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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. I’m sure that they’ll employ folks who can offer a Premier Suite experience but it certainly wouldn’t inspire me to upgrade!
  2. Looks similar to the first team programme!
  3. Maybe they will be playing in the Carabao? That would be a step up.
  4. Bloody hell, I was in the right ballpark. From fine dining to the canteen experience. Over-priced hot dogs and chips all round! ??
  5. I’m just glad Woodgate has got the job there - or Mogga might have tried to sign him!
  6. So this IS all about Mowbray staying in his job. Come on Tony, you know how the game works. Just because Venkys are simpletons does mean fans are. Stop talking and sign a couple of players. We at least need to replace Conway and Reed.
  7. The fact we have to wait so long is partly why there is such an adverse reaction when the kit is awful, like last season. All the speculation and build up, and concept kit after concept kit (which all look better) just increases the disappointment. Just get the photos out already.
  8. Common sense says you play the player who is performing. Anything wise is spinelessness and political.
  9. Fair enough. Not sure it’s fair to bring in his time at Aberdeen though. For me, it’s a straight race between the two - and it could go either way, if Mowbray treats Nuttall fairly.
  10. Can anyone name another Championship club who have spent such a huge amount on a prospect who isn’t ready for first team football?
  11. Not sure why we can’t discuss whether Dack is good enough for the PL in response to speculation linking him with a love there. ??‍♂️ The fact he can boss League One and is a decent Championship player is fine and everything but it doesn’t really change the debate. ”Leave him alone he’s been a good un”
  12. Erm, in L1 and as part of a Championship side with a very mediocre finish. Not sure why you don’t feel that a celebrity lifestyle can be a distraction preventing a modern footballer reaching the top of his game. Each to their own.
  13. No offence intended Phil. Just not sure how many people go through the other areas than the main forum to have seen that it was posted there. I used the search facility to even find the Spurr thread. I’ve stopped using ICBINF due to the real bitterness that it can create so I rarely tread outside the main football forums anymore. Keep up the good work.
  14. Couple of really good points there. The fact that Dack can be stopped at this level is why I think he would struggle at a higher standard. He’s a bit of a luxury player and you would need a pacy striker ahead of him. Now, if he didn’t have a liking for the C-list celebrity life style and got his head head down to get fit and flying then he may be a different proposition. How many times did we say the same thing about Dunny though...
  15. Dack isn’t good enough for the PL but mainly because of his attitude. If/when he leaves Rovers he probably end up like Bentley. When he is sulking he can be a very lazy player but he gets a free pass because he regularly scores goals and/or makes assists. (Jordan Rhodes got dog’s abuse on here for similar attributes and look how he fared in the PL). Without natural pace he will really struggle to contribute much of either in today’s PL. Maybe 10-15 years ago but not now. That said, I’ll be surprised if any decent team takes a punt because of his off-the-field distractions which is probably why the West Ham link keeps coming up.
  16. Used to like Spurr. You could tell he really enjoyed playing here.
  17. The “Where Are They Now” thread is buried in the concourse so thought I’d post it in the forum. Tommy Spurr, retired at 31 due to injury. Such a shame for the lad.
  18. He didn’t look that good against Georgia. I’ve seen him play three times I think. Decent, average, decent. The third one being the Lancashire Cup Final win against that lot.
  19. I don’t really understand why they can’t even get the designs marketed. Are we really in the middle of June and still can’t even say when they will be on sale?
  20. Seems pretty clear to me that most Rovers fans would prefer a halved away strip. Maybe once every four or five years mix it up but halves (quarters) is what we do.
  21. Bit of a worry that the ref couldn’t spot the infringement without needing a full minute to watch a replay. Sounds like he wasn’t up to the task and shouldn’t be refereeing international fixtures. Or he did see it and thought it was fine but felt obliged when someone had a word in his ear to change his mind. I’ve not studied it in detail but I’d wager that VAR has “changed a referee’s mind” more often than he has stuck to his guns. If referees are going to start using VAR as a crutch instead of doing their jobs then we can expect lots more poor decisions and lots more frustration in the stands.
  22. Harsh. Nearly £5k from 166 people in less than a week. It just shows how difficult it is to raise money - hopefully they have other avenues lined up. I certainly wouldn’t gloat too much, that could be us one day...
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