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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Its mainly at the back where they have long term injury. Only Salah missing from the front line and it's covid related.
  2. Why?Highly rated by the club reportedly had interest from Leeds and Liverpool before signing a new deal here
  3. That's why I struggle to take your word that Whiteman would be a massive upgrade on what we have.I will agree that In the games I have seen him play he looks good and looks like he could make the step up, but Doncaster are clearly wanting above of what he is worth, he would have signed for a Championship club otherwise. In no way is Fletcher a better player than Dack.
  4. If Sparks thought Dack was a lazy waster after an excellent season in league one followed by a very good season in the championship it's safe to say he must have thought he was a poor signing and player before performing for us.
  5. His own eyes would have told him Buckley created chances at the weekend. Lovely ball on to Lenihans head for the opening goal, lovely ball in to Wharton only for him to hit the post. Don't think Buckley hit one stray ball at the weekend. Agreed he needs to start imposing himself in the games and needs to work on his upper body strength, but technically Buckley has it to to be a success.Not many if any in our squad who are as good a passer as him
  6. When I find the thread I will but we both know you said it like you say it with NEARLY every player
  7. Well to be fair I don't have to prove anything to you or anybody else.I know he said it. Have given some examples of the tosh he talks above.
  8. I can't find the 2017 Transfer thread.But those are some of your opinions on Dack even after he had more than proved himself here. Calling for a ban? Childish. There is absolutely nothing personal in my posts apart from calling you out on your ridiculous football opinions.
  9. Where do I find the summer transfer thread from 2017 then and IL quote the posts?
  10. I remember it as clear as day as I responded to the posts and we debated it.If you want to make out that you didn't say it that's fair enough, but I know you did say it like you say 99% of our signings and players are crap.Im not going back looking for posts from 3 years ago but I know and you know you said Dack was a crap signing and poor player
  11. I wasn't missing your point, transfer fees from league 1 have not risen that much. Not many players have left league one to join a higher club for fees in excess of the 750k we paid for Dack.We wouldn't have been paying that much more than 750k for Dack if we were buying him this year in similar circumstances to when we bought him.He had had a poor season prior to us buying him And on Whiteman and a 2 million gamble being better than 7 Million, that's true but isn't it funny how not one championship club has deemed Whiteman good enough to pay his fee?so I would rather take their view than Sparks.No offence to him but he claimed Bradley Dack was a rubbish signing.
  12. Have you seen many more players move from league one to a championship club for equal or higher fees than what we paid for Dack?There have been a few but not very many We bought Dack whilst in league one. Im not saying Whiteman wouldn't be a success but just find it strange No club from the championship has agreed to pay the fee for him if he is as good as being reported.The only official bids IV seen reported are from Hull and Barnsley. For every Dack success there are plenty more who don't make the step up.
  13. Its until the end of the season and sounds like it was a case of Downing or nobody. We didn't have the money to bring in a Whiteman or similar. Players develop at different rates. Plenty of players have been average or poor in their late teens early twenties only to develop into extremely good players in their mid twenties. Elliot looks a once In a generation talent and Buckley doesn't have to be half the player Elliot is to still turn out to be a good player for the club . Technically Buckley definitely has it one of the best passers of a ball at the club, played two of the best passes in the game last Saturday.Setting Wharton up for his chance and putting the ball on Lenihens head which led to our first goal.
  14. Its not rubbish it's fact. Doncaster looking for an unrealistic fee.The only concrete bids they have had are from Barnsley and Hull. The proof is there, he is still at Doncaster.If he was wanted enough he would be in the championship.simple
  15. They didn't agree a fee with Doncaster. Ok well if Whiteman waiting for a big club in the championship to buy him then he could be in for a long wait. The only concrete bids in for him that iv seen reported are from Hull and Barnsley. Have we even ever put in an official bid.
  16. What?That has absolutely nothing to do with my posts. Downing is an ex international with tons of experience which he has been brought in for...on a short term deal. The club where never going to pay the fee to bring Whiteman here and like I said if he is as good as being made out then someone would have paid the fee.
  17. He didn't turn down Barnsley, that's not true. Barnsley didn't agree a fee with Doncaster. I'm calm, and I'm not saying Whiteman doesn't have what it take to play in the championship either. I'm responding to posts where it's being said we should have signed Whiteman instead of downing. The money wasn't there to buy Whiteman, and even if it was I wouldn't blame the club for not paying 2million+ on a player that hasn't played at this level. Downing is a short term deal, I'd presume on much less wages than last year and has a lot of experience that will aid our young squad.
  18. I have seen him play. Childish and dismissive?What are you even on about . I will ask again if he is as good as you make out why has no other championship club paid the fee that Doncaster want? No championship club can afford the fee?I don't believe that. And sparks it's ok for you to be dismissive of nearly every player we are linked with coming out with "rubbish player" etc. Bit like you with Bradley Dack calling him rubbish when we signed him.
  19. Dack cost 750k , Doncaster value Whiteman much higher than that. Like I said if he is as good as people are saying why has no other championship club paid the fee to sign him? Whiteman may have what it takes and maybe should be playing at a higher level but a decent game against FC United is enough evidence he would be a good signing? Downing has a short term deal, it is for this season and this season alone where he will play a bit part, it didn't cost us a fortune and his experience could prove invaluable. Signing Whiteman would have cost a couple of million at least in transfer fees and the player would expect a 2 or 3 year deal on top of that, money was clearly tight and whatever anyone says Whiteman would be a gamble as he has not played at this level and we aren't the only championship club to look at him but decide against paying Doncaster's valuation there has to be a reason for that
  20. Still until he is tested at a higher level we can't really say he would definitely be a good signing.There must be something to his game that is putting off championship clubs from paying the fee to sign him. Fair enough it's true Downing Is coming to the end of his career but it's a short term deal and although Downing's performance levels went down a level after the covid break for the majority of last season he was one of our better players.
  21. Agreed, Downing is an ex international and played the majority of his career in the top division whilst Whiteman has spent the majority of his career in league 1. Whiteman looks handy in the few games iv seen him but Doncaster want silly money for someone who has done nothing above league one.
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