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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Duff would have been a bit-part player if he was in this team.
  2. Mowbray is a good manager in League One. In the Championship he is distinctly below average. His workmanlike teams can grind our results in the third tier. At this level you need a lot more. As long as he maintains low expectations and has fans like Mani on his side he will have a job for a long time. If he has us in and around the play-offs then he will raise expectations that he can’t deliver on. Is that what this club wants? 18,000 empty seats say otherwise. Is that what this club needs? £160m - £180m of debt and rising says otherwise.
  3. Mowbray needs to take the handbrake off. Is he afraid that they won’t sanction transfers if the team are playing well? Do they no longer trust his judgement? I’m more afraid of Mowbray turning our good players into average ones - or them leaving altogether! Bowyer did exactly the same thing. Lowe preferred to King. Where are they both playing now?
  4. You’ve answered your own question with the last sentence. One could argue that the whole messageboard is a waste of everyone’s time and energy.
  5. Not really. When our “benefactor” (wow, that’s cold) died, we had promotion and a major cup win followed by a decade in the top flight. Surely you mean, when Jack’s children sold the club to the idiots? Bolton are football’s worst pass-the-parcel prize and after some years of shite already it’s about to get worse. What’s happening there isn’t right. I feel for their fans. It’s Wigan that can rot as far as I’m concerned. They were delighted when they relegated us. A pop-up plastic club if ever there was one. A non-league club with a shrink wrap stadium.
  6. Rhodes can’t take penalties when it matters so it kind of undermines your point a little. However, if you practiced 500 penalties a day for 10 years then you will become supremely confident at taking them. Same reason snooker players can go from a club table to the crucible - practice. Pracitise -> Confidence -> Belief
  7. I’ll bet you he didn’t though. And that’s why he ended up playing like Jason Roberts and not like Alan Shearer. Although there could be a physical pre-disposition for fitness or agility or pace, that belief comes through confidence in your own ability - and that comes through an inordinate amount of practise from a young age. Young enough for it to become second nature.
  8. Really slim pickings based on regular game time. It would be more interesting to debate best prospect of 201819: Travis, Rothwell, and Reed would be the main candidates with, the slightly more established Lenihan still in the frame.
  9. Not so. Just a ridiculous amount of practise. One thing you would guarantee is that when Shearer and Garns were kids they’d have had a ball at their feet at every minute they weren’t at school and at every break in between.
  10. Someone said that people were gutted that Rovers won last night. Mowbray sounds like one of them!
  11. He’s becoming a caricature of himself I’m afraid. Apparently Reed needs to learn more discipline (a bit like his other nemesis, Rothwell). The script is clearly not to attack teams, score goals and win football matches. Then there’s this neat stat: The Southampton loanee put in an all-action display in the middle of the park in the win over Derby County after being recalled to the side, alongside Lewis Travis. That was the partnership in Rovers’ previous win against Wigan last month, which happened to be Reed’s last outing from the start in the middle of the park. I suspect any decent players who we could loan next season to replace - a very likely pissed off - Reed will think twice about joining Mowbray’s side. I said that Mowbray looked uneasy on the touchline last night. This just proves it. Bolster our defensive options and stop making the midfield compensate for your lack of ability to bring quality defenders to Rovers. He, metaphorically and literary, is NOT the man to take us forward.
  12. Johnson’s rebuilding job with the U23s, replacing players and adapting to a higher division is actually better than Mowbray’s. Mowbray has had continuity of players and an embarrassment of riches in the attacking front that he hasn’t used. Ironic that Mowbray has caused many of Johnson’s selection problems for him but still hasn’t really blooded any youngsters beside Travis. Having Rankin-Costello and Chapman back will have helped more recently but he has to take credit for Buckley and Butterworth and Mols.
  13. Normally it takes more than 5 minutes to rewrite history!
  14. I hope that’s a sarcastic post. Just in case it isn’t... Promotion brings much needed cash, and the chance to yo-yo. Going up the season after next won’t be any easier. We need a completely new team to the one that played last night to compete with the pace, strength and fitness level of the PL - oh, and a manager who knows how to work with such a team.
  15. Bet he wishes he could face 38yo full backs every week!
  16. It’s funny. He reminds me of someone else who used to buzz around the site after a rare win agreeing with Parson and trying to wind people up. As far as I can see everyone is delighted after a rare win after Mowbray finally picked the players we have all been desperate for him to pick but instead have had to watch him pick Evans and Smallwood week-in, week-out. Yet he feels that it’s something to crow about and somehow ‘proof’ that Mowbray is some kind of genius. Ironically, watching Mowbray on the touchline last night, you could be forgiven for thinking that he was a mere observer. Rovers were on top for 60-70 minutes of the 90 and was passively pacing up and down with his hands in his pockets most of the night. He looked decidedly uncomfortable. One could be forgiven for thinking that he didn’t pick that team, or did so against his better judgment. The players certainly relished the opportunity and their reactions after both goals - especially the Rothwell one told their own story.
  17. Tonight was a watershed moment for Mowbray. He absolutely must see that Reed and Travis are 1000 times what Smallwood and Evans are. They should absolutely only be used when we are well in front and want to rest players and kill off a game. And even then sparingly. Rovers are, and have for some time, been at their best when they are on the front foot and not trying to neutralise the opposition. Mowbray simply has to learn tonight and take this learning into the end of season games if he wants to be trusted to rebuild over the Summer. A return to Smallwood and Evans means he still doesn’t get it. Over to you Tony.
  18. That team was what we’ve been crying out for all season. Bold, attacking and making the opposition worry about us for a change. Delighted for Rothwell with his performance and goal, and Dack had so much more energy and enthusiasm tonight that has been missing for such a long time. Maybe they are all really fed up with Mowbray’s negative tactics because they certainly made the most of this evening. Sending likes and prayers to 38yo Ashley Cole who had a torrid time tonight, up against an instantly rejuvenated Conway, pacey Rothwell and later Armstrong. He will need a sit down after that one. Lampard should have replaced him after 20 minutes.
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