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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Its an ffp issue aswell, you may be a disbeliever in ffp then fair enough but I think they are beginning to crack down on it and we have clearly been spending more than what our level of income would allow under those rules.Im not claiming to be ffp expert but my understanding of it is we would be very close to breaching those rules. They agree on the budget too late yes but when eventually agreed the manager is left too it or would you have me believe the owners signed off on a number of ageing players getting new deals and bringing ageing players who had been on decent money to make profit on it? The budget was pitiful this summer but every time they turn the taps off there has been a period of financial backing or when we had the embargo.
  2. Not what I heard and know Nottingham forest were trying to sign him permanently, so find it hard to believe that Bordeaux would have given him to us on loan with only a view to a permanent deal when they could have got the money from forest if he didn't have this injury issue
  3. Bring another left back in on loan,the 500 grand that we spent on the fella at left back should have been added to the kitty for a goalscorer which we are in more need of than a second left back
  4. The facts are tho he has received plenty of backing in his previous seasons.It isn't gossip to point at what he has had to spend up until this summer.He had had enough money in previous years. IV always agreed that the Venkys are rubbish owners but they put money in.Clubs with our income ain't paying 7 million and 5 million out on transfer fees.Nor are they giving long term deals out to ageing and injury prone players on the money we were paying.
  5. Im led to believe it was a permanent deal. Loan or permanent, the manager is not blameless over the fact we had hardly money this window.Look at his time here and see how much has been wasted. He should have been sacked no doubt but if it was my money I wouldn't have been giving him much either. It wasn't the owners who decided to give Pears a 4 year deal, Ayala ,Johnson,Holtby , Downing (2nd spell).Mulgrew,Evans, Bennett,Smallwood etc new deals. 12 Million on Gallagher and Brererton. Even with the limited budget this year did we need both Poveda and Khedra?Did we need to bring in two left backs on permanent transfers? He has been backed, other teams with similar levels of income do not get that sort of financial backing
  6. We agreed a deal for Maja if reports are to be believed so must have been some money. The manager had quite generous backing in previous seasons, he wasted that money
  7. What are you even talking about?Throw my toys out of the pram. I have consistently defended Buckley on here and think he has good technique and will make a good career for himself.However the fact of the matter he isn't a physically strong player and he does get brushed off the ball and it has happened this season. You just can't have a negative thing said about any rovers player.I see earlier you said we should have sold Nyambe as he is coming to the end of his deal?So I presume you think Brererton, Rothwell and Lenihen should have been sold aswell?
  8. He is our only decent right back no we shouldn't have sold him for the few hundred grand to a Million we would have got for him.
  9. He has been brushed off the ball this season.What are you trying to say here that Buckley is strong and can hold off players? It's pointless trying to debate with you as you can never say anything negative about one of our players. Like I said I rate Buckley but the fact of the matter is he does get brushed off the ball easily and he isn't a physically strong player
  10. Buckley made some good tackles and I do rate him, however he is lightweight?Or did I imagine all the times he got brushed off the ball with ease in the past? We will see but don't think much longer till we are back playing a false 9 and it will be Poveda
  11. Mowbray has already stated he sees Poveda as a central player And Buckley is small and lightweight
  12. 11 players were brought to the club last summer another 1 added in January and we finished 15th. Did we really need both Khedra and Poveda?Did we need to spend our only transfer fee outlay on 2 left backs? Money gets deals over the line and from the outside looking in what little we did have to spend has been spent in wrong areas
  13. We would have had more of a chance getting deals over the line if we had more funds and Mowbray has had a major part in that. It was on his recommendation we gave out contracts to the likes of Mulgrew, Bennett Evans, Smallwood etc.His decision to bring Rodwell in and Downing,Holtby etc.His decision to extend numerous players deals to finish out the season when covid first hit,players who didn't see a minute of action. He had a good idea we would be reliant on our academy this season yet instead of blooding them in the dead rubbers at the back end of last season he decided to play the players who would be departing.
  14. I accept he was limited with what he could do due to the budget but still look at the business we did do they are all similar type players.Poveda/Dolan/Khedra... Buckley/Clarkson.Filling the squad with midgets and his comments regarding Poveda suggests he will be playing false 9. And we have a paper thin squad due to how the money has been spent in the previous seasons, players Mowbray brought to the club. He spends all week talking up Butterworth and then doesn't give him one minute of action when Gallagher was playing poorly. I find it very hard to have any sympathy for him,if we had of brought in a striker he would have ended up competing for a wide striker role with Gallagher and Brererton
  15. He has talked up Butterworth the last few days and then doesn't even give him a minute when Gallagher was poor
  16. He was saying all this before announced Brererton is available. Don't think he will start him now but hopefully he will get some minutes at least
  17. So going off that it wasn't due to the owners being unwilling to spend some of the money on a replacement for Armstrong. Once again it is down to the people on the ground.Leaving it until the last minute when you are bringing a player over from abroad.He would have at least been 3 million we couldn't have found another striker for that money?
  18. The money will be spent again tho this is where we disagree that money will be put on the field again. Why agree to 40% sell on in Armstrong's case if it is about profit or covering losses?I'm not buying the argument that we agreed to it so we could get him so cheap in my opinion it was market value for the player he was and what he had done at the time but even if that wasn't the case we had no problem over paying for Brereton and Gallagher so why not Armstrong. The Bradley Johnson's,Holtbys ,Downings Ayala's, long term deals for Bennet,Mulgrew and Evans.That money was spent with profit in mind ffs? The Armstrong money will reappear like the Rhodes money eventually did.Every time spending stops it is the third year when they have pushed us to the hilt. Name me one club that carries our wage budget and spends decent enough money on transfer fees with similar non owner funded income as ourselves?There ain't any and when they do spend it is reliant on player sales. Not being argumentative either and I am unhappy with many things at the club but believe we should be in a lot more secure position with the finance that has been available to Mowbray.
  19. It pays for Gallagher and Brererton and helps to balance the books. We have had hardly any income in the last 18 months. If it is coming across that I am defensive over the owners being criticized then I apologize, I am completely in agreement that they are incompetent and have no business running a football club. However, they are putting in what they can ,our wages to turnover is ridiculous.They are losing money not making it on us.They are billionaires do you honestly think they care over a few million profit made on Armstrong which doesn't even put us in a positive transfer spend since Mowbray had been at the club if you take signing on fees on ageing players Into account? If we are ever to see the back of the Venkys then the club needs to start becoming more sustainable,they will not be putting us into administration like what happened at Wigan and Bolton. A striker should have been brought in to make our stay in the league more secure but we can't spending money like we have been doing ,throwing money down the drain.Yes high transfer fees have been kept for forward players but some of our free transfers ended up costing the club a lot of money. There must have been some money as why would you choose to spend what little you have on all these similar type player loans and spend a transfer fee for a full back a position you had last paid a transfer fee for and then loaned him back (ridiculous stuff) nothing against the players in question but no way to go about things. Surely that comes down to people on the ground being wasteful with the playing budget. Incompetent people on the ground with no sort of plan except putting prices through the roof and making it a struggle for many to afford to go. On the ground needs a complete overhaul and we have to start cutting our cloth and being more clever with the little money we have. Am I confident that after so many years the owners will suddenly change tact and employ both a competent CEO and a management team no I'm not and want the Venkys gone as much as anyone but they do spend (waste) money and hang onto assets that want out for too long,unless the club stop appointing yes men and start working to a strategy both on and off the field any money we spend will be wasted like the rest. Maybe Maja didn't fancy competing for a wide Striker role with Gallagher and Brererton whilst Poveda or Dolan played through the middle?
  20. How do the owners benefit from the Armstrong deal? Pay them back for Gallagher and Brererton?Pay toward wages? They have no clue how to run a football club but they won't be rubbing their hands together over the fact they made 9 or 10 Million on Armstrong. This is not a post defending the owners, without a doubt they are totally clueless and agree with the majority of what you have said apart from the owners benefitting from the Armstrong sale. Which ever way you look at it the club needs money being brought in.We had sold Raya and Nuttall previous to Armstrong.We still are not in player trading profit during Mowbrays tenure. Also you keep saying "it's the same as every summer".Last summer 11 players were brought to the club,12 if you include Pickering.Granted 6 loans
  21. Only a months deal and maybe Mowbray feels Carter and the lad from Brighton can fill in at rb if Nyambe or Jrc are out.Pike needs to play games, yes it is not a very good level but it will be more competitive than under 23 football
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