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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Rhodes has not scored goals in two seasons.2 years is a long time in football.He has hardly played in two years
  2. Rhodes didn't get promoted 12 months ago?.The foreign lads I don't know too much about.Oliviera is being linked with a move away as is Wildschut.I don't see them making the top six or being near the play offs myself
  3. Why Norwich?They have sold their best player in Maddison.Brought in Marshall who did well on loan at Millwall and Rhodes who has done nothing in two years
  4. His first tweet was replying "daylight" in the race for a signing.Since then he has been tweeting that Sheffield United are close to signing a striker.My guess is and I could be totally wrong but that it will be a follow up story on Gallagher, telling us that we are in pole position to sign him as Sheffield United have gone elsewhere
  5. Whenever I tweet Rich Sharpe about it he also doesn't say anything yet when iv asked him about other players he responds. Would be a quality signing
  6. Sharpe still saying on Twitter will be two permanent and two loan signings brought in on top of the two we have signed already
  7. If you are stuck in getting a ticket I live on the same street as ewood park,I will get you one.Im working before the club shop opens and don't finish till after it closes.But I'm off all day on Thursday...if you get here on Thursday and they won't give you a ticket due to not being on the database send me a pm and il go over and get you 1
  8. Looking forward to Thursday will make a nice debut for Maddison
  9. England do have some players of promise coming through and it's a good thing that a few of the younger players are going abroad to play.That lad that Dortmund got from city and lookman from Everton went over there.Some highly rated spurs young striker has gone over there too.And that lad from Chelsea Mount only 19 got player of the year for his club in Holland last season (on loan from Chelsea). Be interesting to see how Sessengon does next season as he does look special. England definitely have talent coming through but this French side do look something else
  10. In fairness if you don't like reading his comments then maybe skip through them or put him on ignore. Bit much coming on here telling the mods what to do and also it seems speaking for everyone else. I don't share a lot of chaddyrovers views when it comes to incoming signings but he has as much a right as the next man to air them.
  11. I think it's smart only giving him a 12 month extension. Smallwood was excellent last season certainly In the first half of the season before his form tailed off. You have to remember when with Rotherham in the championship they didn't think him good enough and he was loaned to league one. There are question marks over wether he is championship standard so I'm happy the club have only given him a 12 month extension
  12. Thanks.One player I wouldn't be sorry to see leave even before this incident
  13. I get what your saying Roversfan but I can understand where Angry_pirate is coming from. When posters are saying that Nyambe was targetted all last season and he didn't have a good season it gets on my wick too as it is just not true. It leads me to believe no matter what he does he will still get criticised by some which I just do not understand
  14. I disagree, I'm not saying we need 5 wingers what I'm saying is I would be worried going into the new season If it was Chapman and Kent brought in,One or the other I'm ok with. Chapman has injury issues and Kent had a poor season last year. I would be happy with Chapman signing but we need at least one wide man who can come straight into the side,Mowbray has already said Chapman wouldn't be starting
  15. Sorry I meant out wide.I wouldn't want to go into the new season with Conway,Bennett,Chapman and Kent as our options out wide. Be happy with Conway,Bennett,Chapman or Kent and another who will come in really improve the team and be a regular starter.Imo Maddison has what it takes to make the step up and could be a bargain for whoever gets him
  16. We will agree to disagree. We can have this conversation at the end of the season...if Nyambe is regularly targetted, costs us points, has a poor season and looks out of his depth then I will hold my hands up and say you were right. But if he has a good season I will hope you will do the same. He did have a good season last year and you are in the minority who thinks he didn't
  17. Agree with you on Nyambe, he still needs some help with improving his game but I do think the things he lacks can be coached into him. I would like us to sign Chapman and I wouldn't be against signing Kent but id be worried if those where the two we brought in and nobody else. Chapman has injury problems and Mowbray has already stated he wouldn't be starting.Kent has just had a very poor season. I'd go for one or the other, with Chapman being my favourite as we would be more likely to sign him permanently.
  18. Give us some transfer news to discuss then? It's linked in to transfer talk as we are discussing the merits of signing another full back. If it bores you then don't read it.
  19. I am a season ticket holder yes I missed two home games last season due to work. He did have a good season and he was not targetted and if you think so then I'd question wether you attended last season. I guarantee a lot more people thought he had a good season rather than a bad one. The people slating him are the the ones who have been on his back from day 1.
  20. Not sure about wing back but as a full back Nyambe is good enough still young and improving.He doesn't get targetted every match either.Are you one of those who once he makes his mind up about someone that it?It won't change. Nyambe had a very good season last year, he wasn't targetted every match.To suggest otherwise is just nonsense
  21. I do think he can step up Chaddy he is at a good age , he has just had a great season and he could prove to be a great signing. It's relatively cheap compared to some other players being sold. I do rate Kent but he did have a very poor year last year and if Liverpool do put penalty clauses in his deal where we have to pay x amount if he doesn't play could end up costing a tidy sum if he shows the form he had last year. Like Maddison has looked talented whenever iv seen him but granted I have a life so I don't watch 90 minutes of peterboro unless playing rovers so I don't know what he has been like over 90 but his stats are very impressive I wouldn't be against signing Kent but only if we can't get someone decent on a permanent deal first like Maddison...we take Kent on loan and if he has an ok but not spectacular season we might get Liverpool to sell him but if he does have a great season they will probably take him back and either give him a chance there (doubtful)or sell him to a team who can afford to pay more than us
  22. Not looking for an argument with you or criticizing your opinion but can I ask why you would prefer to sign Kent on loan ahead of Maddison? What is it you don't like about Maddison?
  23. Wilson in paticular would be an excellent loan signing. I really would love us to sign Maddison and a decent striker. I'm a big Danny Graham fan but have my doubts he will stay fit and playing 3 games in a week will be too much for him most likely.We can't be going into the season with only Samuel and Nuttall as cover for Graham. I'm relaxed about the situation though as I think we will make signings but hopefully we can at least get a couple in the next week to.10 days
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