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Everything posted by islander200

  1. Delighted with the Graham news,would have been a bad start to our buisness if he had moved on.Him and Dack look to enjoy playing with eachother. Hoping we can get Armstrong in next preferably a perm if he isn't overpriced, would be happy with another loan deal though
  2. Yeah hopefully not another Rekeem Harper If Mowbray doesn't think the likes of Tomlinson and Hardcastle are not up to it they should be sent out on loan or sold.I don't see any benefit for them or us playing another year of u23 football
  3. Yeah i seen that.Option or no option I hope we get Graham tied down soon
  4. According to Rich Sharpe(telegraph reporter)there is no option on Graham's contract it became void when we got relegated to league one.Although maybe he doesn't know as he initially wrote in telegraph that rovers had decided to renegotiate as they didn't want to pay as much.
  5. Agreed.He has always had potential and has come on a lot in the last season and a half. Some posters just won't acknowledge that though and prefer to go back to when he first came into the team and was raw and made a few mistakes. It's like they expected him to be Cafu from the off.He has everything needed to be a quality full back.He needs to work on his decision making in the final third but I honestly do think he will be a premier league player one day
  6. Nixon saying we have an interest in Ryan Kent but Rangers favourites to get him
  7. Anytime I've watched the guy he hasn't impressed.Maybe he has come on but I hope we are targeting better
  8. I apologise if I hurt your feelings but I wouldn't really call that an insult I'm sure you wouldnt want me as manager either. Davenport seems highly rated and by all accounts did well at Burton so should be the sort targeted not players like Bridcutt or that big lump of a striker Moore who can't score, Danny Graham has more talent in his little toe than that guy.
  9. What Insult?You where quick to shout down the poster who suggested Ki as a potential signing. Last week you where giving Arbito grief as he wouldn't reveal his source on Pilkington not being at Ewood or signing,yet when someone asked the lads itk over the Danny Graham Bolton link you where quick to shout them down and tell them how dare they ask about their sources. It's like you think it should be one rule for you and another for others. My post was nothing personal I don't know you but I question if you know anything about football with some of the suggestions you make on incoming players
  10. If you wouldn't sign a 29 year old then why you keen on Bridcutt who is that age?If we are to bring in a midfielder then we need someone who can pass the ball and start moves off.We already have Evans and Smallwood who can do the water carrying we don't need another.God I'm bloody glad you ain't manager
  11. I have read Mowbray's comments he didn't say he would not be signing any experienced players. I don't want Bridcutt but he wouldn't be that expensive Forest want him out the door so no idea why you would want him every club he goes too they end up wanting rid
  12. It was his own decision not to sign a new deal he wasn't released like i said in my other post he is getting linked with higher placed teams
  13. Ki being linked with Milan, would be a good signing but will be out of our league. Lee would be a very good signing but his injury issues put me off
  14. Would be nice if there was a bit of speculation all the same.Sick of reading the same old stories in the telegraph every day
  15. Will Cheston be in attendance?After the grilling he got in the last couple I'd say he will be leaving this one to Waggot and Mowbray
  16. Is Tommy Johnson still at the club?If so what has he been doing to earn his wage? With Mowbray stating publicly his unhappiness at our scouting set up then Johnson surely can't be doing the job he was brought in for
  17. Toney wouldnt be a bad signing but he would be one for the future not someone who could come in and do it straight away.He was sent back to Newcastle by Wigan last year and didn't exactly set the league alight when he went Scunthorpe.He has potential but he has a lot to learn.Winnall is a good suggestion but he doesn't score a lot of Goals.I hope we keep Graham,Sign another target man type striker and bring in Armstrong on a perm if possible and not too expensive or get him on loan
  18. I hope Moore isn't a target not good enough. Toney has potential but couldn't be relying on him to come in and replace Graham, he is still learning the game.Armstrong I would like to see us sign but again won't be a replacement for Graham too small to play up front on his own and can't hold the ball up.Sam Winnall maybe. I think a lot of people are underestimating Graham's importance to this side.Yes he had a poor start last year but we looked a whole lot better as a team when he got a run of games and it wasn't stop start.Dack also looked a lot better and more dangerous when we had Graham in the side.As others have said it will take a nice chunk of change to bring in a like for like Graham replacement who will also need time to Bed in and work on a partnership with Dack.
  19. I'm going off the telegraph.It said the club decided to not take up the year option as they preferred to renegotiate with Graham.If we had of taken up the option presumably he would be on the same money as when he initially signed with us when we were in the Championship
  20. I have no idea what wage Graham was on when he first signed.Thought I read/heard he was on 14 grand a week last season after the relegation clause so presuming he was on closer go 20 a week before our relegation. The club obviously don't want to pay him as much hence them not taking up the option and preferring to renegotiate
  21. Yeah because we don't want to pay him as much.If we take up the option it would be on the same terms as when he first signed for us
  22. Our wage bill will have gone up without any signings through the door as the lads who had relegation wage reduction clauses in their contracts will see their wages return to their original level, Waggot confirmed this in the telegraph a couple of weeks ago
  23. Yeah but on the same deal he signed with us when he joined. In telegraph few weeks back that we are trying to negotiate on lesser terms. Disagree with the posters who say Graham is finished and wouldn't mind him not re-signing only have to look at his performances 2nd half of season to know that's nonsense.Yeah we won't get a full 90 out of him and will probably not have the legs to start every game but imo we should be doing what we can to get him signed up for next season
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