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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. From 2011... https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/rovers/news/8863882.bassini-i-was-offered-blackburn-rovers/
  2. One of the most bizarre interviews I’ve ever watched. Not just in football!
  3. Wonder where he has got his capital from? They don’t have anything left to borrow against do they?
  4. Bit harsh. Waggott has gone out of his way to have high walk on prices, increase “special offer” prices, promote Cat A games, add surcharges, and hammer home the requirement for commitment at every opportunity. If that won’t make the great unwashed fans buy a ST, nothing will.
  5. Mowbray legged him up at the start though.
  6. I’m inclined to agree. It will be a shame to see him go though after his early promise.
  7. IMHO, they have had two better seasons based on them beating us to first last season and both of us finishing ahead of the relegation zone (which was seemingly the only target for both clubs). There will be no additional benefit to what place we both finish. Based on respective budgets, pound for pound they have had a better return on their investment for 2018/19.
  8. Rovers used to have a habit of jinxing players who bombed when they left. For much of Venkys time here we have missed quality and potential right under our noses. Nuttall is raw and needs a manager that can turn him into a Kevin Davies type striker. He certainly knows where the goal is. But he does need to bulk up.
  9. Foresighter. But I’d go with ‘wise’ because those who “predict” things in football are usually just applying judgement based on experience.
  10. Very harsh. Nuttall has some work to do but still has potential. His Championship record stands up to Samuel’s despite being three years younger and still only an U23 graduand. Samuel is finished at 25 (!) - he can’t stay fit for more than 5 minutes. Absolutely no way would I be putting any faith in him. Personally I think we need to sign two Championship strikers. If Mowbray were ruthless he would pay off Samuel and loan out both Brereton and Nuttall to L1 sides until January, and bring back the one who improves the most. Graham would be the cover from the bench.
  11. That London greyhound track looks identical to one at the former Greenbank site (where Tesco now is). https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/15664741.nostalgia-when-blackburn-went-to-the-dogs-at-the-greyhound-track-in-green-bank/
  12. I was certainly spontaneously combusting when he scored on Monday, I can tell you. Biggest cheer of the season.
  13. Agree with most of that. Rodwell is someone I think has real quality but lacks hunger. He’s the kind of player that would want a 3 year deal, accept two and then coast for a season. We would do well to hold out by putting a 12 month deal with a one year extension if he makes so many games. Although I’m a fan of Nuttall I don’t think he is going to get a chance here, as his natural position is to lead and I’m not sure he can do that against Championship defenders. If he could bulk up then he could be an asset though. He is also up against the £7m man - whether that’s fair or not. We are definitely light up front though and with Reed and Rodwell gone, light in midfield too. Williams has done well but I think we need a Mulgrew replacement to play alongside Lenihan and have Williams as cover. We also need to replace Mulgrew’s goals and Conway is our other man set-piece specialist so there will be a gap there too. Raya definitely needs competition - even more so now that we have no No.2. A credible Championship keeper, not Canada’s finest. We really do have a lot to do in this next window and then get them to gel.
  14. That’s about as good an interview as I’ve heard from Mowbray. He needs to walk the talk though. If he is true to his word it could be a very interesting Summer.
  15. You have to say “label-fluid” nowadays, Grandad.
  16. And there was me thinking you were being sincere. As a result I stopped reading at your first sentence as it rendered the rest of your post worthless. Shame.
  17. 1) Justifiably give the shortcomings elsewhere that still need to be addressed. 2) Fair. People have been imploring Mowbray to play him as CF for months. 3) There are hundreds of this kind of player - we have one already - and they don’t cost £7m - even accounting for flex. Even the quality and experience of Danny Graham cost a fraction of Brereton’s fee. He is going to have to become some player to ever payback his fee, let alone his fee plus wages.
  18. It was the same with Samuel though. Going out and buying Brereton was a consequence of Mowbray already not rating him.
  19. Last line sums it up. Whenever he has started to look the part he has been dropped as part of some kind of rotation policy, or desperation to turn that £7m investment into a return.
  20. If football was played on paper rather than grass then this was a good season. We played for long spells with players who have been relegated and then performed in League One. However... This in itself is damning of our failings in recruitment this season - particularly in defensive positions. Wasting a huge war chest (by Rovers’ recent standards) on a single player who is apparently a project for the future - and yet we still need to improve those same positions (despite Mowbray’s first bit of business being to offer improved terms our existing right back). The reluctance to play certain players until late in the season, and the misguided loyalty to stick with players who have literally anchored the team has been a major cause of frustration, waiting until it was too late. We seemingly wasted a lot of time this season trying to find the right formula (I’m sure Mowbray didn’t deliberately hold us back) when had we just read the instructions on the side of the packet then we could have had a much better product. All of the ingredients were there just mixed in the wrong order and the timings were off. Even Thomas Edison got it right eventually though. In the cold light of day we remain a Championship club, and some will no doubt use the dreaded “stability” word, but then so do Wigan, and they didn’t spend anywhere near the kind of money we did. It’s arguable that they have just had two better seasons than us. Luton Town, however, who were also promoted in second place in their division last season, showed what is possible when you build on the momentum you create and ignore the bookies. 6/10 - passed but, despite a late run of marks in the final few questions of the exam paper, not enough for a distinction. Next season will be a better measure of how successful this season has been.
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