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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Good post. Interesting the bit in bold, and very honest. For me, the club is the shirt, the badge and the fact that it represents the town that I was born in, and still live in. It’s mine. I don’t own it but it’s mine. I want it to be as successful as it possibly can be because it represents me. There are people who I meet now who haven’t even heard of us. Thanks Venkys! Managers, players, suits, even owners come and go. There are some I love and some I hate but none of them are beyond question. If I don’t think they are doing the right thing for my club I’ll curse and I’ll moan but as long as people stay civil and we have the ignore function, for the “ad hominees”, all is well. ??
  2. The transfer thread traditionally gets very busy throughout the Summer with everyone desperate for the early gen. It sounds like you have designs on being a bit of a scoop-merchant. We’ve had these kinds of folks before - including a particularly infamous one who now gets his ego stroked over on Twitter (no, not you meadows). Just be aware that if you are going to blur the lines between facts (news) and fiction (opinion) your stock will fall and the board will start to get antsy with the likely mods then threatening to “bang people’s heads together”. You seem like a decent chap and your heart is in the right place, so just preempting (so as to avoid) problems more than anything. If you want to call it eagerness that’s up to you. Cheers.
  3. He wasn’t a gifted footballer but he didn’t half commit to tackles. He was certainly no Herold Goulon! Remember the song about him??
  4. Agreed. Excellent points by both you and @OnePhilT - which I missed so thanks for quoting. Halo effect: There seems to be an accepting of everything that the club does while Mowbray is here as positive and right, and anyone who questions anything as negative or irrational. There was a post from someone having a proper rant about the “over-reaction” to basically disappointment about us being “in talks” with a player who even when fully fit was useless. Something which is already contrary Mowbray’s close season rhetoric. Instead of blocking their paths with mediocre players, we need to spend more time nurturing our young talent like Buckley or Butterworth, or even the less obvious Davenport. If we can get better value in the transfer market then fine but they need to be proven Championship-level talent as we already have plenty of potential. If players don’t make the grade then sorry but that’s professional football. If you don’t like it go and get a proper job.
  5. He was a good player for us though, and he wielded his large head like a fucking Mjolnir.
  6. It wasn’t at the time. It was at the height of anti-Venkys feeling and a cynical move by the club to “show” that the hardcore were onside. That ad was and remains very emotive for a lot of people. Interesting that he later joined the Venkys Out chorus. Wonder what he thinks these days? Probably defeated and accepting that we are stuck with them. We have a very uneasy truce for the time being as long as they keep their gobs shut and don’t bring in any more Coyles.
  7. So which player has a song sung by his own fans about how shit he is? ”Good” is a subjective term. In football terms I view that as being very effective not necessarily their football skills. Smallwood was exactly that.
  8. I think Rodwell will get other better offers (moneywise). He looks like a career professional who is impervious to Mowbray’s old man of football approach. Conway could get offers back in Scotland. More chance of him taking on the loyalty badge but he still has bills to pay.
  9. Interesting how other fans/clubs view players. In L1 Richie, well backed by Rovers fans (how many current players have their own song?) he was excellent. In the Championship it’s beyond him physically - both strength and speed. Yet a League One side, also not good enough for the second tier, don’t want him while Rovers fans continue to make allowances.
  10. It’s funny how he stopped being this great manager once he was outed as a David Attenborough wannabe.
  11. From Joe Hart to Frank Fielding. You heard it here first, from Joe 90.
  12. C’mon Joe. I’m sure you are a budding blogger-cum-journo but you need to start playing with a straight bat. If it’s not true, don’t call it news. It sounds like it is fact rather than opinion. Your opinion is very welcome btw but just say that’s what it is. No biggie. ??
  13. It’s good that you posted who it was by though. Help with credibility. I’m sure there are loads of folk on here who can write well written summaries but when there is an external link to a news site I like to know that there is some substance behind it. I dismiss any links to HITC for exactly that reason.
  14. So Joe Harvey is a journalist? Interesting if so as he may have good contacts in the industry. I assumed he was a blogger. It’d be good though if these well written summaries were as posts on here, rather than click bait to give 90mins some unearned traffic. “Make BRFCS Great Again”
  15. This highlights that fact anyone can beat anyone in this division. It just needs a manager with a bit of ambition. Lampard has that in spades as well as Uncle Sackhead’s contacts list.
  16. Just so I understand this correctly, Joe Harvey who posts on here speculates what might happen and then posts unqualified and unendorsed articles on another site which make these look more credible - and then the links get posted back on here? Echo chamber much?
  17. At this point, I would take anything Mowbray has “said” under advisement. It’s what he does between now and the end of the window that counts. So far he’s on -1 but has time to turn it around.
  18. If that is the only thinking behind the Gladwin talks and we have pots of cash to spend on paying for someone off sick - while the rest of the organisation absorb that loss then ok, sort of. However, more concerning for other players who could help us improve would be, at the back of their minds, are they thinking: “will I get game time at Blackburn where Mowbray picks his favourites? Could I end up like Rothwell?”. All this sentiment is very noble but it takes away from the fact that we need the best players (and manager) to win football matches. Lest we end up like Bolton within a time frame because we didn’t get promoted.
  19. A Day In The Life ”I read the news today oh boy About a local man who made the grade Thought big in 1991 While everybody laughed King Kenny made us proud” “I read the news today oh boy The Premier League In Blackburn Lancashire And Shearer scored so many goals We got to count them all Now we know how many goals it takes to win the Premier League I’d love to tuuuuuuurn baaaaaaack tiiiiiime... Ohhhhhhhhhhh Rovers Rovers Rovers...”
  20. Earn himself ANOTHER deal? This new ruthless, promotion-targeting Mowbray sounds a lot like the old loyalty-bound, I’ve-told-Venkys-to-keep-their-money-in-the-bank one.
  21. All up or PL? Some folk won’t like that.
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