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Everything posted by islander200

  1. 2 of those defeats were away against 2 relegated sides with a number of multi million pound players in their squads. It is too early into the season to predict one way or another how we will fare this season.
  2. Yeah but still think we are better than them . They don't possess the same quality as Watford or Bournemouth.
  3. Im no big Mowbray fan either but he was the manager last Friday also and you seemed a little optimistic after they signed, so find it a little odd you practically writing off our chances for top 6 this year when those players have only been at the club for 6 days and 2 of them haven't started a match
  4. Yeah and only teams who have scored more than the one goal against us this season have been 2 relegated teams with multi million pound players throughout their squads. You think if we went defensive last night we would have come away with something?I really don't. With respect the likes of Sarr and Pedro are playing way below their level and Sarr in particular will trouble every defence in this division. Promotion won't be won or lost not picking up points away to Bournemouth and Watford.And despite what you say we created more than enough chances in both those games to pick something up.Last night was a mixture of poor finishing but Foster also had an outstanding game. We deserved to lose but if we play like we did last night against Coventry and Reading we will pick up 6 points. Last Friday you said you were impressed with our business yet you won't even give a bit of time for them to be ready to start before you rule out our chances this season!
  5. Be fair tho in the games we have needed to score 3 to get a draw we have been playing against clubs who have premier league players throughout their squads. Sarr will be a menace to most defences In this division.There is a reason he was linked with Manchester United and Liverpool throughout the summer and why Palace bid 25 million for him. Our promotion chances won't rest on failing to pick up points at Watford and Bournemouth (and we were incredibly unlucky in that match)We deserved to lose last night but against Bournemouth very unfortunate to not come away with at least a point
  6. We are missing our best finisher in Dack.We scored 4 and 5 against Wycombe and Derby,2 Vs Bournemouth.We created nothing of note vs Forest and a couple of decent chances against Cardiff. Last night some of our finishing was bad but their Goalkeeper also had an unreal game, possibly the best goalkeeper in the championship. Just my opinion but if we created the same amount of chances on Saturday we would score more than once.
  7. Still if we had those chances again last night would expect us to score more than the one. Armstrong can be a bit hit n miss in front of goal but still expect him to score into double figures and Bradley Dack is the most clinical finisher at the club,if he was playing last night we score more than one goal. There was some bad misses last night no doubt but their Goalkeeper was also in inspired form
  8. Douglas and Trybull know how to win and know how to get out of this division.Even Elliot coming from Liverpool joins with a winning mentality. Those 3 players will be key for us this season along with Dack who is also a winner. From your posts you seem to understand the game, so you think those players mentioned won't make a difference? Trybull has had 7 games since new year and Douglas 1 match this season surely they deserve a little time to bed in before we all decide we are destined for midtable mediocrity once again? Yes it's a results business but if we create half the chances we did last night against Coventry and Reading then we will be 6 points better off come 10pm Tuesday night.
  9. On another day we don't miss as many chances.We created an awful lot of chances. We also won't come across a 50 million forward line many times either. Yes the result is what matters and the last few games the results have not been good enough. But it is absolutely ridiculous to be saying things like "out of the play off race already" ,"we will be closer to relegation than the top 6" etc so early in the season. We signed 4 players 6 days ago 3 of those players will be first team regulars. Against Forest we had multiple players unavailable. In spells we did look good last night.
  10. How was it absolutely awful? Poor result and that is what matters and defensively we were bad but we won't be the only team to fail to stop Sarr and Pedro. Some of our build up play was excellent and we created numerous chances. We were not absolutely awful,don't know what game you where watching
  11. Douglas has an injury hit past couple of seasons last thing we want is him picking up an injury and we have another Cunningham situation. I'm as anxious as the next man to see him in the side in place of Bell but he has had one match this season in the caraboa cup so can understand the manager holding back on giving him a start, he will be in the side soon enough
  12. Is that a fact that Brereton is the highest paid player as the club?Find that hard to believe Not that it's any better but Gallagher joined from a premier league club and was on a lucrative contract.Brererton wouldn't have been on such a deal at Forest . And Brereton will play every week? Nonsense statement Mowbray has left him on the bench more often than not since he arrived at the club?Up until this season he hardly made any starts
  13. Elliot and Holtby in for Buckley and Dolan. Trybull and Douglas on the bench. Sam Gallagher injured
  14. Dack had a set back don't think he has even started contact training yet and if he has now started it will have only been the past week. Will have a couple of under 23 or behind closed doors games before he is even considered
  15. Yes and he has had some time with his family now it's time to come back .He really shouldn't be missing the game on Wednesday
  16. Elliot wasn't eligible. Is it Mowbray's fault Williams and Rothwell got tested positive for Covid now? There was one new injury during the international break in Bennett. Will say he deserves criticism for allowing Holtby such a long time off though and talk he won't even be back for Wednesday.
  17. I can't trust you as a judge of player. You said Dack was a crap signing and rubbish player.Now our best player You said Mols was an exceptional talent.Now at some Spanish Fourth division side
  18. Well considering he played an absolute peach of a ball to Armstrong for his assist he must hit some forward passes
  19. What totally unthreatining? Hitting the post led to a goal not a threat?Playing Rothwell In after a great run that led to an assist from Rothwell and goal isn't a threat?Bs
  20. When the stat man comes back on Joe h he might be able tell us but I'm sure I'd seen him involved in 4 or 5 moves that led to goals this season maybe chaddy knows?
  21. Ok my mistake but wasn't making shit up has he been involved in 4 of the goals over the Wycombe and Derby match or 4 or 5 of the goals over the 2 game
  22. I'm not saying he set them all up but he was involved in the moves leading up to it.Im not lieing either if I'm wrong im mistaken,but I was sure he had involvement in all the moves leading to goals at Derby
  23. Yeah ok you accept useless is harsh and you don't think quoting my post about Bradley Johnson and going on a rant about Brereton isn't obsessive?.IV seen you do this before with chaddy making out it's a myth when it clearly isn't.Some players get irrational negativity...even when said player plays well .You responding to mine the way you did is my case in point my quoted post had absolutely nothing to do with Brereton it was about Johnson. And you are also making out that I'm saying Brereton is brilliant which I'm not but he was better in those 3 games than you suggest.Did you play at all? The runs Brereton was making in those games dragging players out of position etc are an important side of the game again not earth shattering,he played a part in all the goals we scored at Derby.Im just saying he has been better,last 2 games everyone been shit apart from the defence and I thought Brereton played the best of the 3 today all poor tho
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