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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. And a second choice development keeper having let Albinson go. I’m with Mr E on this one. Mowbray made a bold statement of intent last week and his first opportunity to show us that he meant it he hasn’t done. Out with the old - including a non-committal Rodwell - should have been the message loud and clear.
  2. What’s the difference between Gladwin and Brereton? £7m.
  3. There’s not a single team out of the three left that I would want promoted. But it definitely isn’t Leeds. Wish list: Derby go up Villa lose Grealish and FKW leaves in protest Bielsa leaves Leeds and is replaced by Coyle
  4. I’d suggest they Downing has been let go because he didn’t want to be a permanent benchman. Gladwin will be delighted to be on the bench.
  5. If someone is interfering with transfer policy that results in Mowbray not being able to free us space on the wage bill to sign his own players then he should walk.
  6. Why are we wasting time in talks with Leutweiler and Gladwin. The thing is, most people expected Mowbray to let us down like that but were cautiously optimistic after he himself talked about being ruthless and getting rid of certain players. If those two are ones he wants to tie down, who exactly is he planning to get rid of?
  7. So Tony says one thing and does another. Same old same old. Is he here just because he is another who is prepared to “toe the line” or just in it for the long-term salary cos he knows Venkys won’t sack him. Desperate, desperate stuff signing Leutwiler up again. Conway means more of the same spineless loyalty that resulted in us not pushing on last season, a superb servant to the club but now past it. His place on the bench could have been taken by a youngster. And don’t even get me started on the utter senselessness of looking to sign Gladwin back on - who is that at the expense of? Or is he Reid’s replacement? JHC, Mowbray. Sort this shit out or GTFO. Miserable news.
  8. So don’t speculate on things and just wait and see? May as well shut down the messageboard!
  9. So we are still pointing out that Dack was a good value signing? That one decision has certainly covered up a lot of ills. Of the other three: Rothwell - a firm fan favourite but Mowbray didn’t/doesn’t rate him - and only selected him consistently once we were safe Chapman - injury prone and unproven at this level Armstrong - inconsistent and not yet a sell on for any real mark up Potential value of all of them depends on Mowbray picking them and allowing them to succeed. I’d be very surprised if all three are on the pitch at the same time.
  10. What a cynical, conniving team Villa have turned into. Rolling about the place at every opportunity, Grealish histrionics to ensure Brunt got sent off. They are like the new Leeds only less likeable. Meanwhile West Brom have 40 minutes with 10 men, away goals count for nothing in the play-offs (in typical inconsistent football fashion), the pens are right in front of the Villa fans and they don’t have a penalty taker amongst them. Really hope Villa get a hammering in the final. Especially so just to see FKW’s face. Will they face dirty Leeds (can’t they both lose) or FLDC to set up the Sky Sports love-in? Really feel for West Brom. The only proper club to make the play-offs. Football out!
  11. They need to starting singing songs that everyone can join in with then. 99% of songs are full of swearing and about a team 10 miles down the road, making it, at best, niche and, at worst, out of touch with the majority of Ewood fans. That’s probably why many fans only go away because while they are in the minority at Ewood they are a much larger proportion of the away following. The songs under Hughes’ time, and even Allardyce, seemed much more easy for the majority in the ground to get behind. I think we only have the “Dack in attack” song that gets any real traction.
  12. Have you forgotten the RFS away kit? Nike off the shelf tat with a Rovers badge.
  13. Money well spent. Not often that a team of Championship players needs bailing out I imagine.
  14. Grey and yellow sounds like a really rubbish training kit. It like we have to put up with a cycle of good, rubbish, mediocre, rubbish, mediocre... just so we appreciate the rare good ones.
  15. It’s been shit. Really shit. We are afraid to say we’ve turned a corner in case it turns to shit again but for now at least the talk is about football rather than the idiots. Not sure if there is an appetite to rake it all up again but I guess we’ll find out.
  16. I’m assuming that players pay into the coffers of the PFA? Surely they should be able to rely on that organisation to help them out. Whatever we think of their salaries, times by 10 and divide by 50 because that’s their career earnings. Being optimistic £10k per week (£40k per month) for 10 years - absolute best case - becomes £8k per month over an equivalent 50 years. Still good but when you factor in that they will have a lifestyle based on their income and will still have to pay back the bank on their mortgage. Now factor in that most of them won’t be on £10k per week. I’ve a certain amount of sympathy IF they are paying into their union.
  17. I think the unreserved part is more sellable than the singing section. Phase one would be the top 5 rows of BBE lower unreserved seating where people can stand and sing. But the real revolution is then phase two: turning that area into official safe standing. A club like Rovers should be leading the introduction by highlighting the market and demonstrating that it can be done safely.
  18. I’ve only been here for just short of 11 years but the site has coped admirably with huge changes, both at the club and on the site admin. Still the go-to site to share info and a passion for Rovers, even if that passion overspills every now and again. (I’m not the Stuart being thanked by the way - to avoid any unwarranted credit!) Keep up the good work.
  19. We really have been upset by the Ladies experience haven’t we. I feel as though there was an issue with our Academy early days but can’t remember what it was - being overlooked for Cat A status despite meeting the criteria?
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