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Everything posted by islander200

  1. The summer we signed Brereton we had the same stories about the manager having no money to spend and we would have to let players go to bring others in . I don't expect that level of spending but it's clear that we do have a little money to spend if we have agreed a fee of 500k.
  2. You really are clutching at straws. For the past week Sharpe and numerous others have said the manager has his budget and has bids in for players. Now the budget could be tiny nevertheless we have a transfer budget.Venkys don't make a statement every year telling the public how much our budget is, and would be ridiculous if they did. And now you claim our budget is coming from the sponsorship by totally wicked and the transfer fee for Matty Platt.It is ridiculous
  3. A goalkeeper and our foreign scouting system being used.. wow Looks a good deal but will save my celebration for when he signs on the dotted line
  4. It was January 2019 West Brom were in for Dack,I don't have any inside info but sky reported it strongly.
  5. Wouldn't be surprised to see sky choose this game as one of their live matches on the opening weekend
  6. Sky sports reported we turned down bids from West Brom for Dack the January before last? I think Venkys are crap owners but you can't tell me that we haven't had any enquiries or bids for our better players other than Lenihen and Raya in all the time Mowbray has been at the club? And on Raya didn't he publicly state he had told the club he wanted to move on prior to his departure?
  7. If Monk wants him away from the squad they might give him a golden handshake to aid his departure. I know circumstances are different than last summer but Bradley Johnson must have been on a fair wedge at Derby ,he wouldn't have been on the same money here surely
  8. Apparently we had a 1 million transfer budget in January but Mowbray decided not to spend it(according to Rich Sharpe anyway )
  9. It was yesterday he said it,it's on his Twitter, he said we had bids in
  10. No bid for Phillips that doesn't mean we haven't made any bids. Sharpe said yesterday, after his meeting with the club that we did have bids in . Fair enough it's most likely cheap deals but at least we must have a little money
  11. What you on about? You said the club had said no bids had been made. They haven't said that, publicly anyway so your making stuff up
  12. Where has the club denied having any bids in?Do you have a link or source for that?
  13. Yes but at least he is very experienced and dependable at this level, I'd much rather have him for 12 months than some kid from a prem team being sent down to learn his trade
  14. If Wigan could afford to sign him last year then why couldn't we?
  15. The sun now saying that Marshall joining Derby picking up his 12k a week wages. We sit here with no goalkeeper and are waiting around to see if Downing will sign a new contract. I am a fan of Downing and think he was worth another year but only if we sorted out other priorities in the squad first. The offer to him should have been withdrawn if we can't afford the 12k a week it would have taken to sign an experienced goalkeeper in Marshall
  16. Because he is a good goalkeeper, free and we are yet to sign a goalkeeper. Much prefer him than say Muric on loan or any of the other goalkeepers we been linked with
  17. Nixon tweeting David Marshall a target for Derby, would love to see him here
  18. Liverpool have had a positive covid test at their training camp
  19. Rudy is only any good with crosses flying into the box, we don't play with any natural width, his hold up and link up play are very very poor. Martin has way more intelligence,of the 2 Martin for me all day long altho preferably neither
  20. And iv disagreed with you. A 3 or 4 day training camp somewhere in Lancashire will not make or break or season. Recruitment will define what we do this season, not a couple of days away having a few beers together in the evening. We have top class facilities at Brockhall players can work on their fitness at our training ground. We have a long list of priorities to be sorted out before the new season so again I will say I think it's nonsense to get worked up over us not having a get away together. That is the last I'm saying on this topic
  21. The training camps are beneficial if going abroad and if trying to integrate a few signings into the squad, giving time to get to know each other etc. But in my opinion we have top class facilities at Brockhall, Barnsley don't have the facilities we have, the players have had only 3 weeks off, we have no new signings to integrate into the squad. We need new players and the manager's full concentration should be on that now,not going away for a few days
  22. How on earth am I saying everything is hunky dory? In my first post on this topic I listed a raft of things that need sorting out. And as for your previous posts what under 23 players will be stepping up that haven't been in and around the first team already?As the ones who been in the manager's thoughts will have been training with the first team anyway. And pre season has changed wether you like it or not...having 7 week off compared to 3 is a big difference If you are going to quote my posts that's absolutely fine but don't start making shit up, like saying I said everything was hunky dory
  23. And we are going to build a great team spirit by spending a few days away together?The players won't need the same level of fitness work as like I said they have been off 3 weeks not 7 weeks.Plenty of other clubs ain't going on training camps this season. Look mate if you want to believe not going on a training camp is going to have a detrimental effect on our season then fair enough it your opinion and your entitled to it. Just think that opinion is nonsense personally.
  24. Yes when the players are on holiday for 7 weeks not 3 weeks? They will be training everyday. It might not be the same squad but we have no new faces added to it , I thought that point would have been obvious. My point is we have a whole list of things that need sorting before the season starts, just find it a bit pathetic people are moaning the players haven't been taken away for a few days when they have only had 3 week off,we ain't going to be doing the same intensive fitness work that we usually would in a pre season
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