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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Why do you keep saying Mowbray has had no budget?This summer yes. But he has been backed every other summer he has been here. Agreed Venkys are the main issue but this no budget defence of Mowbray isn't true .Clubs with similar levels of non owner funded income can only dream of paying 7 million for a single player.
  2. Sky have us lines up with Buckley alongside Travis with Rothwell further forward
  3. Just passing on what was said.As others have said the word of Phillips or his representatives isn't binding until pen is put to paper.If a big club are offering a lot more financial security then it's a battle we may not win, no telling what situation Rovers could be in by the time he is 17 if the club continues to be mismanaged as it is currently Find it a bit ridiculous I'm seeing quotes in the paper from the Manager every single day about Phillips (unless these quotes are from 1 interview and the paper is using it to fill space), the latest he could be worth 20 or 30 Millon in a few years he could well but just as likely he could drift to the lower leagues like many highly rated young players before him
  4. Nixon reckons he costs 3 million in compo.Swansea still paying his wage
  5. Asked Sharpe and Crooke about Ash Phillips both said the club have agreed a long term deal with him that will come into effect when he is old enough to sign it
  6. The north water on BBC 3 episodes in and think it is decent.Good cast. Finished 2nd series of The godfather of Harlem thought it was very good
  7. Whst was said about Ash Phillips?Waggot saying he had signed a long term deal?He isn't of age to do that yet.
  8. He says Ash Phillips had signed a long contract thought he couldn't yet? Says Obafemi didn't want to move up north.
  9. Rumours that Derby will be getting a 12 point deduction,9 this season and 3 suspended.Will put them bottom on -2
  10. He didn't play well last night but not many did until the changes were made. The previous game v Luton he was one of our better players. The same things were being said about Brererton and he is growing as a player.Armstrong also had his critics on here and look how that turned out.
  11. Not one redeeming feature,he can pick a pass as good as anyone in our squad. I will readily agree he needs to start doing more in games but he is a young lad trying to stake his claim his spot and he does have some talent.Last Saturday he was decent enough.Tonight steady in possession and won a few tackles but didn't do enough to get himself into the game and obviously the changes were correct. Butterworth looked fantastic
  12. Buckley played well on Saturday so find it strange you pick him out prior to the match. I'm not claiming he is a super star in the making but this season he has done ok.Find it odd people feel the need to be criticising him prior to this game when there have been worse players than him in other games, especially when the lad has been at the club since he was 6. He played very well in the first half against Swansea I didn't see a positive post by you then and on a whole I would describe his performances not spectacular but steady in the opening matches.So again find it odd you felt the need to post what you did
  13. No you wake up, on his back before a ball has even been kicked tonight. Guarantee you won't be on here with a bit of praise if Buckley plays well
  14. He will be most likely playing out of position? And free pass I have no idea what you are talking about? when he plays poorly he gets criticised. His performances on a whole have not been bad this season, certainly not bad enough for him to be singled out.Again another lovely pass that was part of the move which led to the goal at weekend
  15. The rules are you can lose 39 million over 3 years is that not the case?If it is then even with the Armstrong sale we are sailing close to the wind yes wage bill been reduced but that doesn't benefit us straight away with the accounts it will help us going forward but doesn't cover the losses already made Again name me 1 club prior to Armstrong being sold who has similar income to ourselves that was running as high a wage bill or spending as much in transfer fees, even though so called bigger teams were becoming more reliant on player sales to fund it .Im not saying it's an open cheque book sort of thing but I don't think any argument that he has been well backed in his time .If he is picking the players to be signed and he got those new deals for players who had done a job but there time was up then he Is responsible for the state the squad is in now .
  16. Basically what I am saying is yeah the owners still should have made sure a striker at a minimum was brought in to what we could pay due to ffp but the squad today isn't down to lack of spending the manager has had enough money and time to have the squad in a much better state.The lads who left from the wagebill who were our own didn't contribute enough to warrant what we paid them an awful lot of money wasted.
  17. When have I ever said it is preventing us from sacking Mowbray? I said he should be sacked.But I also think with the squad we have and little money to spend this window which could be due to ffp then it would be difficult to attract any one decent. IV always agreed the way the club is run is a joke my only argument is the manager has had funds that would be the envy of those clubs you mentioned.Thats why it doesn't bother me too much no money spent this window unless on a Maja or Obafemi.Too much money has been spent already for the squad to be in this state Would still sack him
  18. They never sell players easy I can tell you for a fact that Rhodes was wanting out a long long time before sold.Players have been sold in the past on the cheap like Cairney but it is when non owner Money is needed not long after he was sold we were in an embargo Even if that was the case it's the way we should be operating, a trading club not never selling our players because up until Armstrong when the club was under a barrel only Raya has been sold. People can speculate about Dack but the previous window 15 million on the table for Dack confirmed by their assistant at the time and we turned it down.Some profit to be turning down.
  19. Ok and the commitment to contracts for ageing players,some who will have been on good money?
  20. Name me one club in the division with similar non owner funded income or transfers funded by player sales who are being backed like we have in the last 4 year? I'm not arguing about the owners lack of care,I'm not saying that they have an open cheque book I am simply saying that the manager has been well backed and wasted a lot of money here.And others with knowledge have explained about FFP, they ain't making rumours from what I can tell they are explaining how ffp works .I have already said I'm not an expert but I don't think it takes an expert to realise that running the wage bill we are etc will put us in trouble.Armstrong fee and the reduction in our wage bill won't give us leeway until next summer is my understanding
  21. You will be proven right or wrong next summer. When the club commited 7 million on Brererton and 5 Million on Gallagher do you think they had a crystal ball that could guarantee we would sell a player to pay for it.
  22. See chaddys post above we are allowed 39 million loss over 3 season we are losing 20 million a season. They let him spend every other year he had been here.We brought in 11 players last summer Mowbray didn't go to India then. We were going into an embargo under Bowyer are you forgetting that? And as for the bit about blaming ffp for them not sacking Mowbray,of course not that is on them he should be gone.But if ffp is preventing us from spending this summer then I can see why it would be a struggle to get anyone decent to join as manager with the squad as it is
  23. We get crowds of ten thousand and our sponsorship will be miniscule and as for TV money don't you get more the more times you are on?In our case that is hardly ever . Like I have said im no ffp expert but I find it hard to believe with our wage bill and the money that has been spent on transfers that we wouldn't be very close to the limit.Could it not be when the club are doing their projections they are factoring player sales at X amount a target we have still yet to meet.Prior to the end of last season we had only brought in 3 million for Raya(now 5) and Armstrong after Newcastle' seen their cut we made 10 or 11 million. The wagebill has been running at a ridiculous rate and needed to be cut back.And a lot of that money was for nothing.Paying Mulgrew to be at Fleetwood, Ayala to be on the treatment table or for Holtby to go to Germany for a visit
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