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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Nuttall has got more about him than Brereton but we have certainly not seen the best of him in the first team. To be honest, I don’t think he looks happy. First Samuel and now Brereton getting a leg up at his expense). However, he (2 in 15 league appearances) still has more goals this season than Brezza (1 in 24 league appearances). Joe has also had almost half the minutes that Ben has. For all the nonsense that is “Brereton haters”, there are a lot of people giving him the benefit of the doubt and, as you say, he hasn’t had any stick at games. In contrast. there are certainly a lot of people lining up to write off Nuttall.
  2. Stolen from Facebook but clubs/manufacturers really need to let their fans get involved in designing kits. You won’t please everyone but I think all of these are great - particularly how the sponsor is integrated into the design. We are definitely overdue a black/red halved away kit.
  3. Have I read that right? Rovers 86% passing accuracy, Bolton 80% in the same game. One for the purists.
  4. He’s so negative! Actually, it’s interesting the cycle that we now have. - Rovers have a terrible run - Fans point out where the feel he is going wrong (certain players favoured over others, several played out of position) - Mowbray carries on regardless, and continues to lose - Fans start to question Mowbray’s approach - Get called negative and haters by “the faithful” - Tony changes to the suggested personnel/tactics - Rovers go on a great run - Mowbray is a genius and we should have kept the faith - “where are all the haters now?” - Fans who made the suggestions are slagged off for being permanently negative and “can’t give the manager credit” and at best “easy in hindsight” Fans are amateurs who play at it and guys like Tony are professionals who get paid to make tough decisions (or get sacked - at normal clubs, obvs). But every now and again, the manager is wrong and fans are right.
  5. The lad has had one goal and was pretty average otherwise. He has a long way to go. Other than that, it’s about par for fan reaction.
  6. Not Rovers but what a crock from the PL. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48028392 Apparently moving kick off times can inconvenience fans. That’s not normally an issue.
  7. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with Wharton.
  8. I disagree with your “data”. Mowbray up until yesterday gave young players time following injuries to his trusted players. It’s almost like this hasn’t been an ongoing debate all season! Credibility indeed.
  9. If they don’t get promoted I doubt it will see the light of day.
  10. You might need some new readers Bazza! I wouldn’t even say that their movement is the same, let alone appearance! Really like the look of Butterworth. He has that swagger, that comes from confidence and ability.
  11. ? Edit: looks like it didn’t refresh. Even worse then - how the hell are they sixth??
  12. Good post. But I will dissect the bit in bold. I think sometimes a metaphor or cartoon conversation can add a bit of humour or get a point over better. We are all creators and consumers on here but Parson got it right, it’s just a bit of fun. A distraction from ‘real life’. Problems occur when people get personal. Even if is to an anonymous person, from an anonymous person. A little etiquette goes a long way. I certainly get along better with posters whose real first names I know - even if we’ve never met.
  13. How on earth are they 2 points of the play-offs with a game in hand?!
  14. Leeds have just had a stonewall penalty turned down. ? Just kidding... Leeds have just had a stonewall penalty turned down! ?
  15. I think he’ll be wanting more than a one year deal. I’d go two but no higher - and it depends on wages.
  16. I think I’d like to see him in that same position against Norwich. It’s one thing doing it against a poor, demoralised side, can he do it against better players. He is definitely better than Smallwood and Evans. There is just something about him that I don’t like and I can’t put my finger on it. He seems to be the odd man out compared the rest of the team. There are some big decisions to be taken this Summer though. Bennett’s, and Smallwood’s, time may be up but they seem to be huge favourites of Mowbray’s.
  17. That’s about the best we’ve seen of Brereton today. He had a bit more endeavour about him and after a good little 5 minute cameo took the golden opportunity that came his way. He did miss some chances in the second half but in fairness they were the kind that bounced just a bit higher than he would have liked and it needed a player with far more sharpness of mind and foot to take advantage. He is a labouring forward who will get goals if he is allowed to take three touches to ready himself. Can we accommodate that kind of forward? I honestly don’t know. He certainly is not the successor to Graham as he runs away from a high ball rather than towards it, possibly hoping to capitalise on a defensive mistake, so we will need to change our style of play. The “Downing ball” (right to left punt) as we call it needs to stop being the default tactic, and we need to be engineering situations to get the ball to his feet in space. We potentially have the players to do that but he needs to be able to finish time and time again. Today will have done the world of good for his confidence though, and I’m delighted that he got his goal.
  18. Of the three Bs that came on in the second half, Bennett looked the most out of place...
  19. Buckley is tidy but Butterworth looks the real deal.
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