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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Sounds like Mowbray close to cracking, reading that. He talks about logic and having a finite budget from which to buy players but he spends £5m on Gallagher and doesn’t improve our starting line up in defence. Where’s the logic in that? If August goes the way of the bookie, he could be ranting by September. And he only has himself to blame.
  2. https://www.efl.com/news/2019/august/efl-statement-bury-fc-update2/ Why are Bolton not being similarly threatened?
  3. He’d need to get to know the group first. The table-tennis-athon isn’t until the end of September so it’d be a few weeks yet.
  4. He should not be digging out the young lads when it is the older players who aren’t performing. Tyler did well on his debut. He particularly should not be doing so publicly. Mowbray is fostering a clique at the club and it isn’t healthy. He’s also making excuses for his own failure.
  5. I think he’s losing the plot. How long before he turns on the fans like Kean and Mowbray eventually did?
  6. “Just to help” Thos bloke is not going to take Blackburn Rovers forwards.
  7. If Mowbray is being prevented from signing defenders or our wage structure (including sign-on fees) means we can be outbid by Preston then he should be walking. If he doesn’t and he puts up with it and makes excuses then he has to stand the criticism. He has made a decision either way. If he is deliberately choosing not to sign defenders because he thinks what we have is adequate then he is a fool. Sending out Magloire and keeping Grayson (on the strength of a 15 minute cameo Blackpool match?) is the opposite of where Magloire should be. Magloire was quoted on the Rovers sight as wanting to When Mowbray was criticised for not giving youth a chance, people cited Nyambe, Raya, Nuttall and Travis. Now Nyambe can’t get near the side ahead of a midfielder who can’t play there, and Raya and Nuttall have been sold. Nyambe and Raya weren’t ‘his’ players anyway so his only real promotion has been Travis, who made himself undroppable last season. Magloire, like Downing and to a lesser extent Wharton should have been our back up. Instead we don’t have any real back up at all. I just hope nothing happens to Lenihan because we are going to be totally reliant on him and Tosin. Despite him coming in and doing well on his debut, Magloire finds himself working for a manager who has a rigid process and does not like to blood youngsters. My worry is that if Magloire does well and an offer comes in he will be sold. IMHO our academy is not being used to develop players for the first team but as a means to generate income. The sales of Raya and Nuttall will have funded the extra £1m we need on top of the grants we supposedly get. Without a manager (still) it shows just what little stock Mowbray puts in the U23s and it looks to be quite a separate enterprise from the first team - unless it produces a gem once every five years. You have to wonder if Lenihan would have made it through Mowbray’s process had he been here at the time.
  8. Agreed but like the party crasher Rob Green at Chelsea they are just back ups for back ups. If the top 6 clubs were to use their riches to take three experienced goalkeepers then that’s everyone else unable to sign them. Scandalous that they are allowed to do this by the football authorities.
  9. If it is true and he puts up with being undermined in the transfer stakes then he is complicit. The buck stops with the manager, always has, always will.
  10. Our pre-season programme has done nothing for our players apart from a sense of misplaced confidence - possibly even complacency. Got to hope that last Saturday was the kick in the nuts that they all need.
  11. That’s not an opinion, it’s clairvoyance!!
  12. Mulgrew at full back would be torn a new one but none of those players are in any way proven to be superior to Williams at left back!
  13. You know what’s even worse? If a rich sheikh offered them £174m to put this all behind them... they’d say no. Makes you want to weep.
  14. Rodwell returning would be yet another negative move by Mowbray. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. He was never first choice in midfield. He can’t play at CB on the Championship. He has not had a pre-season. It would be weeks before we see him and even then it would be on the bench. He needs to move on and Mowbray needs to be talking to a decent defender before wasting even more time on Rodwell.
  15. If it upset them we didn’t really see a reaction in the first game. The biggest reaction to last Saturday’s debacle was Chris Martin having to shut down his Twitter account due to the fall out from him calling out Elliott Bennett.
  16. So no STs and matches on a game-by-game basis. I guess as an administrator you wouldn’t be able to guarantee the fixtures and you could be dealing with (disgruntled) unsecured creditors - just to make matters worse. On a game by game basis you avoid that risk and in theory maximise the short term revenue from fans assuming the same numbers turn up. The problem there, of course, being that they won’t but you can see the logic from a financial type. It wouldn’t be so bad if they could say hold on to your stubs so you can trade them in against a ST but they won’t be able to do so because they don’t have an owner confirmed. If I was a Bolton fan the question I’d have is why the hell is this all taking so long?
  17. I think they have bigger problems, Tom. There might not be a club at the end of this. They didn’t cancel their fixture just to piss fans off. I don’t see how this can end well at all. What happens if Bolton or Bury or both go pop? 23 or 22 team division, with one/two less relegation spot(s) - or one more promotion from L1?
  18. Last Summer, Rodwell would have been in that bracket...
  19. The first four there, plus Bell are the reason we conceded so many goals last season. Hart I have never seen have a good game against Championship opposition. Big gamble. Nyambe seems out of favour, he’s “Mowbray young” and presumably not part of The Group. Downing, as someone else pointed out, has never played full back. Gamble. Tosin is the next big thing but will Mowbray play him and will he be able to carry the defence on his own? Our defensive woes are going to become the albatross around Mowbray’s neck - particularly as he will do nothing about it.
  20. If we lose Lenihan now then we a goosed. The only way this makes sense is if we have someone else lined up. I remember thinking the same with Downing in January though.
  21. I really don’t see how that can happen. That is a huge precedent being set. Pretty soon people will start to dig into why they are being favoured. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are some skeleton’s in closets.
  22. Absolutely no way. Magloire is head and shoulders above Larry’s lad. Another black mark against Mowbray.
  23. Agree with most of that. Let’s see what Mowbray does next.
  24. This is the Downing saga all over again. I’ll be astonished if we sign a new defender who starts games rather than as back up. That isn’t Mowbray’s way. Evolution not revolutionary. Must be the only club in the country with a 10 year promotion plan. And @JHRover, FFP is a very hollow excuse for not strengthening the defence when you spend £12m on two strikers.
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