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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Which bookies?Most IV see have us at 11/10 or 21/20 while Reading are 11/4
  2. It isn't the same tactical attitude. Yes he will still baffle us at times but on the whole our football is a lot better than in previous years. We move the ball so much quicker now and it moves forward rather than sideways
  3. Forest 13 players unavailable including a midfield 3 of Johnson and Evans and Buckley, name me another championship club who wouldn't struggle in those circumstances? .Cardiff I will give you but still no Elliot, Douglas and Trybull. Last season or season before can't be comparative with this season, practically half a new team and we are playing a different style than we have done under Mowbray in the past.
  4. We are playing a different system and likely 4 or 5 in the starting 11 that haven't been at the club in seasons gone by. Think it's a bit early to say we are shit in these type of games with the new additions and change in formation and style.Agreed we have been poor in the past in these type of games but I can't see how we can compare this team with last year's
  5. I never said Lancastrians you must be on about someone else? I said I have heard Brereton getting abused at matches which I have. I never said rovers fans collectively are worse than other supporters.?
  6. He has been poor but in my opinion he was mismanaged also. He was the wrong signing to bring in, that 7 million should have been used on a proven player or 2 rather than a project.But im sensible enough to realise Brereton didn't place the price tag on his head, as far as I'm aware he has never come out saying he was worth that sort of money. I just don't agree screaming at a 19 year old that he is a useless donkey etc is right. And I was beyond annoyed after the Forest game to be met with a post from a fellow rovers fan gloating that Brereton had a shit game.I have often thought a rovers player has been shit but iv never ever been happy when he has had a poor game so I could be proven right . Even when he has 2 excellent performances in a row same poster gives no credit. This season Brereton has been very good and he deserves credit for it
  7. I'm not back tracking I have heard it many times fella ,IV no reason to lie about it. Brereton has often been called a useless donkey on here so your telling me it doesn't happen at the ground, yeah right. And as for my other point about fans not giving credit when it is deserved,read this thread or the Watford thread and see for yourself
  8. Who has said we have poor supporters? Since it was one of my posts you replied to last night I presume you are saying I'm one of them. I responded to a post that said it was a myth that Brereton gets abuse, I have heard it myself so just responded it wasn't a myth. And the evidence is on this forum on my other point, Brereton failing to get any credit for the good things he has done. You and roversfan are trying to paint a picture that me and others are having a go at the fanbase which isn't true,what I said was a fact he does get silly abuse from some sections.Iv seen on more than one occasion being blamed for losing the ball when it was someone else, Brereton wasn't even near the ball. And he was getting it from nearly day one, he had played a part in no more than 2 games for us when he had "fans" jumping out of their seat to scream at Mowbray for bringing "that donkey on"
  9. We have a hard core group of brilliant support but 25,000? Yes the Venkys have played their part but in my reckoning 10,000 upward of those support no longer go because we ain't playing in the top division any more,that isn't good support. We get a man u or Liverpool in the cup and the stadium packed out,back to the nitty gritty of the championship and the figure is down to 11,000
  10. Who is doing that? If you are referring to me I wasn't painting that picture at all I was responding to you when you said that he doesn't get abuse.You have said many times it's a myth. It is a minority but he does get it...like on here at times he doesn't get the credit he deserves 'its only Coventry playing against his level" "he has been useless this season" etc
  11. In my posts I wasn't criticising all our fanbase, I was responding to a post where it was said it was a myth Brereton gets abuse, when it isn't ,it's a minority but it does happen iv heard it myself. And on my other point that posters don't give him any credit when it's deserved, that is also true,it's in this thread.
  12. Yes I am not arguing that the majority have been more than fair with him, they have. My annoyance comes from people failing to give him any credit now he is actually doing well.Im not even arguing he is worth the 7 million he clearly isn't but I call a spade a spade and Brereton in the last couple of games been excellent and was at Derby too.
  13. IV never said it was a majority.I was specifically replying to roversfan post where he says it's a myth that Brereton gets abuse.It does happen I have heard it and seen it more than once and not just from one group
  14. IV no problem naming names.Ewood Ace. Right after the Forest game I was talking about Bradley Johnson in another post, he replies to the post and goes off on a big rant about Brereton and how shit he is.Earlier in the week he wouldn't give any credit for Brereton playing well in the Derby and Wycombe matches. Last two games Brereton has been our best player over the two games and what he gets in return is "it's only Coventry probably playing against his level" and on the Watford game he just gave him shit over his "diving" totally disregarding every one of those free kicks was a foul regardless wether he went down easy or not so does every other player
  15. Standing up the minute Brereton comes off the bench and screaming at Mowbray why are you bringing that donkey on, many more times people jumping up and screaming you useless donkey at Brereton when it was someone else who lost the ball. I don't get it either but what else do you call gloating when a player for the team you support plays badly .Then when he does play well fail to give any credit instead say it was "only Coventry" and pretend the good performances he has had this season haven't happened
  16. So that's an excuse to throw mindless abuse at a 19 year old lad who had no control of the size of his fee?Not in my book And I genuinely believe some posters would prefer to be proven right in their opinion of Brereton rather than see him come good. Sure one poster was nearly jumping for joy when he played badly against Forest
  17. I have said many times a lot of things about Mowbray that I don't like and I agreed with you previously that Mowbray got things wrong against Forest. In my opinion the squad isn't set up to sit deep and invite pressure and hope for a goal by hitting them on the break like some suggested we do against Watford. I can nearly guarantee that if we sat deep against Watford and lost the game 1-0 we would have the same people calling Mowbray an idiot because he should have gone more attacking and had a go. You never seem to remember the quotes but they are there like the where other day about Brereton "dives" and how it's a myth people don't have it in for Brereton.And btw just because you don't hear any Brereton abuse at the ground doesn't mean it doesn't exist...I have heard it myself from the people sitting behind me many many times
  18. Yes it fine not to get carried away, that isn't my point, basically giving no credit tho that isn't right, saying things like only Wycombe and Coventry or making out both hammerings were because of sendings off when we were already 3 up and through for a potential fourth in one of the matches and like iv said in previous posts Wycombe,Coventry and Derby haven't been getting hammered in their other matches. Its also a good sign to have had 3 sendings off against us so far and we were unfortunate that Watford didn't have one sent off aswell.Teams are resorting to fouling us because they can't deal with the movement of our front 3.
  19. I need to calm down?IV not said anywhere we will finish in the top 6?And yeah it might be only Wycombe but my posts are in response to you making out we only hammered them because they were down to 10 men until I pointed out to you we were already 3-0 up. A bit like other day when you said you couldn't understand Mowbray's transfer buisness not bringing in players better than what we had , despite the fact 5 of his signings this window look like they will be first choice I think it's other people who need to calm down ,many posters ruled us out of contention for top 6 after the Forest game when none of our deadline day signings were involved.
  20. Well you must dislike 99% of players in the modern game then as all of em take a dive. And all of Breretons free kicks where fouls wether he went down easy or not
  21. Armstrong was through if he wasn't taken down ,most likely would have been 4. And I take it you didn't see the match as every time we went forward we looked like scoring when it was 11v11
  22. Yes but against both Forest and Cardiff we had nowhere near the first 11 I expect to play the majority of the season.Douglas, Trybull and Elliot will be major players for us this season and add Dack when he is back. I believe that with the attacking players we possess creating chances will not be a problem, but we need to be more clinical. The thing I just don't believe the squad as it is is built to go and keep thinhs I'm not fawning over the new style or saying we will definitely make the top 6. But it's like this, on deadline day the majority of posters were buzzing with our signings.The very next day we play Forest,We play shit and lose the game.All of a sudden the posters who were happy with our deadline day signings are now saying things like "no chance of top 6"" we can't create when teams sit deep" "we will be closer to relegation than promotion" All that was said without any deadline day signing included or having played a match for is yet. Pre deadline day I and I presume others felt if we didn't add a couple, a left back certainly then we wouldn't make the top 6. We added quality, had a very good window so surely it only right to wait till we have at least played a few games with the new additions before coming out with such statements. I also find it quite sad people downplaying the hammerings we fished out.Yes those teams are not great but they ain't getting hammered every week either and against Wycombe we were 3 up before any sending off.Some of the same posters calling us fast track bullies are saying Reading for automatic promotion when they have played mostly the weaker sides in the division
  23. We were missing 13 players,5 or 6 starters v Forest. We were poor in both the forest and Cardiff games. Thing is im not the one saying things like " no chance top 6", "we will be closer to relegation than promotion" I have made my position clear,too early to judge one way or another but one thing is for certain I wouldn't be predicting doom and gloom when we signed 5 players over the summer that will improve the first 11, with 3 of them being at the club for 8 days
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