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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. It’s just that they haven’t set up the shortcuts yet. I think you are still in the denial stage of the grief curve.
  2. Not seen many to be fair. Half a dozen, and mainly kids. (From the immediate reaction).
  3. Really really hope it’s a prank but it would be a very elaborate one, copying the entire site and designing a minging kit. Hopefully there is a very techy dingle teenager cocking his sides right now. Or it’s all just a bad dream.
  4. I think it’s the most emphatic response to a kit launch that I can ever recall. Normally there are a fair amount of people who like it. (And not just to be “that person”). Today would have been a good day to sell Dack and sign Charlie Adam and Jason Lowe!
  5. Fans should boycott any away shirts not from this palette.
  6. What kind of market research did Umbro do? It has been met with (almost) universal disgust within minutes of being leaked.
  7. It didn’t cost £50 to make. Surely you know what I was getting at?
  8. Close second but the winner is this one... And guess what. The club never put it on sale...
  9. A third kit will definitely be required. What is wrong with the club’s commercial department? Was it simply the cheapest possible option?
  10. Maybe someone put an extra zero on the end of the home shirt production run quantity....? Every chance the home shirt will sell out now.
  11. I honestly can’t understand the thought process. It has to be a wind-up. Surely.
  12. “We can’t have red and black halves again. That would be commercial suicide!”
  13. Is that someone trying to do a Paddy Power? Please tell me that isn’t the kit. ??
  14. Can’t make my mind up on this one. Credible and experienced vs past it. However, I don’t think we are in a position to be so choosy.
  15. Anyway, I’m more interested in reading about a new goalkeeper and centre back signing today along with the kit launch.
  16. What stood out for me was that when the rules were relaxed the site didn’t automatically turn into a Facebook style site. There are a lot of great people on here who just don’t need to be censored.
  17. I prefer that people use language in context and don’t need a nanny-filter to tell them how to behave.
  18. I think he will be. My hope is that we don’t start against Charlton with Leutwiler or Fisher in goal.
  19. He has lost all credibility concerning the defence. He can’t even say that the problem was Raya because he has already admitted that Raya wanted out. Next our defenders will “need some help” then we still won’t do anything. At this rate, Leutwilerwill have Bell, Lenihan, Mulgrew and Bennett in from on him against Charlton. Smh.
  20. I agree membership was a differentiator in L1 where demand outstripped supply on occasion but people now have to ask themselves, if we never sell out for matches, what is the purpose of membership? Made up events to generate a further £10 from people? Like a ST-plus scheme but that other people can also join? That becomes a money-making gimmick and could put noses out of joint. Being a season ticket holder should be the top of the pops with anything else being akin to “ST-lite”.
  21. The 1875 club should be all about discounts o match tickets. For anything else, become a season ticket holder. Offering extras to people without season ticket and excluding ST holders does not increase the value of them.
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