that and unless you can prove to me it isn't Mowbray in charge of how the budget on the playing side is spent then Mowbray can have no complaints over the finance he has had up until this summer
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