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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. It’s a good question but I can’t give you the answer you are looking for. Chapman will obviously be the player who will be in the first team very soon. He is doing his bit for fitness and form in the U23s (which is where Brereton should be - except if I was Johnson I’m not sure I’d want him based on the way he sets his teams up). In terms of last night, and to a greater extent the last home game I watched him in, he was a little underwhelming. Took his goal well and made good runs but was wasteful. He should be looking head and shoulders above the rest of the players but was just good. I think he’s lost some of his pace, which was lightening quick when he first joined. I’m more a fan of Buckley, Butterworth and even Jack Vale. Hayden Carter was also excellent last night, and I’d like to see Rankin-Costello (and being greedy, Mols) get a chance in the seniors. The trouble is there are only a few games left so they won’t all get a chance an opportunity. It’s only my opinion, of course, and it probably comes down to expectation vs reality. I can also see Chapman getting injured again quite quickly. Hope not.
  2. He was the third or fourth best player on the pitch for sure. But he was the only player the plastics recognised.
  3. #supporttheclubnottheindividual #worstrunofanymanagerundervenkys #shouldniceblokesbegivenunlimitedtimeandmoney #willhedoanythingdifferentlikechangehiscoachingstaff #snatchedavoidingrelegationfromthejawsofplsyoffhopefuls #boughthimselftime #hashtag
  4. Utter contempt. Could even see him go back inside given that it is in the press. Courts don’t take kindly to the justice system being made a mockery of.
  5. And a promotion. First team coach to replace Lowe. They guy was even out warming up the defence yesterday before the game. He had someone doing yoga with the players on the pitch last night. Hugely professional, runs a tight ship. I’m already a great admirer. Mowbray has stumbled on a young talent and needs to help him progress to the first team or we will lose him.
  6. “It’s only our second season in the Championship. Look at Leeds.” You heard it here first...
  7. That was a great Monday evening. Well deserved our win and took the game to them in the second half. Chapper could have had a hat trick and should have had two. He’s definitely a bit ring rusty - missing the target twice on one-on-ones. Our defence did very well with Magloire getting stronger and stronger. Butterworth and Buckley were both excellent. Davenport was decent again too. It’s a joy to watch the youngsters under Johnno. The future looks bright. Safe tonight too. Second time in a three days we get to say that.
  8. Makes sense. I actually feel a little sorry for the lad. Too much too soon, a lack of decent managerial guidance, and then banished back to the small time. I’m sure he had a great time with all the money at the time but he’s paying for it now.
  9. How did they know that he had been paid it if it didn’t go through his salary?
  10. Why would they chase him up? Why wouldn’t the tax just have been deducted before it reached him?
  11. CB to replace Mulgrew, plus another for cover LB to replace Bell in the starting XI GK to replace - or as a minimum genuinely push Raya (Definitely in the top 5, not least because Benchweiler is leaving) ST to replace Graham CM to replace Reed
  12. Hated Yorke for ruining a reinvented Andy Cole.
  13. Unless he has made noises about staying I’m not sure I’d be playing Reed at all. My worry though is that, with our league status secure, Mowbray will start tinkering with formations that try to prove Evans and Smallwood can work.
  14. The obscene amounts of TV money have created this gulf between the top two divisions and it is ruining football. At the start of the Premier League, it was nowhere near as bad as this but as soon as the money was only shared between the “top” 22 (then 20) teams, the die was cast. Burnley are looking like the big winners of the last 5-10 years and have played the system perfectly - although stumbling on Dyche was a huge stroke of luck for them. Clubs relegated with PL infrastructures at the time of the most recent TV deals are the ones hit the hardest. Swansea are a symptom of that effect. A reluctance to have a breakaway European Super League and/or PL Divisions 1 and 2 have cemented the financial chasm, as more and more teams need promotion to balance the books yet only three per season can get there. Points deductions will start to become more and more normal, some clubs will eventually go under after a couple of relegations and their PL plastic fans scurry off to the next nearest promoted club. The armchair fan, the “neutral” (a term presumably coined by Sky to enable them to sell PL packages containing the usual 10 clubs plus a selection of random Championship level clubs) are ambivalent anyway. So what if a club goes bust?
  15. Disingenuous? I thought your post was very philosophical. Did you not mean it?
  16. I’m confused by this post. Your second sentence I agree with, plus reward for an U23 graduate in each game. However, this comes at the risk of your first sentence.
  17. The sad thing is that the lad can’t even afford a solicitor, let alone one good enough to take on our old friends. Maybe Goodwillie should contact David Conn to ask a few questions on his behalf...
  18. Brereton being on less than Nuttall you mean? On account of the “flex”. Yeah. If only we’d have paid more for Nuttall, we could have offered him a lower wage.
  19. A winning run at this stage, having pissed away our chances by playing Evans and Smallwood, would be annoying. Let’s get something out of this season, and that’s building for next. Brereton needs to be given some starts.
  20. Lol. I give way to the honourable gentleman whose knowledge of straw man arguments is clearly superior to mine. However, ignoring history was a rather broad and ridiculous notion.
  21. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...
  22. http://www.alloaadvertiser.com/news/17559018.david-goodwillie-declared-bankrupt-at-alloa-sheriff-court/ Goodwillie, bankrupt and working as a labourer for a firm of electricians! A cautionary tale for footballers. Also notable that despite being cleared of rape he was fine £100k in a civil court because “he probably did it”.
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