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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. I don’t think it would look much better with 500 in the lower tier though either. ? on a ? Keep them out of the way. What we need to do is worry more about what motivates the team on the pitch and less about what makes away fans feel welcome. A home atmosphere and a team selection and endeavour that we can all get behind. Too often recently the only reason to get excited at Ewood has been when the referee give us a rare throw-in against a run of poor decisions.
  2. Jack Rodwell won the PL. Elliott Bennett won L1. Craig Conway won the Championship and the Scottish Cup. Derrick Williams won League One and the FL Trophy. Slim pickings.
  3. I expect he’ll have pulled something else by matchday tomorrow!
  4. Agreed. Disappointing if it’s the case that half season tickets only ever reach 500. We are definitely doing something wrong. People don’t even want them for Christmas! And you’d think I’d made up the Harry Chapman postcard for a larf - but no, it was a genuine request!
  5. What worries me is that there is more interest in Norway than in Blackburn postcode areas. Apathy reigns except on the land of Pedersen and King. Wonder how many games they collectively watched this season to come to the conclusion that Mowbray should stay? And why they’d like to give him another transfer window.
  6. Some incredible stuff in there. No shelving, scouts cleaning gravestones, untied emergency cords. In terms of more trivial matters: - no scope for a cheap game to end the season because of the super six offer?? - Less than 500 half STs!! - Northcote no longer want to run our hospitality (issues with Northcote or the club low-balling??). Fully expect a cut price provider being brought in and the price to go up.. - A couple of youngsters were complemented and it was batted away with the need for ‘balance’ - I.e. playing all of the old guard!! - Banning kids from entering NO1 with incorrect tickets?? What concerned me most though was the blasé way that Waggott dealt with the request for a Harry Chapman postcard. Hopefully this can be raised to a more senior level at the next meeting.
  7. Just reminds me of what Bowyer used to do. Every opposition was brilliant and their threats needed to be negated. It gave Jason Lowe a career and looks to be doing the same for Smallwood. Thing is, it never worked, looked awful and wasted the attacking talents of our squad. Apart from that everyone’s a winner. Come to Ewood, get an early goal and as long as you don’t score a second Rovers will give you the three points. Job done, stayed in the game, “fine margins”, and it’s Jaffa cakes all round from Mowbray.
  8. I wasn’t that worried til I read this post. Rotherham need three wins out of six, or two wins and three draws. Assuming we don’t get another point. If that happens then Mowbray simply must be sacked. One more win and we are safe. Rotherham’s prospects: Villa (h) 0pts = 39pts Stoke (a) 3pts = 42pts Swansea (a) 3pts = 45pts Birmingham (h) 3pts = 48pts West Brom (a) 0pts = 48pts Middlesbrough (h) 0pts = 48pts They could do it but they need to get wins away at Stoke and Swansea. That will be easier said than done. I guess West Brom or Boro could play weakened teams maybe if they are assured of play-off places.
  9. Interesting idea but it’s not just about titles, it’s about talent. You could argue that a DOF and head coach is not that dissimilar to a manager and first team coach - if both were the best at their jobs. Even in our odd set-up where the manager travels to India (although managers have often met with owners). Yet, with things taking a turn for the worse and showing no signs of changing, there are very few calls for changing the first team coach - or assistant manager - and no signs that this is what will happen. This is because Mowbray is loyal to a fault. Mowbray keeps picking the same failing players and even now won’t bring in fresh legs. It’s not a huge stretch to think that the coaching team are still doing the same things with them on training. I’m not convinced that we need to make huge changes in structure but we do need to break the status quo. If the coaching team remains the same over the Summer then we will have the same results from them. Personally, I think Mowbray will walk before replacing his two right hand men. Trouble is at Venky’s Rovers there is no need to walk.
  10. No, no. This season was all about loyalty, rewarding the players who got us promoted with game time and improved contracts. Tony can get us promoted any time he likes but he wants to do it the right way. Maybe on a Tuesday. Wearing a small hat. A slow build, maybe over three or eight years so as to make sure we don’t go up to the PL too soon and end up getting relegated after one season.
  11. I think the club tend to have an annual remembrance at the end of the year which includes all of these players and many fans.
  12. That’s looking more and more foolish a marketing angle the longer the second half of the season goes on. Did the players pull their fingers out in January because they thought they might be replaced? Because as soon as they no longer could be the wheels very quickly fell off.
  13. You sure you’re not thinking of the actual Jason Lowe? Btw, Bennett isn’t great at this level but he’s no Jason Lowe. Smh.
  14. People would have said the exact same about Dalglish. It comes down t the ambition of the club. (So he won’t be coming anywhere near us).
  15. You say that, and I get it, but you only have to look at some of the teams that are getting promoted. League One is all about the best team; the Championship is all about the best manager.
  16. The Championship is a step up from the SPL though. From his own development perspective, it’s l not what Gerrard does for Rangers as much as the standard of opposition that he faces (and his record against them). E.g. Rangers beating Motherwell or Rovers beating Villa?
  17. Easy to say in hindsight Matty! Smallers could have been the next Roy Keane in Mowbray’s eyes.
  18. No way would he come here. Might be a good fit though. Media attention; Mark Hughes type appointment; King Kenny links; close to home for Gerrard.
  19. I think you are confused. Because I agree. Trouble is I’m still waiting for the “bad guessers” (on current form) to get something right. Then we’d all be happy! ??
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