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Everything posted by islander200

  1. He never tried? he walked in front of a on coming traffic and was hit by a lorry wasn't he?.His mental health issues are well documented...what do you know that proves different?Its easy to say i havent got a clue or call him a wrong un. Unless you have absolute proof that he doesnt suffer from serious mental health issues then its bad taste to comment on such an issue like you have. If you have proof fair enough
  2. He may owe people money but clearly the guy has mental health issues, he did try to kill himself, you don't do things like that if you have nowt wrong with you
  3. So the overall tv package rights didnt increase even though Sky can now show all midweek games?
  4. Surely Rothwell will start ahead of Palmer and Armstrong for this one. Rothwell, Dack and Bennett behind Graham
  5. I know mate i read it this morning but every game he has played he has impressed in my eyes, still a bit suprised we haven't seen him at least from the bench the last few games Always looked busy in the games he has played and didn't look to be lacking fitness but i suppose Mowbray see's him everyday in training.With that article i think he will start him tomorrow
  6. Yeah agreed, Mogga has done a great job but some of the stuff he comes out with does leave me scratching my head. I do think something could have gone on between Mowbray and Rothwell, especially against Villa i found it strange he was'nt brought on instead of Brererton. Maybe Rothwell has been a little too insistent that he want's to be playing in the middle of the park that's where he wants to play,and i do think at home especially against the lesser teams he should be given a start in that position, he probably lacks a bit of discipline to start in that position right now against the teams that will attack us more though. If Rothwell doesn't start as one of the three behind the striker on Saturday then i will definitely think something has gone on.
  7. Same team for me although i wouldnt be suprised if Mowbray puts Evans on the bench for this one and keeps Smallwood in. Hopefully Graham isn't too leggy and get through at least an hour's work.
  8. Which is less than an hour so far for the people who hadn't heard of him prior to being linked. My whole point is calling him a bad signing or doesnt look a good player from that is not valid in my opinion. I have no issue with someone saying he had a poor game, or he hasn't had the most impressive of starts although iv seen enough with my own eyes to believe he has massive potential and will add something to this group
  9. The previous season he made 18 appearances so its actually over 50 Not his Dad no or any relation just know a player when i see one
  10. Why is the phrase don't judge him yet meaningless?Of course there are factors at play where he can't be judged one way or the other quite yet. The fact that he is clearly lacking match sharpness. Like Tyrone said moving away from friends and family will take some adjustment just because he cost a few quid doesnt mean that won't take some adjustment and time to get settled like it probably would for any 19 year old. On Nyambe i sit close to 3 lads in their late twenties to early thirties and if he misplaces a pass he gets dogs abuse and one of them in paticular screams that he is useless and can't do anything at every opportunity.
  11. I couldn't put either of them down. Non football but really enjoyed Ronnie O'Sullivan autobiography and Jimmy Whites was laughing to myself the majority of Whites
  12. Paul McGrath best autobiography iv read Recently read the Graeme Souness autobiography which was good although not much dedicated to Rovers. One part i found very interesting was that part of the fall out with Dunn was due to Souness wanting Dunn to play as a holding midfielder whilst Dunn saw himself as a Gazza type
  13. Its not the 6 million fee though, it's the wages aswell that a decent ready made striker would be looking for.We also have to take into account we have only just come up from League 1 and have had problems at the club, a more ready made player most likely would have more options and we wouldn't be at the top of his list. Just my opinion but i would rather we took a calculated gamble on a player like Brererton who does have the potential to be a top player and a really assett to the club rather than forking out say 2 or 3 million on a bog standard 28 year old who has spent his career at mid to lower end championship clubs Someone said they saw him knocking about with Armstrong in Whalley so maybe living there. But yeah the move away cant have been easy and i think he said in an interview he didnt know anyone here
  14. He hasnt even played an hour yet?He played wide in the Villa game how off that can you say he isnt capable of playing up front on his own, when you said you hadn't heard of him prior to the link? As for why he hasn't played, you played the game didn't you so you should know its not easy to step in instantly when you are so far behind everyone else with match sharpness,Mowbray is always going on about the new signings needing to learn what he expects of them both reasonable reasons why he hasnt seen much game time Would you have preferred the money spent or not?Like i have said previously its a valid point that someone more experienced could have been brought in but there isnt many ready made target men that are any good that could havs been brought in on the wages we can offer. It doesnt make Brererton a bad signing or a bad player and in time i can see him being able to do the role that Graham does,plenty of time for him to fill out and learn how to play that role properly. Nothing wrong with the club buying potential we have a raft of young players with room for improvement and next season we could have a really good side who can sustain a promotion challenge. As it stands i will put my house on it that this side won't be involved in a relegation battle,a top half finish would be a good season imo...plenty of times Mowbray has said in interviews that it will take 2 or 3 windows im sure he would have told the owners the same whilst in India
  15. The fans won't get on Brereton's back?Maybe not the majority but surely you see yourself some fans get into their head about a player and that's it,Look at Nyambe you changed your viewpoint about him but some fans still think he is crap and specifically targetted in matches and if any goal goes in its Nyambe's fault, that isnt just jal either. Not blowing my own trumpet but i always saw the potential in Nyambe and backed him to get better and il back my judgement on Brererton too. Most forest fans were gutted he left and the majority of them said he always performed better when played up front.A couple have already suggested he is a bad signing when he hasn't even been given a proper run up front
  16. Brererton was poor against Villa but i blame Mowbray, he should have brought Rothwell on,Brererton should be coming on to go up front. He was poor but he did show one bit of class in the box bringing the ball down
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