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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Everything is built from the back. Until that is sorted nothing we will change and we will keep conceding goals. No use blaming Rothwell and Armstrong when they are deployed in the way Mowbray does. Having five strikers (Garner counted six) on the pitch does not mean you will score goals. We have no game plan. The buck stops with Mowbray. Getting back on the training ground will not fix our problems.
  2. Reed was shunted our wide when he was included in the side. Evans and Smallwood were preferred for a long time. Meanwhile @Tormund is probably right. Adarabioyo is 21 so only a young kid in Mowbray’s eyes. Much better to have the older heads.
  3. Mowbray/Waggott won’t break our wage structure. It’s all about the harmony of The Group.
  4. If not a change of manager then something needs to change with the coaching staff. What we are doing isn’t working. If Mowbray won’t go then he can’t keep on with the same failing formula. Would he upgrade on Lowe for instance? Throughout Mowbray’s time here he has steadfastly refused to bring in anyone to immediately replace the person not performing, preferring loyalty and an organic growth. This is all well and good but it is a slow process and we sacrifice games/points in the process. It also disillusions the new recruit while having limited results on incentivising limited players. If you have a 7/10 player in 4/10 form, you don’t bring in an 8/10 player to intimidate them from the bench in order to light a fire under them and get them back to a 7. If Bell has performed poorly then he should have been replaced and told that he needs to up his game if he wants his place back, not given another couple of league games to have a go at. On the strength of what we’ve seen it appears that he didn’t trust Tosin. Didn’t trust Cunningham. Didn’t trust Rothwell or Reed. Didn't trust Travis or Brereton. He sticks with the old guard until they are exhausted and/or the fanbase turns on them. And even then he sticks with them longer than he should. Meanwhile he procrastinates over new players. He wants them to earn their place - very noble. Cunningham for whatever reason is happy to be understudy to the inferior Bell, while it seems Bauer didn’t want to be down the pecking order with the likes of Williams, instead preferring to be trusted/respected as first choice elsewhere. I wonder if our next league game will see Lenihan and Williams or Lenihan and Tosin...?
  5. Let’s look at what it isn’t. It’s not two up top, he likes a player in the hole (Dack). It’s not pacey wingers getting crosses in. He likes to play strikers out wide. It’s not long ball. Unless under pressure the keeper will almost always play it out from the back. It’s not counter-attacking because our side has no pace. He seems to like a diagonal cross field pass, left to right or right to left but this is easily cut out time and time again. He seems to like to keep the game as tight as possible for as long as possible and then play for 20 minutes at the end. A policy ruined if we have injuries. This is undermined by not having a good enough defence and we continue to shop at least two goals every game, so that last 20 minutes becomes a frantic search for an equaliser.
  6. Simon Garner has them lined up for him on Radio Lancashire. He actually said that “our front six worked really hard today pressing against Fulham’s back four” and they will probably be rested for the cup game.
  7. So was Mowbray in that last 15 minutes. Trouble is you need more than just blind optimism from your manager. I just don’t see where a win is coming from this month. Those players did not play like a team - and that is the only thing Mowbray can take any credit for: developing a team spirit. If the post in the other thread about Mulgrew/Mowbray is true then we have real problems on our hands. Lose the next match and I expect Mowbray to walk.
  8. Although I think he still has loyalty from players who he has backed (when a more ruthless manager wouldn’t) I think he has lost the players tactically. Do any of them have a clue what they are doing?
  9. I agree to a point but if it weren’t for that row, Mowbray would likely have still started him today.
  10. He certainly has no presence. All of the things that needed to be upgraded in Raya have just been replaced like-for-like. Worst of all Mowbray can’t see it.
  11. Mowbray’s substitutions today have been baffling.
  12. In Mowbray’s defence... (not that he has one)... this referee is bloody awful.
  13. It’s a pretty damning indictment of our squad that despite all of our centre midfielders Mowbray is playing Dack there. If Williams we’re still here Mowbray would be on notice.
  14. We have absolutely no game plan. It’s just Up The Alamo time!
  15. Oh Mowbray! Downing on for Bell! We are LOSING.
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